Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Her potential was great and she had appropriate talent that could be nurtured, she could become a very strong fighter in the future if she kept up with her training.

She must have been extremely lucky to find her in this bizarre and dark city.

Luck had been on her side for quite some time.

She reminisced about her encounter with her beloved lady.

Since then, everything in her life had taken a turn for good.

As if Evelyn was the symbol of fortune herself, she had been shining her fortune on low lives such as her improving their lives, and taking them out of the abyss.

She remembered her family and a mysterious emotion flashed through her eyes.


Noel POV

I was born in a noble demon household.

My parents were both elegant demons and named me Noel, they raised me well.

But as I grew up, I realized that our household was not as noble as I thought.

We were fugitives always running away from someone or something.

We never stayed in a place for too long.

I came to wonder why…?

Any demon whom I befriended or tried to make friends with didn't last long.

Due to us moving all the time, I gave up on making friends as it hurts me whenever we parted.

I wondered why was I the only one always left alone.

I didn't have any siblings nor that I know of anyone.

I only lived with my parents and a few servants who would move along with us.

I asked my parents about it ad they refused to answer me every time saying it was not something I should associate myself with or just be like a child.

I was frustrated with them so I instead tried to focus on training myself.

I thought if I become strong, I could do whatever I want and live freely and make lots of friends.

I trained in swords and martial arts as my father allowed me to train and seemed to be happy about it.

I was taught by our family knight who traveled with my father and seemed to be his security devil.

It's been a few months since I started training and things looked calm and peaceful to me before the disaster fell upon me and my household.

A group of strong-looking demons surrounded our house where we were staying in all directions.

They seemed to be from the police department as I guessed from their uniforms but why were they here surrounding us like this?

They all seemed very strong as I realized from the amount of mana they possessed as I felt suffocated between them.

My father cursed under his breath about something being snitched on or something.

I realized something, as we were always running away and moving from one place to another like fugitives, does that mean my family is a criminal?

I didn't get to think much about it as the demons attacked us from all directions.

Seeing no choice father and all the servants engaged in a battle with the police department.

The servants I never thought would ever be able to lift a weapon were fighting like savage demons who seemed extremely skilled and trained in magic and martial arts.

My father and mother both fought along with their security devil but eventually, the police force reinforcements arrived at the scene overpowering us as I watched from the window of my house hiding, too scared.

The door to my room was slammed as I squeaked in fear.

A bloodied maid was standing there panting heavily.

"Get ready! We are leaving right now!"

I didn't get to ask much before she searched the room to collect some money and a thick book covered in leather parchment from my father's office door.

We went to the kitchen then where I was surprised to see a well-hidden route going underground.

She urged me to step forward but I unwillingly did so before she entered and closed the lid and sealed it off with her magic.

"What about my mom and dad!?"

I asked her too worried for my parents well- being.

"Our first and foremost priority is to make it out of here alive, master wants his family bloodline to exist in this world even if only a single individual is left alive which is currently you so we are going as far as possible from here."

I didn't want to leave my parents, no matter how they were, they still gave birth to me.

Unfortunately, the maid just dragged me with her even after my protests.

We successfully escaped out of there as I heard screams of my mother and servants.

I closed my ears as tears formed in my eyes…

Why? Just why is this happening!?!?

Some time passed and we came quite far, the maid was very fast and was very cautious to not let any trace be left behind.

The maid was getting tired as well of constant running without a break so she decided that we rest a bit and at that time we were near the slums or the dark city where rarely any light falls even in the day.

It would be the perfect hiding spot for some time as she quickly paid the toll to enter and we covered ourselves with a dark black cloak.

We searched for a decent place to stay or some bar that provided rooms for the night as night was approaching and I was tired as well not physically but mentally.

I was just a small child at that age,

We, fortunately, found a place to stay and paid the rent for the night.

A single room as we both were on edge.

I finally asked the maid what I have been meaning to ask her since morning.


I said and it was enough for me to understand.

She sighed as she could no longer hide things now that they had escalated to this degree.