We time !!!

Sana's POV

After some 2 hours we finally reached our destination. Chail, a hill station near Shimla, known for its salubrious beauty and virgin trees is a place of must visit. The scenery was glorious and mesmerizing. We both were standing, holding each other's hands.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Even I want to ask you something." He said.

"Ok you first." I said.

"Nope ladies first." He said.

"Then let's say it together." I said and he nodded.

"Can we go to Mumbai?" We both said together and laughed.

"Then let me book the tickets." He said and I hugged him. Without my notice many tears flowed out from my eyes.

"Hey hey why are crying?" He asked.

"I haven't visited our families from long time." I said between my sobs.

"It's ok. We will visit them soon. Now don't cry, such a beautiful nature is watching us and I don't want the nature to punish me for making the love of my life cry." He said and patted my head.

"You are still good at words." I said and wiped my tears.

"Old habits die hard." He said raising his shirt collar.

"Dare you become that old flirty Veer and flirt with other girls except me, then I won't spare you." I said faking anger.

"Oh my wife is burning with jealousy... Ahm..ahm..." He said and I smacked his arm.

"Indeed I am." I said proudly.

"Not bad not bad. But you look even more cute when you are faking anger." He said and chuckled.

"Means?" I asked.

"Like you seriously look like a dare devil when you are angry but when you fake anger you just look like a 5 year old kid." He said.

"Man.. who talks about these things when you have your beautiful wife by your side." I said.

"You are provoking me to do something naughty it seems." He said with a smirk.

"Argh.. whatever. Am hungry." I said making a pout.

"Such an un-romantic wife I have." He said with a sigh.

"Am all yours, but right now the whole of zoo is running inside my stomach." I said and caressed my stomach and he pecked my lips.

We had our food and were now back to Shimla. It was a wonderful journey with many wonderful memories which I can rejoice everytime. But I think it's time that I should tell him that harsh reality of my life. Will he accept me after that?

I was strolling in our room aimlessly when he came out from the washroom. He was looking damn hot and sexy. With only a towel covering his lower body, he was looking like a Greek god.

"I never knew you were so sexy." I said without thinking and realised what I said. I covered my face in embarrassment. Shit how am I gonna face him.

"No need to be shy and embarrassed infront of me. I know am breathtakingly hot that you couldn't take your eyes off me." He said with a smirk and I literally wanted the earth to swallow me.

"I.. I didn't mean that." I stammered.

"So you mean I ain't hot." He said.

"No I didn't say that." I said and he was smirking. God I want to wipe that smirk off his face. Am damn sure I would have been a cherry by now. I rushed into the washroom to save myself from further embarrassment.

I somehow gained some courage and came out. I peeked out of the door and saw that he was nowhere. I came out and turned around.

"Booh." He shouted in my ear.

"God.. you scared me." I said and kept a hand on my heart.

"As far as I know you were never scared of these." He said.

"I..umm.. no... nothing... I still ain't scared." I stammered and he raised his one eye brow.

"What's bothering you?" He asked and I nodded my head negatively.

"You can share it with me, if you want to." He said cupping my face.

"I don't know how to say this. I am sorry, I really am." I said. He settled himself on the bed and made me sit on his lap.

"What is it?" He asked softly. I shouldn't hide this from him anymore. Some or the other day he will get to know this.

"Last year a bullet hit my abdominal part." I said.

"Ok.. And?" He asked.

"My reproductive system is partially damaged. I.. I couldn't be a mother." I said.

"Why are you worried about that love?" He said and gently caressed my cheek.

"It's.. it's not permanent. It will take some 2-3 years more to recover." I said gaining some courage.

"Even if it had been permanent, it wouldn't have mattered to me. I have you in my life and that's more than enough. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. And about kids we can adopt one. Many children are homeless and need the love, care and protection of parents." He said. What good deeds I did that I got him?

"You are not upset with it?" I asked.

"There is nothing to be upset in this. It's our fate we can't change it." He said and pecked my forehead.

"So you won't mind if we become parents after 2-3 years." I asked with hope.

"Ofcourse not. You are more than enough for me." He said with a smile.

"Thank you so much." I said and hugged him and he hugged me back.

"To be honest am also not ready to be a father. We have our whole life for it. But for now your whole attention should be towards me." He said and we pulled back from our hug.

We were lost in each other's eyes, one thing led to another and we made love again.


I woke up as the sun rays fell on my face. After so many years I am waking up without an alarm. I tried to get up but the more I tried the more he pulled me towards him. After much unsuccessful attempts I finally gave up and slept again.

"Good morning." I wished as I opened my eyes.

"Good morning Love." He said and pecked my lips.

"When you woke up?" I asked.

"Like 40 minutes before or so." He said.

"Then you should have woke me up also." I said yawning.

"I was busy staring at your cute sleepy face." He said and looked at me with eyes full of love. I couldn't help and blushed.

"Get up now." I said and he nodded negatively.

"Let's continue what we were doing last night." He said and immediately hovered over me and started his work.


After sometime I went to freshen up and after me he went. Life has never been this good before. He has suffered too much in these 2 years. But now it's time that I should be there with him, in every moment of our life.

"Thinking about me?" He said out of the blue, breaking my chain of thoughts.

"Whatever. Come sit. I have ordered breakfast. Let's eat." I said.

"Well.. can I ask you something?" He asked.

"You don't need permission to ask me. You can say whatever you want and you very well know that." I said and he nodded.

"When you last visited Mumbai?" He asked.

"During our marriage and after that I came with you." I said.

"What..? Are you serious? Why didn't you go there in these 2 years?" He asked.

"Actually I wanted to go, but last year I got hit in my stomach and it took almost 3 months for me to recover and then something or the other thing came up and I dropped the idea of going there." I said.

"How you got hit?" He asked.

"It was during a sortie." I said.

"Umm..veer?" I called him and he hummed.

"I haven't said our families about my medical reports, and about my... you know giving birth to a child." I said nervously.

"Ok that's not a problem. If you don't want to share it with them, then it's completely ok." He said.

"No.. nothing like that. Actually I couldn't gather the courage to say this to them." I said.

"Ok.. you mind saying it this time?" He asked.

"Nah.. actually I don't want to hide this from them anymore. I will just say them this time." I said looking blankly at the wall.

"Am with you in this." He said.

"And one more thing. Don't get angry ok?" I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Actually Rishabh had proposed me again." I said. Ofcourse it isn't true but I just want to tease him.

"That idiot. How dare he?" He snapped in anger.

"Cool..cool." I said enjoying his expressions as well as my breakfast.

"How can I be cool, when that useless creature is still after you. The moment I find him he would be under 6 feet ground." He said angrily.

"Well I have is number though." I said trying to supress my laughter.

"Common tell me. I will give him one last warning and if he still doesn't listen then even gods cannot save him from me." He said gritting his teeth. I gave him a number. He dialled the number from his phone and put it on speaker and before the other person could speak anything, he started his ranting.

"You moron, idiot, stupid, useless. Don't you have common sense you brainless nerd. In your whole life you will remain like a duffer only, you don't even have common sense. Such an asshole you are. Dare you say her anything again, you won't be able to see the sun next day. You brainless donkey, burden on earth, useless creature, dumbass next time you pull any sort of stunt, that will be the last day of your life.

Go find some other girl and leave her. Dare you talk with her again then you will see my worst side. Such a moron you are, your parents did a huge mistake by bringing you to this world. You donkey, mind your own business and dare not come again in our way. Useless creature." He ended his short speech and waited for reply.

"Son.. is this the way you speak to your dad." Dad said. Shit I thought I gave him Karan's number. Shit shit shit.

"Dad... Am sorry... I didn't mean to say that... I by mistake dialled your number. Sorry dad." He said and was giving me dead glares.

"Dad.. he didn't mean to say that. It's my fault. I thought I gave him Karan's number. Sorry dad, please forgive me." I said pleading him.

"You both first come to Mumbai and then I will talk with you both." He said and cut the call.

Without wasting a second I ran and he was chasing me. We were running for almost 15 minutes and then settled on the couch.

"Sorry.. I really didn't know that it was dad's number. I have saved it as Karan's number in my phone. But now I remember that Karan got a new number and he gave his old number to dad." I said .

"Why would you seriously do such a prank on me? And why would you give me Karan's number?" He asked.

"Actually I just wanted to make you jealous. And that idiot brother of yours is teasing me from yesterday, so I just wanted teach him a lesson. Just for fun you know." I said and smiled sheepishly.

"Idiot." He said.

"Ofcourse man. Am your wife so ofcourse I will be an idiot like you." I said and again started to run. He chased me for another 15 minutes and finally we fell on the bed.

"I have booked our tickets for Mumbai. It's day after tomorrow. Hope you don't mind." He said.

"Nah.. let me inform my parents about this." I said and dialled Papa's number. He picked up after 4-5 rings.

"Good morning princess." He said from the other side.

"Good morning papa." I greeted him back.

"So what's going on child." He asked.

"Umm.. nothing much. Am coming day after tomorrow to Mumbai." I said excitedly.

"Wow.. that's a great news. Let me inform your mother. She will be on cloud nine." He said and after some chit chat we cut the call.

"Are you happy?" He asked cupping my face gently.

"Happy is just a word. I don't know what kind of emotions am feeling right now. Am so lucky. I honestly don't know how to thank you enough." I said and hugged him.

"Well if you really want to thank me then..." He said and stopped.

"Then?" I said excitedly.

"I want a kiss from you." He said and my mouth hung open.

"What..?" I said.

"What? As if we haven't kissed before. It's always I initiated the kiss, so this time I want it back." He said with a smirk.

"I.. I.." I stuttered.

"Am waiting." He said.

I slowly leaned towards him and started to kiss him. He didn't respond. I thought to pull back but he is Veer, he pulled me more towards him and kissed me roughly and passionately. Soon we were lost in our world.


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