Apart again

Veer's POV

We reached Mumbai and went towards our home. It feels so good to meet your family after 2 years. Her parents would be coming in the night for dinner.

"Veer." She called me and I hummed.

"We both need to apologize to Dad." She said.

"Out of all things you remembered this?" I asked.

"No, actually am just scared." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I have never seen him angry and moreover I literally don't know how to apologize to a person." She said fidgeting with her fingers.

"You look like a kid when you're nervous. See we reached." I said and came out and went to open the door on her side.

"I don't want to go." She said in a cute voice.

"But we have to." I said and dragged her.

Mom was standing with an aarti plate in her hand. Karan and Shreya were showing their teeths and laughing. I ran to them and hugged them. It felt so nice. Mom and Shreya broke down in my arms.

"Is this the way you welcome your son, Mom?" I asked her teasingly and she smacked my arm. Sana came and mom hugged her too. Shreya is still sobbing in my arms. My baby sister.

"Baby.. why are you crying. See am here right infront of you in single piece." I said and she hugged me tightly. Mom did the aarti and we entered the house. Feels so homely after so long.

"Mom where is Dad?" I asked her.

"In his study." She said.

"Is he angry?" Sana asked nervously.

"Let's go." I said not letting mom answer her. I literally dragged her to his study. I can't wait to meet him. As soon as we entered I jumped on him and hugged him.

"Let me breathe." He said.

"Oh sorry." I said and pulled apart.

"You are looking like bear. Shave your beard. And why are you looking so slim. Were you not eating properly? Nevermind I will make you turn fat before you leave from here." He said.

"Dad, why you being like mom? Did mom possess you?" I said and he twisted my ears.

"Duffer." He said.

"Dad." Sana said.

"Oh my child. How are you? You also look so slim. Were you both dieting together?" He said.

"Am sorry Dad." She said and went near him.

"Am not angry with you though. But this husband of yours needs a lesson for sure." He said.

"Why dad? What did I do? In my new phone I didn't save your number, so I by mistake said all that." I said.

"Doesn't matter who the person is, all matters is how to behave with everyone." He said sternly.

"But dad.. ok.. am sorry." I said holding my ears. He hugged us both.

"Why everyone supports her only everytime?" I mumbled under my breath but I guess that was audible.

"Because she is sweet, well behaved, mature, caring, loving and very good girl unlike you." He said proudly.

"Whatever." I said and we all went downstairs.


After some time.....

Sana's parents came and that was really an emotional welcome. Like me she also hasn't met our families. Her smiling face is not leaving my eyes. I couldn't stop gawking at her. I don't care if someone is seeing me staring at her. Ofcourse she is my wife, so what we are sitting at the dining table.

"We all have decided something." Dad said out of the blue breaking my chain of thoughts. I and Sana were looking at him.

"So we are getting you married again." Papa said this time.

"What?" We both yelled together.

"Stop yelling you both." Karan said.

"But how many more times will you all get us married? We both married again on her birthday only." I asked.

"Well we weren't present there bro." Shreya said.

"Why do we have to get married again?" Sana asked.

"Because we want you both to marry each other out of love, not because of the situation's demand." Mom said.

"But mom..." We both tried to reason her but Papa cut us off.

"No more arguments. Sana you are coming with us tomorrow morning." Papa said.

"But why?" I asked.

"2 people don't stay together before their marriage, Bhai." Karan said.

"But aren't we already married that too 2 times." I said.

"Enough." Mama said.

"For today's night only we are letting you both stay together. From tomorrow onwards you won't be meeting each other until your wedding." Papa said.

"But papa.." Sana tried to say but dad cut her off this time.

"It's just a matter of 7 days. Rituals and everything would be there so you both won't miss each other much." Dad said. God someone tell them, I can't live without her anymore.

"You have today's night Bhai." Karan whispered near my ear and I glared at him.

After dinner we went to our respective rooms, but these people didn't let me and her sleep together. She went to shreya's room. God why are they torturing us.

Now I couldn't wait more, I have see her. I silently went towards shreya's room and opened. Moving forward I noticed her sleeping peacefully. Such a epitome of beauty she is. But how can she sleep when am waiting for her.

I picked her up carefully in bridal style without any noise and took her to my room. Now atleast I can watch her. I guess she is getting up.

"Hey beautiful." I said.

"How did I come here?" She asked.

"Girl, here I was tossing in the whole room for you and you are asking how you came here. Anyways tomorrow you are going. We won't be meeting each other for 7 days. So let us spend sometime together now." I said in one go.

"Fair enough. What do you want to do?" She said. Such an un-romantic wife I have.

"Stare at you like there is no tomorrow, kiss you like I have never, hug you as if my life depends on you.. ofcourse it does, cuddle with you, make love to you the whole freaking night and many more things." I said looking into her eyes.

"Shameless." She said. God she is blushing like hell.

"What can I do when you are so beautiful oops hot and sexy?" I said with a wink.

"Such a flirt." She said smacked my arm.

"Genes.. darling genes. And old habits die hard." I said spread my one arm around her.

"What do you mean by genes?" She said.

"I inherited these qualities from Dad." I said.

"Seriously?" She said and I nodded.

"So tell me some of his stories then." She said and whinned like a kid.

"Girl, we should make our own stories, so that we can share it with our kids. What say?" I said with a wink.

"No. Tell me his stories with Mom." She said.

"Okay... So once dad was flirting with his colleague and it turned out that she is Mom's sister. They weren't married by then. After that, Maasi went home and said about this to Mom.

The next day Mom stormed out of the house and reached the college. She asked in the college office about dad and rushed to the staff room. There in the staff room dad was literally flirting with another colleague of his.

Mom said many things to Dad and for the first and last time in his life Dad fell for someone and that was Mom. It took him almost a year to woo her. Mom was indeed a hard nut to crack but more than that her father, I mean my nannu was even more hard to convince.

When there was nothing that could be done, Mom eloped with Dad on her wedding day. After a week or so they both went to meet nannu but he didn't accept them. So they both came to Mumbai and dad applied for lectureships in various colleges.

Because dad was an IITian so he got the job at IIT and moreover he was a renowned professor when he was teaching at JNU delhi. After 3 years I was born. With a hope in their hearts Mom and Dad went back to delhi to meet nannu.Fortunately he forgave them after seeing me." I said.

"So Mom and Dad had a love marriage. How cute and sweet." She said and whinned like a kid.

"Kind of tragic love story." I said and she nodded.

"How about we should make some stories of us. That would be a great source of entertainment for our kids." I said and she looked at me confused. Before she could speak, I smashed my lips on her.

After composing ourselves we both went to the balcony to have some fresh air. How will I live without her for one week. This is injustice.

"What are you thinking?" She asked out of the blue.

"About you." I said.

"Like what?" She asked further.

"How am I gonna survive without you for one week?" I said.

"You know Veer, its also hard for me to live without you but we have to do it. You know right that I love you and will always love you. And moreover distance makes a relationship even more stronger.

We had overcome one of the most toughest and most challenging phase of our life. You know how we overcame that phase?... Because of the love we have in our hearts for each other. That love is pure, irrational, unconditional and most importantly its above everything.

It's not gonna be easy for me to live away from you. But after this one week I will be completely yours and you will be completely mine. No one can separate us.

I agree we had some misunderstandings in the beginning of our marriage. Neither of us were ready for the change. Although I loved you with all my heart from childhood, still I was not ready for the marriage. I always wanted to marry you with your consent and happiness, but not because of the situation's demand.

Yes I wanted to marry you, but out of love. My heart always belonged to you and will always be yours. I was sad about your and Nisha's wedding at first but I composed myself and thought that love demands sacrifices. You were truly happy then and it would have been really bad if I was unhappy.

Remember your happiness lies in your partner's happiness even if you are sad and not the reason of their happiness. And at that time I did that. But everything changed suddenly. It was completely foreign for me.

At the time of our marriage I was sad because you were sad. I knew you never wanted to marry me and saw me as a best friend only. But destiny tied us together in this sacred bond. We had to become together and I slowly accepted it.

After you were missing, honestly it was really hard for me to control myself. I was just living physically but I was dead mentally. Everyone left the hope of your coming back but there was small hope in me that let me survive in those tragic 2 years.

I missed you every single day, hoping that you would return soon. Because of your memories I survived, I dedicated myself to the service of my country. That way it helped me to come out of depression.

And now it's just a matter of 7 days. 7 days and we will be together, only the death can separate us. Destiny tied us together and is willing to tie us again together. Let's accept this and pass this phase also. Remember am always there for you. I love you infinitely." She said and hugged me.

"I love you too." I said and hugged her back. Different kind of emotions were flowing through us but no one said anything. The silence between us meant everything. After sometime we broke the hug and I stared into her eyes intensely.

"You will never leave me right?" I asked.

"Never ever. You are stuck with me forever." She said.

"And am happy about that." I said and pecked her forehead.

"I hope no one sees us now." She said and rested her forehead on my chest.

"I don't care even if someone sees. You are my wife and I am your husband. We have married two times and now we are going to marry for the third time. So no one has the right to separate us not even the gods." I said in one go and she snuggled more into me.

"I know that..." She said and I carried her in bridal style towards the bed.

"How about burning some calories together?" I said and smiled sheepishly. She smacked my head and hid her face with pillow.

"Well darling... I take that as a yes from your side." I said and howered over her. Soon we were lost in each other's world and slept.


How are you all...???

I hope everyone is doing well.

They are gonna be apart from each other for 7 days, but distance only makes a relationship stronger. Stay tuned for next update.

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Enjoy reading..!!!❤️