Day 1

Third person's POV

Sana left her in law's house with her parents early in the morning. Her heart and mind wanted her to stay there but she had to go. She wanted to inform Veer before she leaves but didn't want disturb his sleep. She pecked his forehead and left from there.

After sometime she reached her home. She directly went to her room to freshen up. After sometime she came out of her room for breakfast. After so long she is spending sometime with her family. She was happy yet she was missing him.

She did her breakfast and dialled his number. After some 2-3 rings he picked up the phone.

"Hey.." She said but got no response.

"Hello.." She said again but got no response.

"Please say something." She said but silence still prevailed from the other side.

"Are you angry? Am so so sorry. Please talk to me na." She said pleadingly.

"Am hurt." He said after long silence.

"Am sorry. Tell me what should I do to make you happy." She said.

"Why you left without informing me?" He asked.

"I didn't want to disturb your sleep." She said.

"Bye." He said.

"But.." Before she could say anything he kept the call. She tried calling him many times but all went in vain.

She was really sad after that. She kept and phone and laid on bed. She was staring aimlessly at the roof when her phone rang. Without seeing who is calling she picked up the call

"Hello." She said.

"Why so dull darling? I thought you would be full of energy." The other person said.

"Maya..!!!!" She screamed.

"Argh.. stop screaming loud speaker." She said from other side.

"How came you remembered to call me?" Sana asked.

"Even if you won't invite me for your wedding, I would come like a shameless to attend it." Maya said.

"Babes it's nothing like that, it all got arranged yesterday. I was about to call you today. By the way when are you coming?" Sana asked.

"Guess what? I have already reached." She said from other said.

"Really? Where are you?" She asked excitedly.

"Airport. Come pick me up." Maya said from the other side.

"Coming babes." She said and kept the phone. She dressed up and rushed out of her room.

Within 20 minutes she reached the airport. She parked her scooty and went towards the arrivals. She was searching for her when she bumped into someone. She said sorry and left from there. After sometime she saw her friend and they both left for her home.

They both reached after 40 minutes because of heavy traffic. Both rushed to her room to freshen up. Sana arranged necessary items for her friend. After some time she came and they started their chit chat.

"Why you look so dull today?" Maya inquired suddenly.

"Nothing like that." She lied.

"For your kind information you know that you can never hide anything from me. So spit it out." She said.

"He is angry with me." Sana said.

"Ok, I won't ask you the reason. But according to my instinct you surely did something." She said and caressed her imaginary beard.

"Yaa something like that only." She said.

"Then go and appease him. What's so big deal in it?" Maya said.

"We both aren't allowed to see each other till wedding." She said sadly.

"What? Why?" Maya asked completely shocked.

"His paternal grandmother said that it would bring bad omen if we both see each other before wedding and our parents had to obey her without any option because you can even convince Yamraj to not to kill you but you can't convince the old people and their sentiments." She said with a sigh.

"Chill baby, till next 7 days am your husband and boyfriend." Maya said and patted herself.

"I don't want to cheat on him and moreover I don't want you to cheat on Rohit." She said in a teasing way.

"Brainless idiot." Maya said.

"Because am your friend." She said and raised her collar.

"Let's go downstairs. It's already lunch time." Sana said and they both went down.

The minute they reached Sana was completely stunned to see the sight infront of her. Her whole paternal and maternal family was there. She was extremely happy to see all of them together. She took blessings from everyone one by one. But she was still searching for someone.

"Looking out for me princess?" The person said and she turned towards him.

"Bhai..!!" She yelled and hugged him. "I missed you so much." She continued.

"So how are you?" He asked.

"Am fine Bhai. Tell me how are you and Navya bhabhi and most importantly where is my nephew Anish." She asked excitedly.

"They both are fit and fine and currently resting in room." He said and both settled on the sofa.

"Ok.. so this my friend Maya and Maya he is Sahil bhai my brother, teacher, guide, mentor, friend and what not." She said introducing them.

"Hi.." Maya said and forwarded her hand.

"Hello." Sahil said and shaked his hand.

"Where are you posted now?" Sana asked Sahil and Maya gave her a shocking look.

"Assam." He said and Maya was still giving them a shocking look.

"I wish you were in Srinagar." She said sadly.

"I was posted in Udhampur for 6 months." He said.

"When?" She asked.

"Like in end of last year." He said.

"Then why didn't you say me? We could have met on Sundays atleast." Sana said sadly

"Can anyone say what's going on?" Maya asked loosing her patience.

"Oh.. he is a Wing Commander in the Indian Air Force." Sana said proudly.

"Oh..ok. Continue." Maya said.

All 3 of them were talking and after sometime the whole family had their lunch. In evening she again tried calling Veer but no avail. Sadly she kept her phone and to divert her mind she started painting.

"Ok job done boss." Maya said to someone on phone and came near Sana.

"Let's go somewhere. Am seriously bored of seeing you boring face." Maya said.

"Ok.." Sana agreed to her. They both got ready and went downstairs. They both drove on her scooty and reached a mall.

On the other side Veer was tossing the whole day in his bedroom. He came out for breakfast and again went back. Karan somehow dragged him for lunch but after lunch he again confined himself in his room.

"Bhai let's go somewhere. We are bored." Shreya suddenly entered his room with Karan.

"Am not in a mood to go anywhere." He said.

"But you have to come." Shreya said and dragged him.

"No." He said sternly.

"Bhai please, for me. Am your baby sister right. Won't you listen to me." She said and showed her puppy eyes with a pout.

"Ok fine." He said and went with them. This blackmail works everytime, Shreya thought in her mind.

The trio went in a car and reached a mall. They were doing some shopping or only Shreya was doing shopping for all 3 of them.

"God has given me donkeys and idiots in place of brothers." She said annoyingly and they both glared at her.

"What are you both glaring at me? You both are following me blindly and not even helping me. I have selected these for you two. Now go and check if it fits you in the trial room." She said or more like ordered and they both moved silently towards the trial room.

"God what all she has selected for me." Veer said under breath and was about to close the door of the room when someone pushed him inside and locked the door.

"What the - Sana, is it really you?" He asked shockingly.

"Did you expect someone else?" She asked him teasingly and he nodded negatively.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came here with Maya, but when I saw you I couldn't control myself and rushed towards you." She said and hugged him but he didn't hug her back.

"Are you still angry with me?" She asked sadly but didn't got a reply.

"Am sorry na. Tell me what should I do to appease you, I will do anything you ask me to." She said.

"Come on a date with me." He said out of the blue.

"But..umm..ok when?" She asked.

"Tomorrow at 7 pm." He said.

"Done. But where?" She asked.

"I will pick you up from your house." He said.

"But everyone will see us na." She said sadly.

"What do you mean by everyone?" He asked.

"My whole paternal and maternal families are present in the house." She said.

"Well I have an idea though." He said with a smirk.

"Tell me then." She said.

"Like can you climb down from your window?" He said.

"Yeah I can....but..." She stammered.

"But what?" He asked.

"Actually Sahil bhai's room is right below my room, so..." She said fidgeting with her fingers.

"What? When did he come and why didn't you say me about that? I have so many important things to talk with him." He said in one go.

"Easy man easy. He came today only and actually he was also saying that he has something important to talk with you." She said.

"Ok I will talk with him afterwards, but tomorrow you have to come." He said.

"Ok done." She said.

"Guys it's been almost 10 minutes that you both are inside." Maya spoke from outside.

"Yeah and come out fast else Shreya may come here." Karan spoke this time. They both composed themselves and came out.

"I hope everything is sorted between you two." Maya said and they both nodded.

"Good.. now I don't have to bear his tantrums anymore." Karan said and a sigh left his mouth while Veer smacked him on his head.

"No man really, even I don't have to see her grumpy face whole day." She too said with a sigh.

"Guys.. am I missing something." Shreya appeared from God knows where and said that.

"When did you come?" Karan asked her.

"Bhai I ain't dumb for God's sake. I saw bhabhi the moment we entered the mall and something inside me said that it's all planned." She said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Was everything really planned?" Sana and Veer said together.

"Umm.. actually... Hehehe" Maya smiled sheepishly.

"What?" They both again yelled together.

"Hmm.. actually I somehow got Maya Di's number and called her and said her about the plan." Karan said and smiled sheepishly.

"That means you weren't actually bored." Sana said and made a annoying face.

"Why would I be bored when I have tons of kids to play with me especially Sahil bhai's son." Maya said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Idiot." Sana scolded her.

They talked for somemore time and went towards their homes. Sana and Maya went for late night scooty ride near the sea. They had ice creams and various other street foods. After strolling for sometime near the sea shore and splashing water on each other they went towards her home. They were welcomed by Sahil who was standing at the door with his hands folded on his chest.

"Just nod to whatever he asks and dare not speak. Please. I will do the speaking part." Sana whispered to Maya under breath and she nodded

"What's the time now?" He asked sternly.

"Sorry Bhai, won't repeat it again." Sana apologized.

"I asked what's the time now." He raised his voice a little.

"3 Am." Sana said hung her head low.

"Is this the time to come home that too completely drenched like this. Atleast you could have informed that you would be late." He said with voice full of anger.

"I actually lost the track of time, I promise it won't happen again. Sorry." Sana said.

"Am sparing you this time. Now get inside both of you." He said and both went inside silently. Maya ran towards the room and left the breath which she was holding from a long time and looked at Sana with horror.

"I never thought that he is this strict and angry person." Maya said with horror.

"That's because, you met him today." She replied.

"Is he always like this?" Maya asked.

"Nah.. he is actually very cool and calm but sometimes he is really scary and dangerous." Sana said.

"Like when?" She asked.

"Umm actually once almost 6 years back I went to Delhi. At that time he was posted in delhi, and also Papa and Mama had some work at that time so I went alone to meet him.

You know right delhi is not that safe for girls. On the first day only he said that to me, but I being the great Sana Sharma carelessly ignored his words. To prove him wrong I secretly went out of the house after 9 pm and returned around 1 am or something like that.

I was simply strolling on the road for 4 hours from one place to another but nothing happened so I thought in my mind that I proved him wrong and went towards his house.

And for real he was burning with anger. He made me stand out of the house for the whole night. Thank god it was an apartment else I would have been standing in cold and that too without any roof on my head the whole night." She said and Maya kept a hand on her heart.

"My goodness, he is really strict." Maya said and a sigh left her mouth.

"Yaa, but not everytime. He is really nice." Sana said with a smile.

"Let's sleep, good night babes." Maya said and yawned.

"Good night." Sana said. They both drifted into deep slumber the moment they laid their heads on the pillow.


How are you all...???

I hope everyone is doing well.

I wanted to write something different from their romance and all so I got an idea and wrote about this. If there are any mistakes or any suggestions then please do tell.

Did you like the chapter, if yes then please hit the star button to vote. If you want to give suggestions then you are most welcome.

If there is any mistake then please tell me.

Enjoy reading..!!!❤️