Day 2

Third person's POV

Sana woke up as the sun rays fell on her face. She got up and saw her friend sleeping soundly. She didn't disturb her sleep and silently went towards the washroom to freshen up. She did her morning chores and went downstairs. As it was only 7 am so most of the people weren't awake. She quietly went to the garden and saw Sahil strolling there.

"Good morning Bhai." She went near him and greeted.

"Good morning princess." He greeted her back.

"What are you doing here this early morning?" She asked him.

"I wasn't sleepy anymore so I got up." He said.

"Mind going on a walk with me?" She asked him.

"Ofcourse not, let's go." He said and they both went out for a walk.

They both were heading towards a vegetable market to get some vegetables for home. On their way back they entered inside a park for some peace. They were strolling in the park for sometime and then settled on a bench there.

"I hope I didn't scare your friend last night." He said out of the blue.

"Ofcourse you did and even I was scared." She said.

"That's good then, atleast you both won't pull that stunt again." He said and she nodded. After sometime they both headed towards their home.

As soon as they came, the smell of delicious French toast hit their nostrils. They threw the bag full of vegetables on the ground and rushed towards the dining table. They gulped the whole toast at once while their family was enjoying their antics.

"Who threw these vegetables on the floor?" Navya yelled.

"Shit.. am dead." Sahil mumbled under breath.

"You think she will leave me alive." Sana too mumbled under her breath.

"Let's run from here, else she won't spare us." Sahil said and they both ran away towards Sana's room.

"I never knew that you are this scared of bhabhi." She said with a smirk.

"Girl, she will literally run after me with a broom in her hand if I throw something here and there or misplace something." He said and a sigh left his mouth.

"You deserve that though." She said and shrugged her shoulders while he passed a glare to her.

"Actually Veer said he wanted to talk with you." She said.

"Yup, I too have something to talk with him." He said and I just hummed.

"Wait. What? How did you know about it?" He asked her.

"About what?" She asked him completely unknown to what he said.

"That Veer wanted to talk with me." He said.

"Oh that, I met with him yesterday." She said and smiled sheepishly.

"Ahm...ahm... Everything is happening behind my back... haa." He said with a teasing look and she smacked his arm.

On the other side Veer lazily woke up at 11 am. After lying uselessly on the bed for another 30 minutes he got up to freshen up. He took a quick shower, dressed up and went downstairs to meet everyone.

"Karan Bhai don't you think it's early morning now?" Shreya said teasingly.

"Yaa sweety, it's too early." He too joined her and said.

"See even the sun is not yet up, but our dear brother is." Shreya said and winked.

"Yaa, the sun is not an early riser like bhaiya Naa." Karan said.

Before they could say anything else, Veer twisted their ears and they both started screaming. And suddenly Jaya appeared from behind and smacked Veer's head.

"Mom, I did nothing this time. They both were only teasing me." Veer said in childish voice.

"You are going to get married in less than a week and you are sleeping till this late." She said.

"Maa, am getting married for the third time to the same girl, so am already married na." He said.

"God knows how bhabhi tolerates your tantrums." Karan said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Exactly, Sana is such a good girl, hats off to her and you lazy fellow, you can't even wake up early. Such a tortoise you are." Jaya said.

"Why is everyone taking her side everytime? Mom am your son na." He said with puppy eyes.

"So what? Jaya I think we should send him away and bring Sana here." His father said.

"Dad you too. You broke my heart." He said while wiping invisible tears.

"Such an actor you are." Shreya said this time.

"Whatever. But by the way when is Nitish bhai coming?" He asked them.

"Tomorrow morning." His father said.

"Good good, no no very good. You only remember your brother, we are no one to you na." Someone said from behind.

"Badepapa.. Badimaa...!!!" He exclaimed and went near them. His touched their feet and took their blessings.

"Bhaiya.. after so long you remembered your brother right and why didn't you inform me that you are coming." Ashok asked his brother.

"We wanted to surprise you all." Ragini, Ashok's sister in law said.

"Bhabhi, you save him everytime." Ashok said faking anger.

The guests went to freshen up and after sometime they all gathered together for the lunch. They gossiped over anything and everything. The whole family had a fun time, even Veer was participating in it. During the afternoon they went to take some rest except Veer. He decided to call Sana. She picked up after 5-6 rings.

"Hey beautiful." He said.

"Hi handsome." She said from other side in a tiring voice.

"Are you busy?" He asked.

"Kind of." She said.

"Am I disturbing you?" He asked.

"Nah.. nah.." She said.

"So what are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing man, came from shopping then cleaned my room, then some old aunties were literally taunting me that I do nothing and sitting everyday like a potato, after that I am currently cooking some evening snacks." She said in one go.

"Damn man, but why are you doing everything?" He inquired.

"Like seriously am not in a mood to hear anymore tauntings from them, so it's better if I do the work. And kind of am enjoying it." She said and a sigh left her mouth.

"Why don't you just deny them yaar? You don't need to over stress yourself." He said.

"I can deny them but I won't, first of all they are elders, secondly I don't want them to back bitch about me and my family, thirdly am tired enough to argue with them, fourth is I can't change their orthodox thinking, fifth is I just want to meet you as soon as I can so am just trying to finish everything as early as possible." She said.

"But as far as I know there are maids to do the cooking and cleaning work right?" He asked.

"Ya, but those aunties want me to do everything because according to them am going to be married and a married girl should be dutiful towards his husband and his family, should do all the works and for that she needs to learn to do the works from her maternal home.

And moreover it's not that hard and irritating to do household chores. It kills my boredom. Maya went to meet one of her friends, so I was sitting idly. Better to keep yourself engaged in something, right?" She said with a sigh.

"I hope they know that you are an army officer, and soon you are going to be promoted to the rank of Major." He said.

"That's what they don't like na, they want me to leave my job and serve my husband day and night. Would be present whenever he calls me, would obey to whatever he says, would bow down my head infront of him, would tolerate whatever he does to me, would never raise my voice and head infront of him and what not." She said in one go and Veer was angry at that.

"You don't need to listen to their rubbish. Girls and boys both are equal." He said fuming with anger.

"I know that man, and I also know that you are very sweet and caring and loving and you will always treat me as your companion. But it's impossible to make them understand that, so it's better to just nod to whatever they say. Why to waste your precious energy when you know that it will be of no use." She said.

"But please don't do that leaving the job thing ever. I want to see you happy." He said.

"I know right, I would never do that. I just need to nod infront of them like an obedient child. And moreover I can manage both professional and private life separately without any problem, so just listen to them. Nothing else." She said.

"But that doesn't mean that, if they will say you to jump into a well you will jump." He said in annoying voice.

"I have that much common sense, am just doing whatever I can do without much argument. But that doesn't mean that they will pester me to leave my job and I will listen to that, because that is never going to happen. And you know me well right, I won't do anything stupid." She said.

"That's like my girl." He said and she giggled from the other side.

"Well I have an idea though." He said.

"Like what?" She asked.

"You will get to know about it in the evening." He said.

"Don't do anything stupid." She said.

"You believe me right?" He asked.

"Is that even a question to ask? Ofcourse I trust you more than anything." She said in a gentle voice.

"Ok till then bye, take care and love you." He said.

"Love you too." She said and they both ended the call.


In the evening Sana was listening to music in her room. She felt like she heard Veer's voice but thinking that as an imagination, she continued to listen to the music. Suddenly Maya popped inside the room and dragged her with her. As they reached downstairs, Sana's eyes popped out as she saw Veer standing in the hall talking with her parents.

"Umm papa..... actually can I ask you something?" He said politely and her father nodded.

"Can I take Sana out for dinner?" He asked him.

"Ofcourse boy, you don't need my permission for that." Her father said.

"What are you saying Rajesh, how can they go together before their marriage. They shouldn't have seen each other also." Some old lady said.

"Namaste aunty, I don't mean any disrespect to you. But we both are already married and that too 2 times and now we are getting married for the third time. So she is my wife anyway. So is it wrong to take my wife with me? You only say aunty is it wrong to see your own wife? If you say that it's wrong then I won't take her with me. Whatever you will say I will follow it because you're really very much wise in these matters right? Sorry if you felt bad." Veer said with extra sweetness in his voice and Sana looked at her dumbfounded.

"Oh ok. You can take her with you I have no problem with it. You're such a sweet boy for her. But see she is such a lazy girl. You know as a girl she should always serve you and never disobey you, but here she is doing some job. How will she take out time for you. And child you should never bend infront of her, it's her duty to bow down infront of you, so it would be much more better if you just order her rather than requesting her." That aunty said and Veer was controlling his anger.

"With due respect aunty ji, she is my better half so the way I enjoy my life she should also enjoy her life her way. And moreover girls and boys both are equal. And moreover I can never be happy if she is not happy. And about the job you said aunty, it's not a normal job, it's national duty.

She is an army officer, soon she is going to receive ASHOK CHAKRA for her exemplary courage and devotion towards the country. She is indeed an example for many girls. And in today's world no one is inferior.

And why should only girls show bow down their head infront of their husbands, why they only have to sacrifice everytime. In a relationship both are each other's better half, so why only the girl should compromise in a relationship.

In a relationship both are equal, whatever is mine so is hers and whatever is hers so is mine. We both share equal set of responsibilities. No one is inferior or superior, we both are equal. If am allowed to go to work then why she shouldn't be. And as far as I know her she manages everything really well.

And if also she won't be able to manage everything then am always there for her, she is my better half not any slave that she should serve me day and night. It's not only her responsibility to take care of me but it's also my responsibility to take care of her.

She is not any kind of robot that she should listen to whatever I say. If I do or say something wrong then she should correct me not just nod her head. She is also a human, she also has feelings, she also has a life to live and I have no right to control her. It's her life and her happiness is my happiness and I can never live by making her unhappy.

That would be the last day of my life, if I ever make her sad, if am the reason of her sadness. I swear on my life I will die the very next moment if I make her unhappy. I will take away all her sadness and make her happy and joyous for the rest of the life. I can never be the reason of her sadness, she is my life my everything. I love her and I will stand by her always and forever." He said and suddenly Sana ran towards him and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Veer. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You completed me and my life. I love you Veer." She and hugged him more tightly.

"Thank you son. I know you will always keep my daughter happy. I may have never found anyone better than you for my daughter. Am so proud of you." Rajesh said with tears in his eyes.

"Yes son. Thank you for being the best person for my daughter. She will always be happy with you. You both are made for each other." Sudha, her mother said with tears brimming from her eyes.

After that the couple went on their dinner date. They enjoyed their dinner really well. They walked along the sea beach for sometime and he dropped her at her home at around 2 pm. She went inside her room, freshened up and drifted into deep slumber beside her friend.


How are you all...???

I hope everyone is doing well.

I thought to write something different. The society still continues to discriminate the girls and every man should support girls in their fight for freedom.

In some parts of India still girls are deprived of their rights so people should fight back the social monsters and help girls to win their freedom.

Did you like the chapter, if yes then please hit the star button to vote. If you want to give suggestions then you are most welcome.

If there is any mistake then please tell me.

Enjoy reading..!!!❤️