Destined To Be His Wife

Third person's POV

Sana woke up around 9:00 am when she felt someone caressing her hair. She opened her eyes and saw her father sitting near her with her mother.

"Good morning princess." Both her parents said together.

"Good morning Papa and Mama." She said and hugged them.

"Princess we have something for you." Her father said and her mother gave her a beautifully wrapped packet to her.

"What is it?" Sana asked excitedly.

"Open it princess." Her mother said. She opened the packet and was mesmerized to see a light golden colour lehenga with silver embroidery on it.

"It's so beautiful. Thank you so much." She said and hugged them both.

"I got it for you almost 4 years back. I wish you see you in this lehenga for your wedding.. please" Her mother said pleadingly.

"Maa you know right I would never ever deny you both. I will wear this only. I really loved it." She said with eyes brimming with tears.

"It's not the first time you are going away from us but today there is something different. I never said you this but you have always been a wonderful daughter to us. You never hurted our feelings nor did something to make our head go down with shame.

We may or may not have been good parents but you have always been a great daughter. We both are blessed to have you as our daughter." Her father said and a lone tear escaped from his eyes.

"Papa don't ever say like that. I had done some great deeds in my previous life that I got you both as my parents. I wish to have you both as my parents in my next life also because your love for me in this one life is not enough for me. I love you so much." She said and hugged them both tightly. The three cried silently in each other's embrace.


Sana's POV

I can't believe that am getting married that too with eachother's consent and not because of some situation's demand. It's 3:00 pm now. The wedding is at 5:30 pm sharp.

Because of my grandfather's wish the wedding will take place at our home only. The beauticians may come anytime soon. For some strange reason am feeling goosebumps on my whole body. I seriously can't wait to be his wife forever and ever till death separates us.


After 2 hours

The beauticians have done their work with perfection. I can't believe if it's really me. They have turned me into someone really different. A knock on the door broke my trance of thoughts and my parents entered.

"May god keep every evil eye away from you." Mama said to me with eyes full of love. I bowed down to take their blessings.

"A daughter's place is always their parents heart." Papa said and hugged me and I broke down in his embrace.

"Don't cry princess we are always there for you no matter what and moreover you will ruin the hardwork of the beauticians if you cry like a baby." Papa said and received a smack on his arm by Mama.

"Let's go Sana. It's time." Mama said. Almost 2 years ago I was in the same situation but the difference is at that time I was scared and tensed of the outcome but today I damn sure and happy about it.

I was brought down by my parents and was made to sit at the altar beside Veer.

Veer's POV

I was sitting at the altar when I saw her coming down with her parents. She was looking no less than a princess. I couldn't take my gaze off her. She was made to sit beside me. This situation was not new to me. Almost 2 years ago we were in the same position just that our emotions were different then but now there is only love.

The priest started chanting some verses but my whole concentration was on her. I was only able to see her face from one side. The chantings went on for some more time.

Then the priest asked me to stand up and fill her hair partion with vermilion and tie the nupital chain. I did what he said. While putting the vermilion I was able to see her genuine smile and then I tied the nupital chain around her neck.

She lifted her gaze and smiled brightly at me. Then it was time for the 'pheras'. We turned seven rounds around the holy fire and the priest declared us as husband and wife. We took the blessings of our elders one by one and each and everyone blessed us with their heart.

It was 9:00 pm when the wedding came to an end and we both were hell hungry due to fasting from the morning. We ate our dinner along with our family members and soon it was time for 'bidaai'.

She cried like a baby in her parent's arms and it literally hurt me seeing her like that. I felt like as if I was snatching their daughter away from them. Her parents consoled her and made her sit beside me in the car. Mom and Dad had left for our home to prepare for the upcoming rituals.

"Take care of my sister and keep her always happy." Sahil bhaiya said as he closed the door of the car on her side and I just nodded my head in response.

The driver started the engine and drove us towards our home. Sana was crying endlessly like a baby.

"If you cry like this then even the river Ganga will start flooding." I said to lighten te environment and passed her my hanky, she took it and wiped her tears.

After sometime we reached at our place. I came out and went to the other side and opened the door on her side and helped her come out. We were welcomed by our parents and cousins and other relatives.

To lighten the bride's mood we were asked to play some games. The first was finding the ring from a bowl of milk. We both were made to sit on the either side of a huge milk bowl and were asked to find the ring. It is believed that whoever finds the ring first would rule over the household.

I got hold of the ring but placed it in Sana's hand. I thought she would raise her hand up in the air with the ring but to my surprise she took my hand in her's and lifted both of our hand together with the ring in the middle.

The next I was told to find my name in her Mehndi. Not a difficult task I guess. After struggling for fifteen long minutes I finally gave up. Then she showed me my name which was in form of a mehndi design and it was almost impossible for anyone to find that.

After another few games Sana was first made to go to our room. I was enjoying a cricket match with my cousins and was so indulged in it, that I lost the track of time. It was 11:30 pm when the match got over and I rushed towards our room.

I opened the door and saw her sitting in the middle of the bed with a long veil on her face. I locked the door on my back and went near her. I slowly lifted her veil and looked into her eyes. She gave me a glass of milk to which I made an annoying and grumpy face.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I can't drink this plain milk." I said with an awful voice. She got up from the bed and went near her luggage and searched for something and came back with a sachet of chocolate sauce. Then she poured the whole sachet in the glass of milk and brought the glass near my mouth.

"Not before you drink." I took the glass from her hand and made her drink half of the milk and after that I drank the rest.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her as I heard her stomach growling.

"Kind of." She said and smiled sheepishly.

I got up from the bed and went towards my cupboard and searched for something to eat. Hopefully there were some packets of chips and biscuits present there. I gathered them all and brought them near her.

"Remember, how we used to eat snacks during class hours." She said as she tore a packet of chips.

"How can I forgot those days? Once the teacher called my parents to school to complain them that I was eating during the class and she also said that I bunk the classes every now and then." I said.

"After that what happened?" She asked while munching the chips.

"Nothing much, after coming home I got a nice round of beating from mom." I said and chuckled.

"Tell me honestly, did Mama never ever hit you." I asked her and she nodded her negatively.

"I wasn't a notorious child unlike you." She said and threw the empty packet of chips.

"Then let's do something naughty together." I said and lifted her and made her sit on my lap with her front facing me. Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets as she saw our situation and blush crept on her cheeks out of shyness.

"It's not the first time we are doing it." I said and kissed her cheeks.

"For me everytime feels like the first time." She said shyly and her face was like a cherry.

"I love it when you blush. You look so cute and adorable just like a baby." I said and she hid her face in the crook of my neck.

I lifted her face and brushed her lips with my fingers. I slowly advanced towards her lips and kissed her passionately. After sometime we pulled back due to lack of oxygen. I opened the nook of her blouse and one thing led to another and we made love.


How are you all...???

I hope everyone is doing well.

After this chapter only epilogue is left and then the story will come to an end. Thank you for your support everyone.

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Enjoy reading..!!!

Have a good day readers ❤️