
Third person's POV

After 2 years

Sana was literally running after Veer with a stick in her hand because he was just putting the clothes in his bag and then taking them out. It was Karan's passing out parade the day after tomorrow and the whole family was all set to board the train to dehradun which was after 3 hours.

"Bhabhi can you help me?" Shreya entered the couple's room and asked Sana.

"Yes sweety say." Sana replied.

"Uhh.. actually am not able to select which dress to wear tomorrow. Can you say which one will look good?" She asked her.

"That pale white frock would look better." She said.

"Ok.. and did my idiot brother pack his things or still wandering like a duffer." Shreya asked.

"Oh madam.. am neither idiot not duffer, but you surely are an idiot or duffer." Veer said from the closet.

"Everyone knows who is what bhaiya." She said and ran from there while Sana laughed at their antics.

"You know you look beautiful when you laugh." Veer said and hugged her from behind.

"We can continue our romance afterwards. First you pack your things and come down for dinner." She said and pecked his lips and was about to go out when Veer grabbed her hand and she collided with his rock hard chest.

"First you ignite the fire inside me and then try to run away from me. Not good Mrs. Rathod." He said and leaned towards her.

"Sana.." Her mother in law called her from downstairs.

"Better luck next time Mr. Rathod." She said and came downstairs.

After a while everyone gathered at the dining table and were eating their food happily.

"Veer.. when is the train?" His father asked.

"Sharp 12:30 am." He replied.

"So if we start our journey towards the station at 11:50 then we will reach there by 12:10. Isn't it?" His father asked.

"Yes dad and moreover these lazy ladies will need time to move from one platform to another." He said and shrugged his shoulders and received three head shots from three sides. One from Sana, one from Shreya and one from his mother.

"Ouch girls.. stop your torture on this poor soul." He said dramatically only to receive three more head shots.

After two hours they locked their house and started their journey towards the station. There wasn't much hustle bustle on the roads because it was almost midnight and they reached the station with ease.

They boarded the train as soon as they reached the station and kept their luggages under the seats. After some 10 minutes the train started the journey towards dehradun. They journey was for more than one day so they took enough eatables to eat on their way.

As it was midnight all 5 of them slept and woke up around 7:00 am. One by one they freshened up and were enjoying the journey.

A cute Punjabi couple with their infant were also travelling with them. Their child was really cute and was blabbering something or the other in his child like language. He was indeed a great source of entertainment for them. His laughter and giggles were filled inside the whole boggie.

The day was passed with laughter, giggles and talks and soon the night came. They all slept at around 9:00 pm and woke up at 3:20 am. The train was scheduled to reach dehradun at 4:00 am. When the clock struck 3:50 they took their luggages out and were all set to put their steps at dehradun.

The cool breeze of dehradun hit their faces and the cuckoo's song was a melody in the early morning. They hired a taxi and went to the hotel that was booked. The hotel was near to the IMA so that they could easily reach there.

Veer and Sana were in one room and the Shreya along with her parents was in another room. One by one they freshened up and started getting ready for the ceremony. Sana wore an emerald green saree and Veer wore a printed white shirt and blue jeans.

By the time everyone was ready it was almost 7:00 am. The ceremony was at 8:00 am so they all checked out of the hotel temporarily and went towards the IMA which was hardly 3 kilometres from the hotel. They hired a taxi and reached within 15 minutes.

They showed their ID's and invitation cards at the entrance after which they were allowed inside. After going inside they searched for a comfortable spot and went there and settled down. Slowly slowly the seats around the ground were filled with people and exactly at 8:00 am the young cadets who were going be officers started to assemble in the ground for the parade.

The parade started and it was surely a beautiful moment for everyone present there. The young boys were marching with enthusiasm and their faces were depicting the true patriotism because of which they joined this prestigious institution and have decided to dedicate their whole life for their motherland.

Each one was marching with a broad chest and faces full of smiles. They were moving with a flow not even a single cadet was doing any mistake in the marching. Their hands and legs were moving in a sync and their chins were up with pride.

Soon after the parade they were handed over their certificates one by one and after that each one's parents or family members put the stars on their shoulders.

Karan came towards his parents and handed them the stars. Both of them put two stars each on his either shoulders. Now he was 'Lieutenant Karan Rathod'. Everyone was immensely happy fo him. Veer couldn't resist himself and lifted him up in the air and then hugged him.

Sana was also beaming with joy and hugged his brother in law who was more like a brother to her. After that they took a family photo in which Karan lifted Shreya on his shoulders and after that they took a normal photo.

"Now you are a big boy with huge responsibilities on your shoulders. You are now a soldier and the safety of your country should be your first and foremost priority. You must stand brave in every situation. Never think you are alone, we all are with you and more than us this country is with you. You must dedicate your each and every breath for the nation. I know you will never let anyone of us down. We are so proud of my boy." Veer said and hugged him. He was really proud of his brother.

Karan then introduced some of his batchmates with his family and gave them a small tour of the IMA. Although Veer was well acquainted with the academy yet he was reliving the old memories. He felt young again when he passed by the walls of the IMA.

After a while they came out and moved towards the hotel. Karan took his luggage out from his room and went with them. He bid a farewell to everyone at the IMA and came out. They booked a cab for the hotel and reached within 10-15 minutes.

After reaching the hotel Karan and Shreya shifted to another room leaving their parents in a separate room. On the other side Sana and Veer were romancing and teasing each other.

"Don't you think you have become too much naughty these days?" Sana said.

"Everytime I see you in sarees, my heart and mind doesn't stay in my control." Veer said and kissed her cheek.

"Well then it seems I should stop wearing sarees from now onwards." Sana said.

"Such a unromantic wife I have." He said and made a pout and Sana pecked the pout.

"You are so cute." She said and pulled his cheeks.

"Hey call me anything except cute." Veer said like a child.

"Ok.. You are so beautiful." Sana said and giggled.

"Wait don't call me that too. Girls are referred as cute and beautiful. We boys are hot and handsome." Veer said.

"I don't believe. For me you are cute and beautiful." She said and pulled his cheeks again.

"You love to mess with me. Isn't it?" He said with a smirk.

"That's what I love to do with you." She said and showed her teeth. And then there was knock on the door. Sana went and opened the door and there stood their parents.

"Both of you come out fast. The cab is already here." His father said and they both nodded in agreement. After that the elder couple went.

"Give me 5 minutes. I will change this saree." Sana said and rushed towards the washroom when Veer got hold of her hand and stopped her.

"Don't.. please.. you look beautiful in this saree." He said seductively.

"O..o..ok" Sana stammered due his hot breath fanning on the nape of her neck. Veer turned Sana and was about to kiss her when another knock on the door disturbed their bubble.

"Seems like today everyone is hell bent on disturbing our romance. Ughh." He said irritatedly and went to open the door.

"Bhai come fast." Shreya said as soon as he open the door and Veer nodded and both Sana and Veer came down with Shreya after locking the door of their room.

The whole family was roaming in a mall of dehradun, enjoying their day to the fullest. They were moving from one place to another place in the mall because the three ladies were not getting the things of their choice. Finally after sometime they settled in a cafe and ordered something.

Suddenly Sana's phone rang and she excused herself and went to a distance.

"Yaa.. ok.. no no.. do as I said.....I don't want any changes...No keep that there only...Yaa.. thank you." She said to someone over the call and returned back.

"Anything serious." Veer asked with concern.

"Haha..not really." She said and smiled.

"How about we go for a movie?" Shreya asked excitedly.

"Good idea." Her mother said joyously.

"Well then I will book our tickets from the ticket counter." Karan said and rushed towards the ticket counter. After some 15-20 minutes he came back with 6 tickets in his hand.

"The movie will start in 15 minutes. Let's go fast." Karan said and everyone followed him. They entered the hall and exactly after 10 minutes the movie started.

"Focus on the movie not on me." Sana said to Veer.

"I love to watch the girl sitting beside me more than this movie." He said and winked.

"Don't you think your flirting skills are increasing day by day." She said and raised her eyebrow.

"When you have such a beautiful wife beside you then that's not called flirting skills rather it is called romance." He said pecked her lips.

"Veer we are in public. Control." She said slowly.

"I can still make you blush right." He said and she lowered her eyes.

The movie ended at 10:00 pm. One by one everyone came out of the hall.

"Am hungry." Shreya said cutely looking at her stomach.

"I hope the cafeteria is open." Sana said.

They all went towards the cafe and hopefully it was open. They settled and ordered food. After eating they came out of the mall and hired taxi to reach their hotel. They reached around 11:40 pm and everyone went to their respective rooms.

"God am so tired." Veer said as soon as he locked the door.

"Me too. You go first change and then I will go." Sana said and Veer nodded.

Veer's POV

After changing my clothes into my regular trousers and t-shirt I came out and looked around for her. She was no where to be found. Maybe she would be in the balcony. I went towards the balcony to search for her but she wasn't there too.

Suddenly the door bell rang. It's 11:55 who is at this time. I guess it's Sana only. I went towards the door to open it and found a bell boy there.

"Sir.. Ma'am is waiting for you on the terrace." He said and went away.

I locked the door and went upstairs. It was pitch black dark everywhere. Not even a single object was visible.

"Sana.." I called out for her and suddenly many lights were switched on.

"Happy birthday Love." Sana hugged me from back and said.

"Thank you so much Love." I said and hugged her.

"Now cut the cake." She said and took me near the cake. I was about to cut the cake when I heard some known voices singing the Happy Birthday song and one by one my whole family came out from the dark and wished me.

I cut the cake and fed Papa and Mama first, then Shreya then Karan and finally Sana.

"Thank you so much everyone." I said and hugged them.

"Wait. I still have a surprise for you." Sana said cheerfully.

"One more surprise? What is it?" I asked her and she gave me a paper. My eyes filled with tears of happiness as soon as I read what was written on it and I looked at her for confirmation.

"Yes Veer. Am pregnant. We are expecting." She said cheerfully and hugged me. I hugged her back with all my love for her. We didn't part back for God knows how much time. One by everyone congratulated us and after sometime they went downstairs.

"This is my best birthday ever. Thank you so much Sana." I said and kissed her.

"When did you come to know about this?" I embraced her and asked her.

"From past one week I was feeling nauseous. So before boarding the train I carried a pregnancy kit with me and after coming from IMA I tested it and it turned out to be positive. I wanted to share this news with you the very next moment but then an idea popped in my mind and also it's your birthday today so I thought to say this to you now." She said with a smile.

"Now I guess I have bear your mood swings till nine months and I will be very happy in doing that. I swear I will take extra care of you and our baby. This is the happiest day of my life." I said and kissed her stomach and she gave her ever so beautiful smile.


So finally the story has now come to an end. I hope you all have liked the story and especially Veer and Sana.

Thank you one and all ❤️

Happy reading ❤️❤️