Chapter 24

Landing on the same sandy beach the last time he visited the Metkayina tribe, Harry reached down and brushed the sand away from a half-buried device.

His communication device, which he had hoped would bridge to divide and lead to his acceptance, was smashed. Down the middle, a jagged slash had severed the components exposing the delicate wiring underneath.

Opening the doors, the kids jumped out finally free to start the explore their new home. As each wave lapped at the shore, the tribe members unloaded their mounts, gathering before the growing crowd of Metkayina Navi.

A team of Navi started to unload the rotorcraft, taking the large sacks of possessions and laying them gently in the sand. On the faces of them all was a mix of fatigue and relief. They had survived the journey to their new home. Their new life began now.

A squadron of Tsuraks descended on the beach, their brilliant orange wings gliding effortlessly over the waves. In the lead was Tonowari, the Olo'eyktan (leader) of the Metkayina people. He was powerfully built with large muscles bulging under his light blue skin. An extensive series of tattoos covered his face and chest, a sign of his position and responsibility to the tribe.

"We welcome you to our tribe. The sea gives and the sea takes. Your tribe's loss is a great tragedy however you are not as you were. This day you are Metkayina."

The tribe members start to cheer, cry and hug their loved ones. Harry, having finally located Sukal in the chaos gripped her hand tightly. He knew how much her place in this tribe meant to her.

Seeing his son return, Tonowari embraced him. Harry could see a whispered conversation which caused the Olo'eyktan face to crease into a frown.

"Txey!" (Halt!) He shouted. The spear sliced out and blocked the tribe members intermixing with his own.

"There is a member of your tribe who doesn't belong." He spat in the direction of the rotorcraft. Seeing the faces of those near him, he knew he couldn't cower and hide. Honesty was his only defence.

"Great leader, I am he."

"You think you can come here again in your metal bird and be accepted as one of the people? I recognise your face. Demon." Tonowari hurled the insult at Harry. Several of the Metkayina hunters raised their spears in readiness.

"I humbly seek sanctuary Olo'eyktan, I used the plane to safely move those too young to ride. I fully intend to …"

"You are not welcome here." The tone was final.

Sukal was the one to step forth to his defence. "Olo'eyktan, Harri is a member of our tribe. Our family. You can't accept our people if you don't accept all our people."

Tonowari thought for a moment before turning to his mate, the Tsahik called Ronal. Harry looked into her eyes, his last hope of being accepted. An Olo'eyktan was the leader of the tribe, but the Tsahik had great influence due to her unique connection with Eywa. Support from Ronal would see Harry accepted into the tribe.

Ronal approached Harry. "You come to our shores and ask sanctuary of the Metkayina. You dress Navi, talk Navi but you are not Navi. Is this true?"

"Honoured Tsahik, I was born a sky person, but have been reborn as one of the people."

Sukal chined in. "All are born twice Ronal. Eywa teaches this wisdom."

"You do not need to tell me of Eywa's wisdom child." She snapped back.

"Tell me this, Harri, If we let you join us. Take you in as one of our brothers, one of the people, how many will follow? How many sky-people will pollute our water and kill our families because we accepted you."

"I wish I knew the answer, wise one. I can't control the past or the future, only what is in my heart. My heart beats with love for the Navi people. My only desire is peace."

"Your words are kind, intentions good however your presence here threatens the balance we have maintained since the time of the first songs."

The Olo'eyktan, seeing the stance of his mate, started to state his decision.


"Rutxe. (Please.) I will work harder, prove I am worthy."

"It is decided. The demon is not to return, the rest will be welcomed as brothers."

The tribe started to move away then, integrating and greeting the members of their new clan, leaving Harry and Sukal standing in front of the plane. It was worse than he imagined. The tribe had found an amazing new home among their kin, however now he was banished. His place among the people, those he loved as a family now gone.

Harry couldn't help but scan the crowd, hoping for a miracle. Many Navi gave him sympathetic looks however none voiced their support. Harry saw Jurowari smirking, even without proof he knew that the chief's son had prevented his entry.

Sukal slipped her hand into his and squeezed.

"I… I will…" Harry's mind tried to come up with solutions, would he be able to visit Sukal? Would a long-distance relationship even work with Navi?

"Then I go." Her words stopped the Olo'eyktan in his retreat. Turning back, he looked at the couple.

"Go?" He questioned.

"If Harri, my chosen before Eywa, is not part of the Metkayina, then neither am I."

"Sukal no. This is what…" She interrupted him with a single word. A single promise they had made to each other.

"Together." Harry repeated it back to her.

"If Harri goes, so does Doeung." The one-armed warrior walked over to stand beside the pair.

"Turo too!"

"And me!" Several of the Navi, notably several of those who he spend many hours patching up and the orphaned children he'd entertained ran to his side.

"You would refuse the Metkayina offer? For him? A demon!"

"He's not a demon!" Turo shouted out, Sukal quickly pulled her little brother back, not wanting to anger the tribal leader further.

"Sukal…" Harry whispered, the sight of the support, the love he had inspired in his Navi family warmed his heart but he didn't want it this way. At the cost of dividing loved ones. "This will splinter the tribe. I might be best if I…"

"No Harri. Not this time." She turned to look at the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik. "Clans are a family who supports all its members. I, no we, can not be part of yours if you don't accept Harri as one of the people. He has proved himself to us."

Harry could see the Olo'eyktan face tighten. This was a show of defiance to his will as the leader. An Olo'eyktan was only the leader of the tribe as long as he had the people's respect and support. If he let them challenge his authority, others would try and challenge him to the coveted position. He locked eyes with Harry and gave his final verdict.

"The demon goes. If you follow, may Eywa guide you, but you will not be Metyakina. Now or ever."

Harry tried again. This was their future they were throwing away. "Sukal…"

Without a word, she turned away from her dream tribe and back into the water. The other eleven members who stood with Harry, followed her lead.

Some principles couldn't be compromised.

Some opportunities are not worth the sacrifice.


On a small island just outside the Metykina's reef, the group stood trying to decide their future.

"Words are not enough." Harry started. "You have given everything to follow me. I don't know what future I can offer you but know that you all live close to my heart. Now and forever."

One of the orphaned children, holding tightly onto Doeungs leg started crying. "Where are we going to live now?"

Sukal pulled the child into her arms and squeezed. "There, there sweetling. As long as we are together, we have a home. United we are strong. One pack. One tribe. Understand little one?"

Sukal looked at the other adults. Doeung and one other, a young hunter called Nami, were fittest and part of the warrior class. The rest of the group considers of three children; Turo, Matak and Veywan. Ikxa and her mother Akxuk, a mated pair of Yrrla and Rangu who were both excellent fishermen and finally Zewyan. Zewyan was previously a decorated hunter, however his age had meant he stayed behind on the fateful hunt and was then severely injured by the storm. Harry had amputated his leg to save his life, leaving Zewyan a cripple and never able to truly ride again.

They all had their reasons to join Harry. Some out of loyalty, some to repay a life debt or others that just couldn't stand by while an injustice took place.

"We have somewhere to go. Is that not right my love?"

"You mean…" At her nod, he felt hope rise in his chest. "I have a home. An island a few days away. It might not have everything the Metkyakin clan has to offer, but it has all we need."

Seeing the spark of light return to the eyes, Harry gave them the best news.

"Even a growing spirit tree."


The Navi looked around the island with a critical eye. Their ilu mounts, once unburdened, had quickly made friends with his resistant rice bucket, while Harry guided them up the hill to where he had built his home.

Once near the summit, they looked back. From that vantage point, they were able to see most of the island and even a few of the surrounding ones.

"It will make a fine home my Harri."

Deoung seeing the bay area clear, asked puzzled. "You don't make your home by the water's edge?"

Harry couldn't but cough to hide his embarrassment. To reef people, the only proper place to build your home was by or even over the water's edge. When Harry had designed his home, he had no clue about the way of water or how reef people built their homes. And since he had decided to stay with Sukal, it was never an issue.

Now feeling embarrassed at his home, which was built much more in the style of the sky people, he tried to make excuses, but they pushed on. Deoung comments echoing in the wind, promising to show him how to build a Navi home.

As they approached his house at the base of the large central trees, Harry saw a problem.

The glass wall on one side was smashed. The insides of his home were a mess. Mud now covered much of the floor with items thrown on the floor. Leaves pooled at corners of his previously pristine living environment.

Moving the children behind him, he pulled his knife and advanced. He didn't think he had to worry about burglars on Pandora. Following the trail of mud and grime, Harry and the other hunters descended the stairs with weapons drawn.

The first thing they heard was high pitch chanting.

"YiYiYiYi!" Other voices joined the first. Moving down further into the base, approaching the training droid room, Harry started to recognise one of the voices.

"Ra'sar!" Harry accused. It seemed his Navi friend had invited several of the other hunters to his home to fight the droid and from all the mess, decided to have a party at the same time.

"Harri?" Ra'sar turned hearing his friend's voice. It had only been a week since they said farewell and he was back with a group of reef people. The machine quickly took advantage of his distraction and hit Ra'sar with a blow that sent him soaring to the other side of the room.

"End Programme." Harry commanded, finally taking a good look at his friend and trashed home. Harry could see several familiar faces, including two who were part of the ambush that nearly took his life. Before he could explode in a lecture about the state of his home, Sukal stepped forth and introduced herself.

"Oel ngati kameie" (I see you). The young boys quickly responded with their own greeting, their blue cheeks blushing at Sukal's exotic beauty. "It is good to finally see the friends of Harri."

"What have you done to my house!"

"Ahh Harri, don't worry. Luxe tried to call his Ikran inside. There was a little damage, fixed in no time."

"Little damage! You took out a whole wall! And what's with all this mud? One week, I was gone one week and look what's happened! Now what you're going to do…"

"My Harri, enough." Sukal gentle touch on his chest started to extinguish the rage inside. "This is now our home and these fine hunters are our first guests. We must be courteous; it is our way."

"Yes dear." Harry mumbled following the old Earth tradition.

Happy wife, happy life.