Chapter 25

Harry controlled the drone to drive several metal pillars deep into the earth. He looked back at the holo display in his underground lab to make sure the position matched his plans. These pillars extended around the bay of the island, both on the shoreline and over the shallows. The Navi would then be able to construct their traditional huts and walkways using those pillars.

Sliding to a different display, he checked the output of his synthesising machine. It was a fascinating piece of technology that had only been delivered to his home from the final shuttle. It worked similarly to older 3D printers but was able to synthesise different compounds together to create a wider range of products.

Since returning, Harry had dedicated their output to creating synthetic fibres that the group could use. Traditionally, Navi would harvest reeds and weave them together to create a strong but flexible material. The process would normally take several weeks and would need to be repaired throughout the year.

This all led Harry to make a controversial decision about their future. He had tried following science but was now a pariah from the rest of the humans. He had tried to embrace the Navi traditions but was now similarly outcast. Only a small group of Navi followed Harry into his exile from both major camps on Pandora.

Harry had to find a new path forward.

A cultural hybrid. Part sky-people, part Navi.

He would use his technology, continue his research and even teach other Navi human knowledge while still following the spirit of Navi traditions. For their homes, Harry had used scans of Sukals and the Metkayina tribe to design a digital blueprint he could adapt to his island. Once the others got over their distrust of sky people technology, they all were able to contribute and design their dream home. Their dream tribe.

Doeung and Zewyan wanted a specialised area to train hunters and warriors despite their afflictions.

Granted. Together they designed an arena, slightly away from the main settlement, that stretched from the land out over the ocean. Harry had included several of the training devices that were used by the sky people, including two more droids that he'd been hiding in storage from Ra'sars greedy grasp. Wisely, Harry had also decided to build the infirmary nearby, already predicting the many injuries it would result in.

Nami and Sukal, both hunters, wanted an area for their mounts (Skimwings or Ilu) to rest at night.

Granted. On an extension of rock, a simple hut was built with platforms that the creatures could sleep on.

Ikxa, the cook, wanted a communal hall on the edge of the bay so they could gather like one large family.

Granted. In the centre of the settlement, they planned a great structure with several communal facilities including an eatery, kitchen and armoury.

Akxuk, the eldest of the group, had wanted a location to hold their ceremonial traditions.

Granted. Harry had sent his drones to excavate the tunnel to the spirit tree and build a floating platform to mark the location. On the island, which the spirit tree grew under, Harry had designated that for their rituals, ceremonies and celebrations. While trying to keep as much of the natural wildlife there untouched, Harry and Akxuk made plans to construct a sort of temple. It would serve as the spiritual hub of the group and be used to teach or worship Eywa.

Yrrla and Rangu, the fisherman, wanted platforms from which they could cast their nets.

Granted. With their help, they were able to resign many of the inconveniences in their old tribe by making dedicated places where they could cast their net into several areas where fish gathered. They also proved to be knowledgeable about shellfish and took the lead to seed much of the bay that they could later sustainably harvest.

The children wanted a theme park.

Refused. Harry had regretting showing them an example back on Earth but had compromised to building them a large play area. It would have Earth games but also obstacle courses, underwater challenges and even resources to learn. Harry even had ambitions to one day start a school where they could learn and apply sky people's knowledge to better care for and protect Eywa.

The group had been working tirelessly for nearly two weeks. Setting up a permanent home, even when Harry had tasked his drones to assist, was no easy task. The methods the reef people used to make their homes were both complicated and simple. He was already manufacturing a replacement material that would feel similar while having greater longevity but trying to build a machine from scratch to weave it was surprisingly difficult. Currently, several Navi sat on the beach with long lines of the synthetic material, expertly weaving it together as they talked and laughed with each other.

The central hall was nearly complete while several of the accommodations had also been mostly finished. The walkways that connected all the buildings were still far from completion, which often meant either having to take a detour in-land or swim to your destination.

The settlement had little technology integrated, the Navi had been heavily in favour of not becoming too dependent on Harry's machines. Instead, they more relied on his technology for many of the raw materials they were familiar with, but processed them more traditionally.

Harry, with a strong hint from Sukal, had decided to demolish his home above ground. Sukal and most of the other Navi had not liked the concrete and glass structure. The facilities he would keep would be transferred underground, which he was keeping as his research hub. His residence was now to be at the shore with the rest of the group.

Not willing to fully compromise his comfort, Harry had designed his new home more expansive. The bottom level was only slightly above the water level and was suspended by several pillars over the shallows. It would allow them to mount or dive straight into deeper water. There would then be a ladder upwards to the next level that was positioned slightly further back to the rockface. There would be a large balcony that stretched over the lower level so he and Sukal could watch the sunset from their bedroom/living area. Dug into the rockface would be one of the few technological items in his home with computers, sensors and basic home facilities such as a food synthesiser.

Sukal had rolled her eyes at her mate's strange obsession with machines but allowed him his eccentricities. After all, they were now one before Eywa.

Now and forever.



"My Harri, where are we going?" Harry beloved asked in good humour as he led her through the water and away from the island.

They had only been on the island for two days, much of the planning was still taking place and the group had to take shelter in Harry's home at night, something none of Navi appreciated.

It had been one of the small moments. A moment that most people would have taken for granted when he knew he was ready for the next step. When he knew that he wasn't undecided any longer. He knew what he wanted.

They had been sitting around an open fire, feasting on freshly roasted fish, the group laughing and telling stories under the night sky. Then he saw it.

Sukal smile. Harry had seen her smile many times but this time it felt different. She was talking to Yrrla, the only other mated female, but now and then, Harry caught Sukals eye. Each time their gaze met, he could feel this invisible cord connecting them. It was a strange sensation but incredibly comforting as well.

Then Harry understood.

He had no more doubts. No misgivings. He was ready.

Putting down his fish, he walked over to his beloved and whispered in her ear. "Let's go for a swim."

She had followed him, into the dark water. Their bodies weaving past the glowing reef below. They swam together as they had before, working in perfect symmetry. Underwater they paused, floating, as luminescent fish floated by. Bringing their lips together, they shared a kiss in all of Pandora's glory.

'Follow'. Harry used one of the few signs he knew from their underwater language and guided Sukal further away from the shore.

Harry led her through the underwater tunnel of Unobtanium to the cavern where the Spirit tree grew.

It had only been slightly over a week, yet the plant grew taller and healthier than he had ever expected.

It had a thick stem rising about 4ft tall with a single glowing tendril floating in the calm water.

Harry let Sukal take in the sight before guiding her up to a natural ledge on the side of the cavern.

"Eywa has truly blessed you Harri. Never forgot that."

Running his hands through her hair, he let the words that had been held caged in his heart for too long out.

"Of all the people from all the worlds, you my love have captured my heart beyond any doubt. There is an Earth phase: If I know what love is, it is because of you."

"I thought Eywa had turned her back on my tribe. On me. I was close to giving in, but then you saved me. I knew from that moment that our lives were intwined together by the great mother."

"When I saw you siting by the fire, I saw you as if for the first time. My eyes opened and my heart clear. Sukal, I may not be Navi, never to be like the rest of your people but I know there is no one else who can claim my heart but you."

"Harri… are you asking for…"

"Yes my love." Harry reached and took his braid revealing his queue. "I have made my choice."

Sukal's eyes started to water. Navi relationships were different that humans. When most committed themselves, Tsaheylu was the first step before the physical mating. With them, they had copulated many times but never taken that final step. To be one before Eywa.

"Ke lu kawtu a nulnivew oe pohu tireapivängkxo äo Utral Aymokriyä." (There's nobody I'd rather commune with under the Tree of Voices). Sukal took her own queue and joined their beings together.

Harry had formed the bond with several creatures however joining with Sukal was entirely different.

Harry felt transparent. He could feel Sukal looking into him. Through his very being into the innermost part of himself. There were no secrets, no deception. They bared more than their bodies, they shared their very souls. Harry could feel Sukal as he'd never imagined. He knew her as no other but herself. There was a sacred privilege that they both felt.

Harry ran his fingers across her arms lightly. Flashes of pleasure erupted in both their minds. Every touch, every caress a torrent of pleasure amplified by the bond. Quickly stripping off their clothes, they mated as only those truly bonded could. Every sensation shared.

They basked in the glow of their mutual love for many hours until their bodies were weary and had to separate their queues. A Harry lay on the stone ledge, his braid separated from his lovers, he felt different. It was the sort of experience that shaped your very being. Despite not being physically bonded anymore, Harry still felt an attachment, a lingering echo of their Tsaheylu.

From that moment they were not two lovers. They were a mated pair. Mated before Eywa. Bonded now and forever.

Their bonding was now complete and unbreakable. It was only now that Harry could understand why infidelity wasn't an issue for the Navi. With the bond, there were no issues that couples couldn't overcome. By sharing everything of themselves, and receiving everything from their partner, the only outcome was endless waves of love.

In the most vital part of Harry's being, he understood one absolute truth.

There was no other woman that could challenge Sukal's position in his heart.