If We Can’t Duck It, We’ll Butt Heads With It!

Wai..wai...wait, all that you have said hasn't been salvaged yet, I've had no issue with the Doomsday whatever so talk some sense into their senseless heads to leave my family en bloc and not in pieces. How is it that my only son, who is the only apple of my eye would be someone's prime target even as he is still a clot of blood in the mother's womb?" Cyrus listened with rapt attention, a serious look that seemed extremely comical on the face of someone his age. "It's not that simple, somethings just happen without reasonable reasons, in this regard, destiny has pitted your son against the Doomsday Party, when he is born, you would understand me."

There are always some things that are beyond our control uncle, such is life, always unfair. Julius calmed down somewhat after hearing the little boy's words of wisdom. "Okay now, since we can't duck past this problem, we have to tackle it head-on." Julius said with a glint in his eyes.

"Let's head home first, then we would talk about this with my wife." Then a long silence followed till they reached the JJ villa. Jane had been waiting impatiently for her husband's return, as soon as she set eyes on him, she hugged him tightly and suddenly drew back instantly, glaring at him like he was some outcast. Before he could ask what the matte was, she fired, " where did you go? Are you having an extramarital affair? I can smell a lady's scent in your clothes! And tell me why I have an inkling that it's not just the two of us in here anymore? Tell me!" Julius opened his mouth to say something but all he could do was fumble and choke on his own words. To top it all off, Jane wouldn't relent, firing questions like a machine gun. They were coming thick and fast, way faster than Julius could answer them.

His reaction made her fly into a rage, thinking his reactions said it all that she was right. He was at a loss for words and after a long while, he was able to regain his calm, stoic and collected persona. "Calm down honey, there's no such thing, why on earth would I cheat on my own wife? You mean the world to me and you know it, the thing is I actually ran into Flynn today and he tried to take my life but then this boy here appeared out of nowhere and saved my life." At that point, a blinding orb of light glowed by Julius' side, making Jane squint her eyes a little then she noticed that there were now three, instead of two in the room, the third person looking not older than ten years old but was half a head taller than Julius. Jane started laughing hysterically till her sides ached. "I would believe you if you said that you met Flynn and he gave you a peck on your cheek, but not that he wanted to kill you!"

Julius was agitated to say the least, "I've been on a life and death roller coaster and all you could do is joke about it?" Jane laughed again, "how do you intend to explain the rosy red lipstick stamp on your cheeks?"

At that point, Julius subconsciously glanced to his left, where Cyrus stood, and the little devil had his lips curled up, trying hard to hold back his laughter. Doubtlessly, he knew what had gone on there at the crime scene...

"You little brat! How dare you! You conspired with that woman didn't you?" "My first impression when I saw her was that her behavior was quite sneaky and suspicious but I never saw this coming." Cyrus said with puppy eyes. But Julius was not going to fall for that. "You think I will believe you? I need to smack your head before I would be content, now get over here brat!" As he said the latter words, Julius lunges at the little boy and Cyrus reflexively evaded and soon, they were both running in the room in circles, "get over here, you little worm!" Julius would scream occasionally. Jane fought hard to suppress her laughter but alas, it was meant to be heard, "hahaha! Hehe!" She exploded with laughter, stopping Tom and Jerry in their tracks and staring blankly at her giggling face. Jane blushed scarlet as she remembered she should have been playing angry, then she tried to wear that angered expression but all she could manage was get the two guys to laugh at her. "You look comical instead of angry!" Julius remarked and she playfully smacked him on the shoulder. "So no caps? No more bad blood right?" He decided to test the waters. "Jane tolled her eyes at him and said, "i know when you are lying and when you are telling the truth."


Next they sat down-all three to talk about the adjustments they needed to make to their home, a new mouth to feed and other stuff like accommodation and the likes to make their protector comfortable.


There were no more murder attempts on Julius and everything was going on smoothly for eight months! Within that time, Cyrus told them all he could about the Avengers Academy and would occasionally excuse himself and disappear from the couple's view for days or sometimes even up to a week saying he needed to answer calls of duty at the academy, in any case the couple had no qualms. This very day was one of those that he would go to answer his calls. Jane was walking walking around in the living room with her hand firmly placed on the bulge in her stomach as if someone was about to take her baby away from her. They came back from the hospital just the day before an occasion during which the doctor gave them some delightful news. Baby Stoneson would be due in in barely a week's time! And Oh! Almost forgot to let you all that Julius has named him even as he was still a clot in the uterus!

Julius was in the villa's gym doing sit-ups when his wife came in. Sighting his wife made Julius want to laugh so hard, she was wearing tight yoga pants and a tight fitting crop top with a smile on her face. "I'm doing laps today with you!" She blurted. Julius almost coughed up blood, "whaaat? You can't do sit-ups with that bulge, you'll squish my son!"

Precisely then, they heard giggle from somewhere in the room but could not locate the source of the voice yet still, they knew the culprit.

"Hey brat! Come out here, how did your summon go?" Cyrus revealed himself and to the husband and wife duo. With eyes almost popping out of its sockets, he said to Jane, " Auntie! Your tight clothes are going to reduce little bro to nothing more than a bloody pulp in your womb!" Julius nodded in approval but Jane was adamant about doing yoga. "Okay if you insist but at least you need some baggy outfit to aerate you and the baby properly at least, it will be far easier that way."

Jane agreed reluctantly and all three of them did yoga together. After that and a cold morning shower, they were gathered at the dining table discussing, "the next attack that the Doomsday party is planning, according to our sources is in ten years time so we don't have much time to prepare for the confrontation, but master says he has a way, although dangerous, it's not implausible and I doubt your son can't endure it." The couple's brows furrowed instantly, "even if you only get a single strand of his hair singed, we'll skin you alive!" The couple unbelievably said in unison!

"Don't worry! Cyrus said in apprehension, my very existence is to ensure his unthreatened existence! Harm will only befall him over my dead body!" He said in earnest, the couple were touched.