Caught Off Guard!

"Mmmm! Aaah! Aaaah!" Jane was sweating profusely on the hospital bed, the hero is finally due and Jane couldn't muster the momentous burst of energy to make the final push. She was shaking violently on the bed as she struggled, clinging tightly to the bed sheets and with gritted teeth, still to no avail.

Julius was getting uncomfortable outside the labour ward as he could see and hear his wife's screams of pure agony. He couldn't take it anymore so he barged in through the doors and ran to her side, the assistant nurse by the midwife's side tried to show him the door but the experienced midwife talked her out of doing so. "A touch of the husband's love could be all she needs to make the final push, it might be a glimmer of hope and a deus ex machina that will save the situation and nullify the need for the Caesarian Section." It was true in a sense, the midwife showed that her grey hair was not just for show as her words oozed of wisdom. The inexperienced nurse suddenly felt very stupid. With Julius by her side incessantly spewing words of encouragement, Jane calmed down and took a deep breath, then with bulging eyes and gritted teeth, she fought the pain that threatened to knock her unconscious.

The midwife kept peeking underneath occasionally and shook her head, "she can't push hard enough for the baby to come out." She said with eyes still fixated underneath Jane, the Caesarian section is the only way now, she won't be able to..." "Plop!" Before she could conclude her sentence, a tiny hairy clenched fist shot out from Jane's inside world, almost punching her in the face, had it not been for her instincts that kicked in immediately, she would have been punched squarely in the nose.

The little fist disappeared as quickly as it had come, then the head came out soon after. "Aaaaaaaargh!" Jane was almost unconscious now, she knew she couldn't succumb to the pain, it would be tragic otherwise. Finally the full thing came out en-bloc, exquisitely flawless light skin, round looking exuberant and brimming with vigor. He had a round face with sapphire blue eyes, a pointed nose with rosy red lips that would make any female go bonkers. His tiny rosy lips had a bright and heartwarming smile, lips almost touching his ears! "Now that's what I call a fortune, Ma'am, this little thing right here is the embodiment of perfection!" The midwife said with awe and admiration.

At that moment, someone tapped lightly in the door and entered before he was invited, it was Cyrus. He had a grim expression on his face as he entered, "something's not right here." Then all of a sudden, the whole room was thrown into turmoil as the supposed midwife suddenly reached out to seize the baby who was in the mother's arms, Cyrus reacted in time as he flashed and appeared next to her before her hand could reach the baby. He immediately punched her in the side but quickly regretted doing so, he felt like he had hit a solid alloy. He shivered at once as his right hand got broken, bones twisted at an unimaginable angle. He yelled in pain. Julius and Jane were scared senseless, at this point, the midwife had already taken the baby from Jane who was so frail that she couldn't speak. For some unknown reason, Julius Willed his body to move toward the midwife-now transformed into a twenty-year-old looking girl of sorts but his body won't move. The junior nurse? Ha! That idiot had lost consciousness the very moment Cyrus screamed. The twenty year old girl that the midwife had become was walking toward the wall. Cyrus, with all his might had forced himself back up but it felt like a mountain had been dropped onto his shoulders, he struggled to move, his entire being then started glowing with that intense yellow light again as he attempted to shrug the mental assault off, it worked and shining like the sun, he run at full speed towards the fleeing lady, unexpectedly, he slammed into an invisible energy barrier the lady had created, shooting back toward the far end of the room like a cannonball. "Pooof!" He heaved up almost about a hundred millilitres of pure rich blood!

Julius eyes were literally on fire, he hated himself for being so weak, so pathetic, the world was cruel! Only the strong shall survive, a battle of the fittest. As he stared helplessly at the lady who was now in front of the wall, threatening to disappear into thin air any second. Cyrus stood back up, fists clenched and in total anger, he was so outraged that he was shaking violently, not because of the pain but due to sheer anger! "Come on pretty boy, you'll die if you keep being so stubborn." The mysterious lady said in a mocking tone. "The world is cruel, you need to be strong to survive, else you have no hope of living, such is life boy." She was right, if something was yours, it's either you gain enough strength to protect it or it would be the cause of your death. Cyrus ignored her as he broke into a run again, eventually the obvious happened, he slammed into the barrier again, face first, his nose bent. He shot back at the wall again and coughed up blood. Julius stares teary eyed at the little boy who was doing his best to try and play the father's role he had failed to play-protect his son. Cyrus was getting wounded by the second, but he wouldn't relent, he had lost count of how many times he had slammed into that barrier. Each more painful as he put more and more energy and momentum into each dash. It was understandable that he now lay sprawled on the ground his own blood. The lady turned to cast a glance at the two people, her gaze lingered on Cyrus especially for a long time. " I hope to see you again kid, it's goodbye for now. Make sure to grow strong in the future so you'll be able protect te people and things you love...." Before she could continue her blabber, something caught her attention and she turned fast to look at the little bundle in her arms. Immediately she did, she felt a shiver run down her spine as sweat gathered on her forehead, the baby had suddenly became so heavy that she felt her limbs would break, in reflex, she let go of the baby.

Cyrus was shocked and agitated at once, "how dare you!" He screamed as he dived to catch the baby that was in free fall but something unexpected happened, the baby didn't drop at once to the ground, instead he floated like a feather and landed gently on his butt. Cyrus was as shocked as he was happy, "yeah! Now you are going to get your ass whooped! Haha!" He said mockingly to the hoodies girl. The girl felt humiliated, so she wanted to vent out her anger, she reached out her right hand, covered in a black orb of light towards the baby to seize him once again, no resistance from the baby, he didn't feel as heavy as he suddenly became moments ago. But something was amiss, his eyes had turned a disconcerting white collie with no pupil. As soon as her hand touched him, "tzzzz!" She shivered again as this time, her face displayed a look of sheer disbelief and fear. She was convulsing! Cyrus was also shocked to say the least. The baby sure was a reincarnate of Zeus, he just zapped her into convulsion! He turned towards the lady, to see her expression. He couldn't decipher much, as her black hooded cape did a very good job in obscuring her every feature, only failing to hide her exquisite curves. Cyrus could only see the lower part of her face, her red sensuous lips hung open in disbelief.

"What do you have to say for yourself now?" Cyrus taunted. "Although I can't see your face, I can bet my life on it that your hair is standing as erect as spikes!" He went on. The lady was in a somber mood so she just wanted nothing more than to retaliate, she mustered enough courage to try and grab the baby again but the results were the same as before the only difference been that his time, it was more ruthless. With blood dripping from her lips, she disappeared into nothingness.

As soon as she disappeared, the nurse and Jane, whose willpowers were weak and frail and couldn't stand the mental assault all woke up from their stupor and Julius also awoke from his daze. Their eyes darted straight to the baby who was on the ground kicking the air and mumbling some rubbish, that only he understood.

Cyrus was in a sorry state but he was in a light mood after seeing Stoneson deal with that lady so menacingly. He rushed to pick him up and pinched his cheeks lightly making the baby giggle. "What happened? Where's that witch?" Jane and Julius bellowed in unison as soon as they regained mobility and control of their tongues. "Hahaha! No need for me to be here in the first place, the baby can take care of himself fine, look how I've been beaten to a pulp by that lady but baby Stoneson dealt with her and sent her fleeing with her tail between her legs." Julius and Jane exchanged glances, "you are joking right?" Julius questioned. "Of course not uncle! Look at this!" He brought a small ladybug out of his pocket and set it on the floor. The little insect trembled slightly and unfurled it's wings, taking flight and stopping right in front of the couple. It then turned its back towards them and shook itself, creating a small halo spreading from its body which formed a screen in front of it. The couple stared wide eyed s everything that happened from the time that Cyrus barged in till the time the lady had fled. Jane looked at the baby who was still giggling. Her outstretched arms that were watching for the baby stopped in its tracks she dare not tend it any further as she feared she would be zapped as well.