Avery gazed down at her adorable babies,her biggest treasures not a day goes by that she doesn't thank the heavens for giving her,Alexis,Alexa and Alex.At one point in her life she'd thought she would never experience motherhood but sometimes faith has other plans for us.Giving them each one last kiss she took the baby monitor and made her way to the kitchen where she began the process of cleaning and sterilizing their bottles,for eight month olds they drink and eat alot not that she was complaining it shows her they are healthy.

Halfway through she heard a loud knock on her door,she wonder who it could be so late.The second she opened the door she wished she hadn't,her sister was staring back at her she's the last person Avery expected since she stole her diamond necklace Avery was about to slam the door in her face when she shoved past her.Nicole's drug addiction has caused serious problems for her almost resulting in her losing the triplets.And to make matters worse her sister refuses to get help for her addiction."Get out of my apartment Nicole."She said. But instead of answering her Nicole went about opening her kitchen cupboards and fridge."Nicole."

"Nice to see you too sis."She replied drinking the juice with her mouth instead of using a glass like normal people do.

"What do you want?"Avery knows it was a stupid thing to ask because what else can her sister want except money to feed her uncontrollable habits."If it's money forget about it.I'm not giving you another cent not after you stole from me."

"I had to Avery,I owed some guys money and if I didn't pay it would've led to serious consequences."Avery stared at her older sister,Nicole is so beautiful with her long brown hair hazel eyes and creamy white skin Avery could never understand why her sister chose to fall into their mother's footsteps and there are days that she fears that Nicole will end up like their mother did.Dying of an overdose and being dumped in an alley.Avery cannot count how many times she's talked to her sister but the outcome always remain the same with Nicole refusing any kind of help."Can I crash here for the night.I promise I'll be gone before the triplets wake up tomorrow morning."Avery was about to decline but she spoke."Please Avery.I know I shouldn't have stolen from you and I'm sorry. Thank you for not reporting me."

"I didn't report you because you're my sister Nicole but you must stop this behavior.What if I'd been someone else they wouldn't have had any empathy for your actions. Avery walked over to her."It's not too late to get help.You can have a better life Nikki."

"Not all of us are cut out for change sis."She stalked over to the living room and kicked of her shoes before slumping down on the couch."You lucky you made it out Avery.Let's leave things the way they are."

Avery could see this is another conversation that will lead to nothing, every time she wants to help Nicole her sister brings up her past,a life she'd forgotten and left behind.A life she wasn't proud of but thanks to the triplets things have changed,they brought meaning to her life,they saved her.A fact she's grateful for,now she's a mother and also a nanny for a famous model and her husband who's a producer.It's easy to fall prey and victim to the hard lifestyle here in Vegas especially if you have nothing,no family,no home and no money she's just glad she got out when she did.

Motherhood has changed her and she's more happier than she's ever been when she'd been a stripper. She was about to open her mouth to talk but Nicole was already fast asleep Avery fetched a blanket and covered her with it.If only she could help her sister, if only Nicole can accept her helping hand.If only she had made better choices,if only she didn't have a fucked up childhood,who knows how things might have turned out for her or her sister.

Avery dragged herself to bed too. Tomorrow is another long day of work at the Armstrong mansion, Avery adore their one year old twin girls and they are such quiet kids to take care of.Next month will be six months since she began to work for them.Catalina Armstrong is spanish but one day on a tour she met and fell in love with her husband Kent Armstrong.

Avery envy her for the beautiful life she has,a life woman like herself will never have.A man that adores and love you a man that would do anything for you.She's accepted she'll never find such a man and after the triplets father's cold,harsh demeanor she told herself she'll never let any man in anymore.He treated her no different than a prostitute and the check he had slammed down in the palm of her hand had made her feel more degrading.Like she was nothing.Till date she never cashed the check because if she had she would've been no different from a prostitute and that isn't what she'd been.

Despite of how they had met and where it still didn't give him the right to assume she was a working girl when in reality she'd been only a stripper nothing more.No man has ever made her feel worthless but he had and till date it still hurts deeply because here she is,she had fallen pregnant and had his babies. Babies he has no clue about.A small part of her hates him for the way he had acted and behaved but what can one expect from rich people they always think they above you and you beneath them. A mistake she'll never repeat. Sighing deeply she willed her eyes shut...

Alexandro's gaze scanned the club,he's been in here for an hour he has ordered his third scotch and still the one woman he's looking for isn't here. Two years ago in this club he had met her Amber Storm,and he'd been drawn to her like a moth to a flame just looking at her had his blood rush with fire and adrenaline.

His friends had brought him here for his bachelor party and man did she give him a night to remember or should he say weekend.The softness of her fair skin the smoothness of her straight golden red hair and the way she would tease him with her sensual mouth.She has a body of a goddess, a real temptress,a seductress and a very passionate woman.

A woman that till date he remembers very well,he's had many before and after her but she is one woman that has stuck on his mind and thoughts.Strippers has never been his thing but she had proven him otherwise and tonight here he was again looking for her but he cannot see her.His body is restless,his mind is working over time,the nightmares are back and more stronger than before.

Normally a few hours in the gym helps but not lately and when he's like this there's nothing a warm willing body doesn't fix and she is one woman he wants.Now.With her he forgets.He forgot who he was.Where he comes from. And all the painful memories he has buried deep down.He can forget the playboy and womanizer he is.

He saw a brunette making her way over to him, those five inch heels making her legs look endless,she had nothing on except for a red thong and matching bra her curly hair was loose and bouncing with each step she took.Any other night he would've been interested but not tonight.

Tonight he came here looking and wanting only one woman.Amber Storm.She rested her hand on his thigh,slowly it inch higher,next she tugged on his tie forcing him to stand."How about we go somewhere private."She whispered into his ear.Next thing he knew she led him upstairs to the VIP rooms.Up here the decor is more darker,velvet red the lights are more dimmer soft music played in the background.Not too gently she shoved him down on a chair and slowly stalked over to the pole that's in the center of the room.

She performed for him and he must say she's pretty good,a few minutes went by before she came over to him and lap danced on top of him.He was there but not really there,certain stormy grey eyes are haunting him.He wanted her and he wants to know where she is.Sensing his aloof distant manner she stopped dancing.

"Sorry."He muttered standing up. "You're a very beautiful woman but I didn't come here for a good time.I need information about someone."She looked hesitant, wary."I'm not a cop."He assured her."If you help me with what I want I'll make it worth your while."

"What do you wanna know."A smile spread across his face, there's nothing money cannot do.

"I'm looking for Amber Storm. Where is she?"He asked."Is she working tonight."She shook her head."When will she be in."

"She doesn't work here anymore. Amber quit two years ago no one has seen or heard from her since." She answered.

"Where can I find her.Do you perhaps have her phone number."

She held his gaze for a while."I don't know.She changed numbers."

Alex could see she was lying to him so far she's been honest but her response now wasn't the truth.He took out his wallet and gave her a few hundred dollar bills."Thanks for your time..."He waited for a name.

"Venus."She replied.

"Thanks for your time Venus."With that he strolled out the room down the stairs and out of Palomino Club.Taking out his cell he called Pablo."I have a job for you."He said,climbing into the back seat of his waiting Mercedes c-class.

"Avery."She turned to face Mrs Armstrong,she's just put little Bella and Rosa down for their afternoon naps.

"Yes Mrs Armstrong."

"We've been through this Avery." She reminded her."It's Catalina please."

"I'm sorry Mrs Catalina."Her tone apologetic.

"Much better."Catalina said with a warm smile."Leave the Mrs out if you can." Avery nodded her head."I need to talk to you about my upcoming tour,meet me downstairs in the kitchen."

"I'll be right there."Avery knows she has a two month upcoming tour but what does it have to do with her she wonder.After making sure the twins are okay she went downstairs.This house is massive,it has seven bedrooms and eight full bathrooms the beautiful ocean front view is magnificent.Avery always gets blown away by it when she comes to work each day.Having to wake up to such luxury must be heavenly.

The all white kitchen is a real master piece and is fit for a chef, their housekeeper Margaret is taking good care of the place.

"Take a seat."Avery did as she said,a cup of coffee was slid across the kitchen island to her. "The twins couldn't have asked for a better nanny than you."She began."You've done a good job in taking care of them even my husband agrees we've had different nannies come and go but none of them did a great job.I like you and this six month trial has left me without a doubt that you'd be the perfect nanny for our girls.Kent and I've decided it would be best if you start working full time as our nanny."

Avery was honored and happy that they've chosen her but as much as she would love the idea. She can't.She has another job as a nanny and if she wants them to survive she has to have two jobs in order to provide for her and the triplets,they are at an age where they are very demanding.Her job as a nanny doesn't make as much as she had working as a stripper but it's a decent job especially since she's a mother."Catalina,I'm honored you chose me but unfortunately I'm gonna have to decline."Avery hates disappointing the one woman who had given her a chance when no one wanted.

"Why?What's wrong."

"For one I'm also working for Mrs Williams,not only that if I work here full time then it means I'm gonna have to move in and I can't."

"Because of your babies."Catalina said,she just nod her head."I understand. Would it make a difference if I tell you it's okay if you move in with them.I'll pay you double what you getting now and give you what Mrs Williams is offering you."Avery literally choked on her coffee that she just sipped. Was she serious her next words said so."We don't wanna lose you Avery and with my two month tour just three weeks away it would put my mind at ease knowing they are with someone I trust."

"Can I think about it."Avery asked.

"Of course.I'd appreciate an answer soon though.Kent is also leaving for Miami soon and before he does I'd like us to finalize everything."Her cell beeped."I have to go.Work is calling.Bring over your babies,I'd like to meet them."

She left leaving Avery to wonder if she really meant it.If she turns down this good offer it would be her loss on the other hand how can she stay here when she has a sister like Nicole,once her sister sees where she's working Nicole won't hold back in helping herself to a few expensive art pieces.She can't lose this job or else she'll be homeless and living out on the streets with the triplets she can't afford that.

Child protective services won't hesitate to take away her babies especially after they've given her a warning.Never again will she ever entrust Nicole with her babies a mistake that had almost cost her dearly.Later that day she called Claire,the triplets babysitter she stood at the window of the twins's playroom and watched how they were playing."Hey Claire.Just checking in."She said.

"They absolutely find Avery.Can we expect you soon."She asked.

"That's why I called.I'll be late tonight Mrs Armstrong is attending a function and asked me to stay back late.Will you be okay with them."

"Yes.Don't worry."

How can she not,especially with Nicole around."Please don't open the door for Nicole or anyone else."

"Understood.See you soon."Avery can't wait for her day off tomorrow she doesn't get to spend much time with her babies. Come tomorrow she'll make the most of their time together.A red Ferrari came up the drive way Avery knew it's Catalina's younger brother.Julio.

He always comes to visit his older sister she's heard they have a older brother too but he's mostly in Spain because of his business. Not once has Avery met him,but yesterday afternoon she had heard Catalina telling Margaret he's here for a few days two weeks at most.She wonders why she puts her nose where it doesn't belong moving away from the window she joined Bella and Rosa on the floor.

"Thank you Pablo."He said after scanning through the file he'd given him.Your hard work will be well rewarded.The elder gentleman silently excused himself so his boss could finish reading the file.He finally has a name.Avery Ross a.k.a Amber Storm.It's been a full week since the night at the club.

A full week of looking for her,she's staying in Carson city he has her address but no number. It's unusual for him to run after any woman but she haunts him and he won't rest until he finds the answer why.The fact that he can't find anything concrete about her only intrigues him more,what is she trying to hide or from who is she hiding.He intends to find out and it starts by paying her a little visit.

Avery had been surprised when she'd gotten a call from Natalie this morning saying she needed to see her.Nat had been her dancing partner at Palomino Club the two of them had hit if off as friends but since her departure from there she never called or saw her again.She meant it when she vowed to leave her old life behind and starting a new one with her babies.

Nat is on her way over here Avery had given her her address,the triplets are sleeping but she knows it won't stay that way for long.When the door bell rang she went to open the door for her.She didn't change in this time."Hey Stormy."She greeted.

"Please don't call me that."Avery answered,she's not that woman anymore. She's Avery Ross."Can I get you anything."

"No.I can't stay long.I only came to leave a message."She said.

"I was surprised you called."Avery admitted.

"Some rich guy came looking for you at the club."Avery stiffen at her words.