Who could it be?Who from her past is looking for her.She's finally start her life afresh she doesn't need a blast from the past to come and ruin it for her.A life she tried so hard to forget.A life she left behind.She wonder who the person is she had many rich clients whom she'd entertained privately but it never went further than touching the club had a strict policy about clients becoming too touchy.

Only one man had ever intimately touched her and where had that got her,pregnant with a big fat check and all alone.Never again will she be so stupid as to listen to her head."Who was it?"She asked.

"I don't know.He didn't give his name.All he wanted to know was if you're still working there and if I knew where you were."

"You didn't tell him."She said her voice on edge,she wonder who this mystery man was.

"I don't know anything."Nat said. "You're really hiding yourself."

"I'm not hiding.I have a new life and I don't want a daily remainder of my past."

"We miss you at the club.Scott has been complaining about your departure because there are a few clients who keeps on asking about you.Will you ever consider coming back."Natalie doesn't know she had given birth to triplets in fact no one knows a part from her sister and boss.

She shook her head."That life isn't for me Venus.I wonder how I ended up there.Please don't tell anyone anything about me.I'm no longer Amber Storm. I'm Avery Ross.Amber Storm doesn't exist anymore."

"I hear you.Take care of yourself." She gave Avery a hug."You changed Avery. When I look at you now,I see the innocent scared Avery that Scott had brought to the club.Someone who had no idea how to perform or entice a man."Natalie had been her tutor when she'd first arrived at the club,she's the one who taught her everything she knows now.Even how to seduce and tempt a man. "My best learner ever.I wish you the best going forward."She watched as Nat opened the door and left,on cue she heard her musketeers beginning to fuss.

She was getting ready for bed later that night when a knock on the door interrupted her,she's just had a long hot bath and wants nothing more than her bed.She hopes it wasn't Nicole again,her sister doesn't care what time of night it is or if she was asleep or not.Nicole wants what Nicole wants.She didn't even bother to remove the towel around her and wear her night gown. "Seriously Nicole thi-..."She froze as her voice trail off when she saw who it was.Her whole body went numb with shock,all the air left her lungs.It couldn't be she told herself.She must be dreaming.

This isn't real,surely he couldn't be standing in front of her on her doorstep."Evening Amber."He drawled so smoothly,his deep voice washed over her.For weeks on end his sexy voice had tormented her,the image of his gorgeous sculpted face wouldn't leave her thoughts,her dreams.All six and a half feet of him towered over her.

Tall,dark and extremely handsome.But heartless,cold and ruthless too.She'll never forget how he treated her,discarded her and humiliated her.He was immacutely dressed in his italian suit,white shirt, leather shoes and gold Rolex that probably cost thousand of dollars.His jet black hair is neatly combed and styled, her gaze fell on his handsome face high cheekbones thick straight eyebrows and thin sexy lips.

Lips that had kissed her so passionately that had made her quiver with each kiss,that made her beg for more.She roughly shoved the images aside.The ultimate playboy,his attire screamed money and one look at him will make any woman lay herself bare before him.She was about to slam the door in his face but he blocked it with one big strong hand,long fingers closed over the door handle forcing her to take a step back.

He came inside without an invitation,his dominance was overwhelming it made her feel vulnerable,weak and the last thing she needed is to be weak in front of this man.He is a danger,a threat not only to her but to the new life she had built for herself. He cannot know about the triplets at any cost.With his power,money, might and authority he can take away what matters most to her.

"Get out of my apartment."She threw at him coldly.How dare he come here after what he did.The man has no heart,he's cold,cruel.

He casually took a seat on the couch and gazed around him,at least she has a decent apartment and because of the job at the club she could afford it.If there's one thing she did good.It was save, with her two jobs she and the twins are living comfortably.

"Nice apartment."He leaned back and held her gaze, Avery squirmed under his scrutiny she ended up crossing her arms.

"What are you doing here?"She demanded,although she has a clue what he might want and is afraid to even browse the words.

A slow sexy grin spread across his lips."Right down to business.I like that."

Avery wished she'd kept her mouth shut."We have no business.So please if you don't mind I have things I need to attend to."Which is a lie she'll say anything to get him out of here.

"Expecting anyone."Lazily his gaze traveled the length of her body, heat scorched her skin,tiny tingles of awareness rushed down her spine.His dominating presence won't affect her.

She's changed he thought,she's different from the woman he had met two years ago.She still has that fire inside her yet at the same time there's an innocence about her she never had.If he didn't know better he'd say she's afraid of him."You need to leave.Now." She flung open the door.

"I'm here in Vegas for a few weeks."He said unfazed about the fact that she'd just asked him to leave.

"I don't see how that's any of my business."Yet again those dark eyes took her in she knew what he wanted.What he came here for.

"I need some entertainment to keep me busy."Avery was aghast at his words and the manner with which he was saying it.

How dare he come here and think she'll happily fall onto his lap and do his bidding."I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place.If you need entertainment Vegas has alot of clubs and bars that can provide you with what you need.You won't get that here."

He stood and slowly stalked over to her.Avery's heart rate climbed, her pulse is beating frantically with each step he took closer to her.She met his gaze head on she won't cower away or show him how strongly his presence is affecting her.When he lifted his hand,her breath caught in her throat those long fingers grab a lock of her wet hair,then he did something that nearly made her knees buckle from under her,he inhaled the scent of her hair.

This close she could feel his body heat,his cologne flared up her nostrils toying with her senses. Avery's skin is on fire,her body quivering and he wasn't even touching her. "The things I wanna do to you Stormy."He whispered the sound of his voice close to her ear made her blood rush with adrenaline.

"Don't call me that."Her voice a breathy whisper.

"I still want you Stormy."He said ignoring her request."You do too."

"I don't!"She denied fiercely.

"If I want,I can take you now.Your body won't disagree."Avery instantly took a step back away from him."I need a mistress for two weeks,three the most and who better than you."

She almost laughed at him but if she can do that he won't take it lightly."I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that and ask you to get the hell out of my apartment.I'm not some prostitute you think you can buy.I'm not for sale."

She saw something dangerous flicker in those dark eyes,a chill moved down her spine causing her to shiver."You didn't give me that impression when we first met.Neither did you refuse the check I gave you.So tell me Amber Storm what's the price I need to pay to have you chained to my bed for three weeks."

Avery gasped at his words,the coldness and the cruel manner with which he was talking to her stung so badly that she felt tears simmer behind her eyelids she can't believe this is the same man who had kissed her so passionately and loved every inch of her so tenderly,but she'll be damned if she allows this man to get under her skin.

"Get out!"She yelled angrily."Get the hell out.And don't ever come here again."Avery literally pushed him out her door."Amber Storm doesn't exist anymore,if you come near me again I'll get a restraining order against.Mr whoever you are."She banged the door and locked it before leaning against it.

Shutting her eyes tightly she sank down to the floor and cried.Who the hell does he think he is coming into her home and treating her as if she's nothing. Offering to buy her for a few weeks.How dare he!she thought angrily. One thing she wasn't is a prostitute,silently she cried her heart out on the floor.

"Kent is organizing a get together tonight."He heard his sister say."Are you gonna come."

"I don't know Catalina."He answered."I've got business to take care of.Where's the twins,I'd like to see them before I go."Three days has passed and he hasn't seen or heard from Amber or should he say Avery.She doesn't open up her door for him which frustrates him even more,she's pushing him into a corner a corner he doesn't like to be in.

Her behavior Friday night had surprise him the way she had acted, behaved and spoke that isn't the temptress,seductress whom he had met and bed two years ago.She's different,almost a stranger and instead of letting the matter go.He can't.Have her he shall even if it means he has to be cold and calculated.

"Upstairs with their nanny.You can go and see them,I have a call to make I'll join you shortly."His sister said.

He hasn't been sleeping properly in weeks and ever since he saw Avery again it's become worse.His libido is a monster,just thinking about her makes him grow hard. Fuck!he thought.If he doesn't get laid soon...lord knows what will happen.Gently he pushed the door to the twins's nursery open,he can see a woman leaning over Rosa's crib to take her out.Immediately he froze in shock when he realized who it was.It couldn't be.

She herself looked shocked to see him when she turned,for several minutes they stared at each other unable to believe what they seeing.She's his nieces nanny. How's that possible.From stripper to nanny."Avery..?"

Avery doesn't know which is more shocking the fact that he's here or that he knows her real name. Wanting to know how he knows would be useless she gets the feeling he knows alot.Catalina followed behind him,a warm smile on her face as she came over to Avery."Come here sweetie."Avery handed her Rosa."Say hi to your uncle Alex."

Uncle?Avery quoted inside her head.He's the twins's uncle.She must've heard wrong."Uncle."She repeated dumbfound.

"Uh-huh."Catalina said reaching down to take out Bella after handing Rosa to her uncle."This is my older brother Alex.Alex meet Avery she's our new nanny. Avery is so good with the twins and they adore her too."

"Nanny."It was his turn to be stunned."Pleasure to meet you Avery."She shook the hand he held out to her,a shock wave pulsed through her when their hands touched,immediately she with draw her hand.

"Mrs Armstrong if it's okay.Can I leave early today."She can't be here a second longer not when this man is here.Her job just got a whole lot more complicated.

"I'm gonna need you to stay late tonight Avery.Kent is having a party Margaret will help in serving the guests.I know it's short notice but I need your help please don't decline."

She could feel his eyes on her, could feel that gaze running over her body like he's caressing her. "Of course."Avery forced a smile.

Alex ran his gaze over her sexy body,tight fit skinny jeans outlined her whole gorgeous figure,she wore a black blouse,flat pumps on her feet with her hair made up in a high ponytail.No make up is on her face,she's beautiful and a huge temptation."On second thought I've changed my mind.I'll be here tonight."

Avery dare not glance in his direction,she excused herself and went to the kitchen,he was undressing her with his dark gaze and although she should loathe him she can't.She wants him just as badly but will never act on it for the sake of the triplets.Pouring herself a glass of water she sat down at the breakfast bar and scanned through the pictures of the triplets on her cell.So much for a fresh start."What am I gonna do?"She asked herself.

"I take it you haven't changed your mind.About my proposal."Avery didn't even bother to turn when she heard his voice behind her.

"And I never will."She told him."If you'll excuse me."

His fingers closed over her wrist like a vice grip,she stiffen."We had fun together.You and I.I still remember the things we did together.The taste of your skin, your whimpers,gasps the way you trembled with excitement."She remembers every detail clearly,her body is responding to his words,it woke up her desires.Fire burned in the pit of her stomach.

"Well I remember nothing."She yanked her hand away from him."Stay away from me.I'm not the woman you used to know.And don't ever touch me again."