"No!"She fiercely shook her head. "My gosh Nicole.What's the matter with you. Asking your younger sister to whore herself only for money.What happened to you."She dragged a hand through her hair."Brian put you up to this. Didn't he? Only he has such nasty thoughts going around in his head.The Nicole I know my sister would never ask such a thing from me."

"You're right."Nicole whispered after a while."I'm sorry.It's just.."

Avery walked over to her."Just what?"

"I'm pregnant Avery."She spoke so softly Avery wonder if she heard her right.

"What did you just say."

"I'm pregnant.Brian doesn't know." Avery saw tears slid down her cheeks, gently she swiped Nicole's hair out of her face and tilt her chin to look at her.

"Why haven't you told him.Is he putting his hands on you again."

"Has he ever stopped."She threw back."Anyway that doesn't matter.I don't know who's the father Avery. One night I had used too much and popped some ecstasy too I ended up sleeping with three guys."

"My God Nicole.There's birth control and condoms for a reason.Do you even know these guys."She shook her head."In other words Brian could not be the father.Does he know about this."

Her eyes filled with fear."He'd kill me if he can find out.You know how angry he gets."Oh she does, she'd almost experience it first hand.

"This relationship isn't healthy Nicole.Not for you or the baby.You need to get away from him."

"I wish."She smiled sadly.

"You can."Avery tucked a curl of her hair behind her ear."Go to rehab."

"Avery.."She began.

"Do it for your baby.Please Nicole."It was her turn to beg."You owe it to your baby to try."

"I can't."She shook her head."It doesn't work for me."

"Because you haven't given it a chance."

"I'll think about it."She stood her eyes landing on the triplets.

"You can hold them if you like." Avery said bending down to lift up Alexa.

"No.We all know what happened the last time."Avery had asked her sister to watch the triplets for her when she'd gone for her interview at the Armstrong mansion.Nicole had invited Brian and they had used drugs with the triplets being here,loud music was played and the neighbors had called the police about the disturbance. Both Nicole and Brain had went to jail and child protection services was informed Avery had almost come close to losing her babies."I'm sorry for that."

"I forgave you.All I want is for you to get better."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me as a sister.For when-..."

"Hey.It's all in the past.Forget about it."Avery didn't want to talk about their fucked up childhood.It only brings back pain and memories she'd buried.

"I can't Avery.You've always been here for me.Having my back and helping me when I needed you most.I can't even remember how many times I stole from you,lied to you but through it all you never gave up on me.Thanks for everything.You're a great sister." She gave Avery a tight hug.

"We sisters.We still need each other.It's always been us Nicole and you tried back then when mom had still been alive,hustling for food and stuff.Making sure I was okay and had dinner before going to bed.Helping me with my homework.I appreciate that and whatever you did.You're a great sister too."

"My only regret is that I wasn't there to protect you from Rick. That bastard should be in jail for what he did to you."

Avery shivered as if the man in question was here.He violated her,took her innocence,her youth. He emotionally destroyed her inside that's why she'd end up working as a stripper cause he made her feel like that's all she's worth that no man will ever truly want her.He crushed her self confidence and self esteem for a long time she told herself that she deserved what he did.

That it's all her fault.She almost took her own life because of him, in hospital she was treated for depression,after the incident she never had a regular period for years she'd go a month or two without getting her period, eventually the doctors had said she has poly-cystic ovary syndrome,meaning she'll never be able to have kids.Hearing that news had torn her a part because she had always dreamt of having a family of her own and a man who'll love her.

In an instant all her hopes and dreams had been shattered,life felt meaningless not worth it anymore.That's why when Scott had found her in a bar and offered her a stripper post she hadn't thought twice in accepting.She had lived every day as it comes until she had met Alex,one look in his eyes entranced her suddenly she became self conscious of what she was and what she's doing.

He had looked at her as if she meant something to him,he had made her feel special,something she never felt before but when he had given her that check she had told herself he was no better than all the men she's met over the years only looking for a warm willing body to fill their needs.

Two months after his departure she had found out she was pregnant which had been a total shock because she'd been told she never could fall pregnant and become a mother and she and Alex only ever forget to use protection once and that had been around dawn that Sunday before he left for Spain.She'd taken the news about her pregnancy as a sign,some sort of miracle that she doesn't have to give up or ruin her life and future over one incident that wasn't her fault.

So she had quit her job as a stripper and left Vegas until she gave birth to her adorable little musketeers.She's never been more happier than she is now.Her miracle babies."Sometimes the law isn't on our side Nikki.I accepted that and without any evidence they couldn't arrest him."

"He raped you!What more evidence did they need.It's my fault if I didn't bring him into our home he never would've done what he did."

"Nikki.Let it go.And I don't want to talk about it."She stroked Nicole's arm up and down."Think about what I said."

"I will.But I'm not making any promises.Take care of yourself and the babies too."They heard a loud bang on the door "Brian.He's always so impatient."

"He's not good for you Nicole. Instead of helping you get better, he keeps on feeding you drugs."

Her sister walked over to the door."Avery please.Be nice.He's my boyfriend."

"I don't like him nor do I trust him. He hurts you Nikki."

"He doesn't mean to.You know how men get when they're angry they say and do things they don't really mean.He loves me sis.I have to go."

"Will you be okay?"Avery asked. "Have you gone to see a doctor."

"I don't have the cash."

"I'll take you.Stop by next week then we'll go."

"Thanks.See you."She kissed her cheek,before leaving she gently stroked Alexa's hand."I love you Avery."

"I know."Avery pulled her in for a hug."I love you too."She softly closed the door behind Nicole and rejoined the triplets.Her sister has just touched on old wounds she'd rather forget.Rick might never pay for what he did but she forgave him and let it go for the sake of her own sanity.All the anger, bitterness and hatred would've consumed her if she had held it against him,she moved on and has a reason for living,absently she touched each of the triplets hair.

If it wasn't for them she has no idea where she would've ended up and with whom. Alex reappearing in her life again complicates matters a little but she'll handle it,she must.She's wondering if she should tell him or not.How will he take the news of being a father to not one but three little eight month olds.Will he believe her?

Will he accept them.Even if he doesn't she'll treasure them forever they are her babies.Her gift.Her miracle.She only has one fear that he'll try to take them away from her,and if he does that she won't be able to handle it.She carried them for seven months, made sure they came safely into this world.It'd been a difficult birth but she pushed through for them. Her three musketeers.

"Alex.Are you okay?"Catalina asked a few days later."You've been very distant since you came to Vegas.Has something happened."

"No.Nothing is wrong."He said. "Just work."If only he thought,he hasn't seen Avery in days.He wonders what's going on with her.He has to see her and soon. He can't even go over to his sister's she'll start asking questions like she is now and Avery did ask him not jeopardize her job,he must respect that. "What do you know about Avery?"He asked instead."How did you find her."

Instantly a smile spread across her face at the mention of Avery's name it's clear his sister likes her alot."She found us actually."He lifted a brow for her elaborate."We were in a restaurant one day me and the girls,Avery walked in looking for a job,I over heard her talking to the manager on my way to the ladies room.Unfortunately there weren't any vacancies I guess it was my luck.In the bathroom the girls began to fuss and cry,I couldn't quiet them down until Avery walked in she knelt down in front of them and began to play with them immediately their cries lessen,she made them laugh something I never saw not even with all the previous nannies we had.She connected with them on a level no one could.We began talking,I bought her a coffee and asked if she didn't want to be a nanny for the girls.I told her we'd see how things go for the first few weeks if the girls continue to behave under her supervision than she has the job."

"I assume she got the job."He queried.

"She's an excellent nanny.Kent said so himself he said he's never seen the girls so calm than with Avery.You know how cheeky and a handful they were."He knows that's why he'd been surprised at Bella and Rosa's behaviour clearly she's good with them.

"You never did a background check.Got any references."

"No.I trust her,she did give me her resumé everything seemed to be in order.She worked as a waitress before in a club that's all we know."So Catalina has no idea what work she did before."Why?Don't you like her."

He's very much attracted to her, she's a beautiful woman.All he thinks about is taking her to bed. "No.I'm just asking.Does she have any family.A boyfriend."

"No.Her parents died.She has a sister a part from her babies."

"Babies..?"He probed stunned.

"Yes.Her triplets are eight months old.I'm still waiting for her to bring them over so I could see them."

She has triplets.He didn't know that,it hadn't been in the file Pablo had brought.Is she seeing someone,could that be the reason why she quit her job. Now he has more questions than answers."Is she married?"He held his breath.

"Not that I know of."Catalina took a sip of her tea."I did ask her if the babies father are in their lives but she said no.I assume things didn't go so well between them.Why are you asking me all these stuff.Are you interested."

"No."He lied."Can I get you anything else."He only wanted to know how much his sister truly knows about Avery and he got his answer."When are you leaving for your tour."

"In a few days.And Avery still hasn't gotten back to me about the proposition I offered her."

"What proposition?"He wanted to know.

"I offered her a full time nanny job it will require her to move in but she declined.Probably because she has babies of her own."

"It's understandable."

"She said she'll think about it and let me know.I really hope she says yes,the girls love her and every time we mention her name they get all excited.Any way mother told me your phone call wasn't so good."He only nodded."Why haven't you told her the truth about what Paola did."

"I can't blurt out that she slept with Armando and fell pregnant. Mother adores her too much."

"I can't believe she tried to pin the baby on you.I wonder what would've happen if you didn't caught her in bed with him.You'd probably be raising a baby that isn't yours while she kept on with her affair.I'm just glad you found out the truth and saw through her.I always knew there's a reason we didn't get along but as my brother I wanted you to be happy."

He's glad he found out the truth too."Next time give me a heads up if you see something I don't."

"Definitely.I'll pray you find someone like Avery,women like her are genuine, honest and trustworthy.Someone you can love."