"Love?"He repeated."Is something that will never cross my path.I'm too damaged for it.Broken."

She came over to where he was standing at the window and cupped his cheek. "Don't say that.Everybody deserves to be loved no matter how broken they are.The past isn't our fault.Love heals all.Give it time."

"Does it really.Is there something as love.Paola claimed she loved me but look what she did.We were together since forever,I actually believed it was love but I was fooling myself."

"She's out there Alex.The one for you.All you have to do is wait for her or go look for her."

"I don't run after women."His sister smiled.

"You'll sing a different tune when you find 'the one'.Mark my words." Catalina grabbed her bag on the couch."I have to go.Take care of yourself."

"I will."He walked her to his door. "I've decided to stay here in Vegas.For good."

"That's great news.Now I can come over anytime I feel like bothering you."It was his turn to smile."Find a house and get rid of this penthouse."

"I already found a house.All that's left is mother coming but I'll let you know as soon as everything is finalize."

She kissed his cheek."You do that.Come over for dinner.Kent already left for Miami.I'm lonely." He nodded."Eight.Don't be late."

"I won't."He closed the door after she was gone and went back to gaze out the window.Avery Ross is haunting him.He needs her badly.A second later the doorbell rang.Trying to forget her with different type of women isn't working...

She just got back from work at Mrs Williams's house,she is tired and would really like to sleep but know it won't be possible she has three hungry babies to feed."Did you miss mommy?"She asked the triplets,bending she kissed each of them on the head,gently she ruffled Alex's jet black hair.He shook his head she smiled at him,so young and cheeky."Was your daddy this way too.I bet he was."He smiled at her.She heard her phone rang in her bag it was Catalina.

"How are you Avery?"

"I'm okay.Is everything alright."She asked.

"Yes.Bella and Rosa miss you."

"Me too.I can stop by to say hello."Avery said.

"It's okay Avery.You must be tired from work and also looking after your babies I cannot possible ask that of you."

"I wouldn't mind,I'm sure the triplets won't either the fresh air will do them good."

"Okay.Can you come over."Avery hopes her brother isn't there.

"We'll see you in a bit."Avery quickly dressed the triplets and got ready herself soon they were on their way.Catalina gave them a warm welcome,and led them straight to the twins's playroom. Upon seeing her they ran to her, Avery embraced them lovingly."I missed you too."She told them.

"They've grown close to you Avery."Catalina told her.

"Who can not love them.They so adorable."She stood and faced Catalina but her gaze was fixed on the triplets especially Alex. "Something wrong Catalina?"

"No,I uh..."She met Avery's gaze before looking at Alex again."This may sound crazy but he looks exactly like Alex when he'd been a baby."She quickly walked over to the twins's wardrobe and took out an album,taking out a photo she said to Avery."Here.Take a look. Brother had been really chubby."

Avery tried hard to keep the shock at bay,Catalina is right they do look alike from their jet black hair, to their dark eyes,their chubbiness and their dark olive skin tone."Alex doesn't know I have this picture." She went on."He's kinda shy about all his baby pictures but I think he looks cute."Avery only smiled.

"You're right."Avery agreed handing her the picture back."They do share a resemblance."

"Alex will probably faint if he can see your son."She went to put the album back.That's why they shouldn't meet Avery thought.

"Have you guys had lunch?"

"Not yet."

"Great.Margaret is making lunch, we'll eat outside when the kids are done eating I'd like us to talk."

"Catalina?"She said."I know this isn't any of my business but does your brother have a family of his own."

"No.He was suppose to get married but the woman in question cheated on him and fell pregnant,since then he went back to his old ways being the player he was."Avery finds it hard that any woman would cheat on him."But I'll pray that he finds a good woman.Are you seeing anyone Avery,you so beautiful, loving and kind.Anyone special in your life."

"Oh no.The only special people in my life are the triplets."

"You and brother would make a good couple."Avery could do nothing but smile at her comment. "He needs someone like you in his life.Someone who'll give him all the love he needs to heal his wounds."He has wounds,she wonder what they were."Come on.Margaret must be done with lunch."Avery followed her downstairs,the two of them fed the kids."You such a natural Avery.How do you do it,day in and day out."

"Patience.At this age they are a handful but I manage.I wouldn't have it any other way.They made me who I am.Because of them I have a reason to look forward and face each day.They are special."

"Yes.They are."Catalina agreed. "They change us."

"That was delicious Margaret." Avery said an hour later after lunch."Thank you.Would you mind giving me the recipe."

"Of course not señorita.Can I get you anything else."

"No.I'm full."Avery said."Thank you also."She referred to Catalina."

"No problem.Have you had time to think about what we discussed."

"I have."Avery answered.

"And..?"Catalina asked,Avery can see her anxiousness.Her desperation she had decided not to take the job because of Nicole she has a tendency of always showing up unannounced at her place but looking at Catalina now she doesn't have the heart to disappoint her.

"I'll be happy to work here.Full time."She literally jumped of her chair and came over to give her a hug it caught Avery of guard.

"Thank you.I was so worried you'll say no and then we'd be forced to look for someone else."The relieve and happiness is clear on her face."I'm so happy now I'll rest easy on my tour because the girls will be in good hands."

"I hope you ready for all the noise." Avery warned.

"I don't mind.The girls have new friends and you saw how great all of them got along."Avery saw.They must feel they are family.Avery hopes she isn't gonna regret her decision."When can you move in?"

"I'll start making arrangements. Hopefully before you leave."Avery told her.

"Margaret and I will personally ensure you and the triplets have everything you need.We have a separate guest house out back, we'll get it ready.And don't worry you'll have all the privacy you need."Catalina's cell rang."It's Alex.Give me a second."Avery nodded,they talked for a few minutes in spanish."He's coming over."She said after the call.

Then she better leave."We must get going too."

"Call me when you ready."Avery nodded and quickly fetched the triplets upstairs.He can't find out about them.He just can't she thought.

He'd hope to see Avery but it's clear she's not here."I thought you were having lunch with Avery."He asked after a while.

"I did."Catalina answered."She left before you arrived."So she's avoiding him he thought."Can I get you anything."

"No."He'll stop by her apartment, see if she's there."I have to go."

"Why?You just got here."She searched his gaze."You didn't really come here to see me.Did you."

"What makes you say that.Of course I did."He lied.