"I'm not hiding anything."She lied. "It's late that's all."

"Could I perhaps be a father and not know about it."He watched as all the colour drain from her face at hearing his words."Are you alright Avery.You've gone quite pale."

"I'm...I'm fine.I'm just tired."She lied.

"Are you sure that's all."She only nodded."Who's their father.Is he present in their lives."

"Our lives isn't any of your concern Mr Cano.So please if you don't mind it's late and I'd like to go to bed."

"Of course not."His hand shot out to softly caress her cheek."I'll wait for you Avery at my hotel room."

She was about to tell him he'll wait in vain but he was already gone,her skin is burning where he had caressed her.She sighed deeply and checked on the triplets.Almost she thought.He'd almost come to know the truth. And she gets the feeling he won't back down until he finds what he's looking for.Oh gosh she hopes she didn't make a mistake in taking the job at his sister's house.Not only that he's so sure of himself that she'll come to him and that won't ever happen or will it she wondered.No she won't go to him no matter what...

Today she's suppose to meet Nicole so they can go for her doctor's appointment but her sister is a no show.It's been a full week and a half since Avery has seen or heard from her and she's worried.She moved in yesterday in the guest house outside and she must say the place is beautiful.

It's a two bedroom house with two bathrooms,a fully equipped kitchen,a living area and a dining room she has ample view of the ocean especially in the master bedroom that has a patio leading out to the water.Catalina has made sure the triplets have everything they need,new cribs and feedings chairs was bought all Avery brought was their clothes and toys.The place is big and spacious enough room for them to move around and for her little musketeers to play. Catalina has left for her tour two days ago and so far she hasn't seen or heard anything from Mr Arrogant.

It's best this way he was beginning to sniff around and ask questions she cannot answer.

She gazed down at how all five of the cousins are playing quietly on the floor they really have taken to each other and she's seen Bella is very fond of Alex all she wants is to play with him and try to lift him up so he could walk with her.Avery smiled at them.She never had this growing up but she'll ensure her kids have what she didn't.A loving home,a safe place where they'll feel secure and be protected.

Taking out her cell she called Nicole again but still got no answer."Where are you Nicole."She quickly went to the bedroom to fetch her bag when she came back Alex wasn't with the girls,she scanned the room but didn't find him panic set in."Alex!"She called. "Alex!Alex!"She rushed out through the open sliding doors of the living room,immediately she froze when she saw Alex was holding him. Relief washed over her then it got replaced by anger.How dare he take her son without her permission.

"Avery."He drawled smoothly when he saw her."How nice to see you. Missed me."

Like hell she did."What the hell do you think you doing taking my son without my permission.Give him back to me!"He held Alex back from her when she tried to take him.Her boy seems so at ease in his father's arms,his teether keys are in his mouth.He was drooling all over his father but Alex doesn't seem bothered by it.

"I must say he does look like me. Alot.Catalina had been right."They do look alike Avery didn't even want to agree with him it will cause more suspicion and she can see questions lurking in those dark eyes."Anyone might think he's my son."His gaze moved from Alex to hers."Is he my son Avery."

"D-don't be ridiculous.Of course not."She said nervously.

"Even I thought so because we did use protection.Didn't we."He probed.

"Alex please give me my son."

He stalked past her going back inside,gently he set Alex down with the girls again but Alex immediately began to cry for his father,Alex picked him up again. Avery didn't even want to meet Alex's knowing gaze."You have very beautiful babies and Bella and Rosa are so comfortable with their new... Friends."He added.She watched as he knelt down to where the girls are playing then he took first Alexa then Alexis hand in his own."Did they get hurt here?" He pointed to each of their tiny black spots on their wrists.

"No.It's birth marks."Avery didn't like the way he was staring at her she squirmed under his gaze.

"Interesting."He stated but didn't elaborate why."I'm here to see my nieces care to make me a cup of coffee."He stood again before taking his seat.

"I can't.We're on our way out."

"Pity.You gonna have to wait or cancel,I'm not going anywhere." The look on his face told her she wasn't about to win even if she can start an argument with him.Without a word she made her way to the kitchen and prepared his coffee.She felt like strangling him,what right does he have to order her around."I can't wait for the day when you'll serve me like this.Naked."He said when she handed him his coffee a few minutes later.

Her skin grew hot at his words."It will never happen."

"You know what I like about me Avery,I always get what I want and I promise you you will serve me completely naked.I can already picture it.Can you."

"No!"She denied fiercely."So stop saying things that won't happen. Do you really think I'm gonna let you touch me after the way you treated me."

"I'm gonna love and enjoy proving you wrong."She hates that sexy smile it turns her insides mushy, makes her knees weak.She heard her cell rang in her bag it was an unknown number.

"Hey sis."She heard Nicole say on the other end,Avery's grip tighten on the phone her relieve was that great.

"Nicole.My god I was so worried about you.Where are you.Are you okay."

"I'm fine sis.I stopped by your apartment the landlord told me you moved out."

"Yes,I did."She quickly glanced in Alex's direction."Where are you?Did you forget about the appointment we had."

"No,I uh..Avery..."She started.

"Nicole?What's wrong?"She asked.

"I have to go.I love you sis and don't worry about me I'm okay. Take care of yourself."

"You talking as if you saying goodbye.Talk to me Nikki."

"Always so paranoid and suspicious Avery.We'll talk soon.I'll call."The line went dead before she could utter another word.That didn't sound like her sister at all.She prays everything is alright?Her cell rang again it was Catalina Avery glanced in Alex's direction he and Alex junior looked very much at ease.

"Catalina?"She answered.

"Hello Avery,I'm just checking to see how you coping.I hope they aren't giving you a hard time."

"No.Not at all.They having a ball, all five of them."

"I'm glad to know.Thank you again for taking the job and whenever you need a break don't hesitate to ask Margaret for help."

"I won't.How's the trip."

"Tiring and we just got started.I miss my girls."Avery could hear the longing in her voice,she'd die if she had to be away from her musketeers.

"I know the feeling.I doubt I'd be able to be stay away from the triplets for long.How about you video call again later that way they can see you before going to bed."

"I wouldn't say no.How does six sound."

"Perfect."Avery agreed."Till tonight."After hanging up she turned her attention to Alex she found him staring at the girls,she wonder what he was thinking his face doesn't reveal one emotion. He's so closed off.Can anyone read him.

"Thank you for the coffee Avery." He said standing."But unfortunately I must go."

"Don't let us keep you."She gently took Alex from him.