"Always so eager to get rid of me Avery.I wonder why."He took a step closer to her ever so softly he whispered."I promise you that will change soon."

She wonder what he meant and asked him."What do you mean?"

"Patience."Was all he said before he spun around and left.Avery didn't like the shiver that moved down her spine nor did his words sit well on her.The way he had studied the triplets,the manner in which he had been so at ease with Alex it worried,in fact his whole demeanor just now worries her.He isn't the Alex that she knows,he was too calm today,too controlled that alone should make her worry and ask why.

As promised Catalina called later that evening the twins were so excited to see their mommy even if it was on a screen.Margaret told her it's okay if she goes to bed she'll tuck them in.Avery didn't argue she herself needs a bed especially after running around them the entire day.If she thought her three will easily go to bed it proved harder than usual,Alex began making noise inside his crib trying to get out the noise was disruptive and she's sure he must be bothering the girls.

Giving a deep sigh she went to their room."Alex sweetie.It's late. You need to go to bed.Mommy is tired."She stroked his hair."What's wrong?" She laid him down again but instead he got up again."Come on sweetie.Please go to bed for mommy."Her son refused. "Fine."She sighed,taking him out of his crib and going to her room, gently she set him down on the bed and walked over to the closet to look for her night dress.The thin piece of fabric has seen better days she thought as she slip it over her head."Now young man.Do you mind telling me why you refuse to go to bed."For answer he smiled at her,a smile that stole her heart.

His father had given her that exact smile on their first night together.How she had melted against him in that moment,the second he had taken her in his arms her faith had been sealed.Till now she cannot forget about him,he's invading her dreams whenever she closes her eyes he's there.

A knock on the door brought her mind back to the here and now.She wonder who it could be checking her bedside clock she saw it was five minutes to nine. Taking Alex she went to check,to her surprise she found Alexandro on her doorstep."I forgot my phone earlier on?"

Phone?She hasn't seen any phone."I di-..."He stalked right by her,Avery stared at him open mouth as he casually strode past her without waiting for her to finish talking.Quickly she shut the door and followed him back inside."I never said you could come in."

Ignoring her question he glanced at Alex,her son's face lit up at seeing his father.Alexandro returned Alex's smile with one of his own."And why aren't you in bed.Young man."He asked.No one has a right to look so insanely good when they smiling she thought,her gaze left his face to take in the rest of him he's dressed in all black,black leather jacket,black t-shirt and designer jeans that sat low around his waist a black boot completed his ultimate playboy look a few strands of hair fell over his forehead making him look utterly irresistible.

She became aware of him,her body became aware of him.He must go already her body is betraying her,it has a mind of it's own.The longer she stands here close to him lord knows what she might ask of him.Angry at herself for wanting him she snapped."You got your phone.Now leave."

His gaze ran over her,she could feel him strip her naked with his dark gaze. "Someone is in quite a mood."His cool calm composure unnerved her further because here she is dying to be taken by him.

"Wouldn't you be if someone disrupted your beauty sleep."She threw at him. "Some of us has work tomorrow.We not our own boss where we can do as we please.So Mr Cano if you don't mind.We'd like to go to bed."

Suddenly Alex began to cry.Great he sensed her restlessness,gently she stroked his back up and down but his cries only got louder if it continues he'll wake the girls and she won't go to bed anytime soon."This is all your fault!"She told him furiously."If you hadn't been here none of this would be happening."

Alex couldn't stop the smile that formed on his lips,he should've known she would blame him. Holding her gaze he said."Give him here."

"No!"She refused."You need to get going.I'll manage."

"Why exactly are you angry Avery?"He asked,easily taking Alex from her."The fact that you want me or that you slowly losing your will power to resist me. Which one is it?"

She felt like slapping that smug look off his face but it won't make a difference the only thing it would prove is that he's right."None of the above."She crossed her arms and glared at him."Do you really think you that sexy that I can't resist you."She gave a harsh laugh."Sorry to disappoint you Mr Cano.This woman can."

"We'll see."His tone low.A warning she thought and she didn't like it.Cause he can prove her wrong this instant if he wanted.Thank god Alex is awake but that thought was short lived when she saw her son falling asleep.She gulped Avery hopes she hasn't bitten off more than she can chew,nervously she bit her bottom lip."Room."He clipped,without a word she showed him she watched as he gently laid Alex down and covered him with his blanket.

She left the door slightly ajar after he came out,on shaky legs she followed him back to the living room.Neither of them spoke,Avery didn't know what to say or where to begin.She's alone with him it made her feel vulnerable,her hands are shaking the thunderous beating of her heart slammed against her chest. Why does his presence do this to her.

"I'll..I'll walk you out."She said in a strained voice,she barely got one foot in front of the other when he grabbed her wrist and spun her straight into his arms.Her back to his front.She could feel his hardness.The strength of him.

Her breathing became shallow, uneven,her chest rose and fell as she struggled to breathe.She shut her eyes tightly when she felt his hand in her hair the gentleness of his touch caused her to shiver.

"Still adamant you can resist me." He husked close to her ear.

The sound of his deep drawl made goosebumps broke out over her skin. "Y..yes."She croaked her voice thick with need.

"Let's see for how long you can resist my touch.My kisses."She curled her hands into fists,she won't give in no matter how badly she wanted this. Wanted him.She tried not to groan when he softly kiss the side of her neck going down to her shoulder,slowly he lowered the strap of her dress and planted a soft kiss on her bare flesh,the contact made her shudder with delight,her eyes fell shut again as she gave herself over to the sensations that are coursing through her body.

His touch alone burned her,made her hungry for more,one hand came up to cup her aching breast she gasped when his thumb stroke her nipple,erotic tingles shot down her spine and settle low between her thighs Avery pressed her legs together when she felt that familiar throb.He continued his exquisite torture on her nipple,when his other hand slowly inched higher up her thighs,her breathing became harsher,labored.

It was slowly nearing where she ached to feel his rigid hard length that's pressing into her back.She couldn't stop the moan that slip past her lips when he finally touched her there.

Alex groaned harshly when he discovered how wet and ready she is for him any self control he had had slipped away as he roughly spun her around and crushed her mouth under his.The sheer force of his kiss made her gasp in surprise he took the opportunity to plunge his tongue into her mouth,she moaned her pleasure as he thoroughly kissed her senseless and breathless.

Gasping for air they both pulled a part,Alex kissed his way down her throat her chest,Avery whimper her excitement her fingers curled into his hair holding on while he ignited her desires.She wonders when is the last time she had sex,when anyone had held her this way.She sucked in a deep breath when his mouth covered her erect nipple,her fingers tighten in his hair.Her core contracted with newfound pleasure,she arched her back slightly pushing her breast deeper into his mouth.He was all too eager to give her what she desired.

Unashamed she rubbed herself into him,the strength of him making her more wet there's nothing she wanted more than to be claimed by him.Urgently she removed his jacket her fingers slip under his shirt,his solidness pulled her towards him Avery allowed her hands free reign over his body.She loves to feel his hard form under her fingertips,she loves the feel of him.Hands under her buttocks he lifted her up and carried them to the couch,Avery sat on top of him straddling his big thighs he reclaimed her mouth in a passionate kiss.

Alex helped her in divesting of his t-shirt,he pleasured her breasts, stroking teasing she's whimpering out her satisfaction,her soft moans are killing him it makes him grow harder because he can see and feel her need,she wasn't holding back neither was she faking her emotions.This is what he wanted from her,for her to lay herself bare before him.

For him to do as he pleases with her body.He can smell the arousal on her skin,hear the need in her voice even his own erection is bulging,it's so painful all he wanted is to thrust into her heat and forget everything else.Damn this woman he thought.