Escape Plan Worked

My father held the paper so tight that it tore up.

"You got a B!!!" His voice was terror but unimaginably calm


"Don't try to say anything, I promise I'll will deal with you and your recent behavior trust me" he promised suffering and punishment to me his daughter!.

"Where are we going?" I asked him after noticing a different route taken.

"When we get there you will know" he replied crossing his legs. There was one thing I never trusted in your life, it was this man, my father. Not only do I know he forced my mother in marrying him, but also, he had a wife before marrying her but killed the woman with his own bare hands.

He might be one charming man, but a devil inside. The day before my mother died, she told me to escape, leave, to be out of existence. She always wanted my life to be free from him, but she died trying to escape that life.

All these thoughts made me sleepy, and weak. I rest my head where it hurts the most on the window as my mind slowly drifted off into dream land.

"We're here" The unusually calm voice of my father woke me up. Yawning slightly, I looked outside only to see an airport, well an international airport of course.

"What are we doing here?" I narrowed my eyes at him quite uncomfortable.

"Traveling to Italy" he responded opening the door.

'Italy! Nononono!!' I want to escape, not advance further.

'I must make sure I escape this airport one way or the other'

"Are you going to stay there forever?" Father asked making me get out quickly.

"And one thing, don't try to do anything stupid" he always warned me because he knew my head was always formulating an escape plan here and there.

Men in black suit were almost everywhere, majority of them were keeping their eyes on me, waiting to strike.

The place wasn't crowded but everyone was going on with their daily activities

I looked left, right, back and forth, everywhere was guarded except for an elevator that which almost was closing leading to another place entirely, to another plane's destination

Father who busily filled some documents with a serious look on his face, didn't make a move meanwhile, me on the other hand slowly moved backwards whistling with legs steady to run.

"Don't do anything stupid child" father said even though his face was fixed on the paperwork.

The door was almost closed....





Quickly running towards the elevator when suddenly father brought out a gun and was literally shooting at me. As I ran with heart, I didn't know how, but no bullet touched me gracefully and that was rare. Entering the elevator and smashing the down button.

"F**k!" I could hear the anger in father's voice penetrate into the elevator.

"Come on! Come on!! Come on!!!" I said in tension as the glass elevator got to it's given destination.

Wasting not a second, then running towards anywhere safe. For sure, the men in suits who were everywhere started the chase.

Then, quickly running away from the open region, I saw doors but one must lead to a plane. Simultaneously opening doors one after the other, I opened one which leads to luggages I never knew how those got there, another which led to a strange place.

Why would father get into an airport when he has a private plane. Did he really want to go to Italy?.

"Is this even an airport, it looks more like an extravagant hotel!" I screamed out in frustration.

The doors were countless, then a mistake occurred.

I saw two huge men standing side by side towards a door. Knowing that room would be official or meant to be secured, I turned back but missed a step which sent me rolling towards the secured door.


I fell into the room only to see the new Russian mob boss in there pointing a gun at someone's head.

The scene left me speechless.

"Mia?" He called almost in shock, "..... Isn't the door supposed to be locked?."

"Ciao Mr Andrei, so sorry for-....."

"No need for the apology My darling, I was almost ending this man's life" he said raising me up from the squeaky clean floor.

"Oh.... Have fun with that Andrei" I quickly ran out not wanting to see another man die and also thanking the Lord for Andrei being less suspicious.

Looking outside, I could see a plane loading up.

"Mia!" A thick male's voice made you look back, only to come face to face with my father.

"If a single muscle move, I promise to shoot" Father promised never lying, never breaking his promise.

I didn't think twice before running into another corridor which had an elevator, this time the bullet pierced into my arm which means the legs are safe.

Knowing father was controlling himself from really shooting the main stop button on my body, I pressed the elevator button and it miraculously took me to the right destination.

It was the plane's entrance.....

"Miss, you're almost late" the flight attendant told me but didn't see the blood as I skillfully covered it.

With a swift movement, the plane started moving away from the airport as I sat down close to a middle aged woman

"Please where is the plane heading to?" I politely asked.

"New York" she replied but soon noticed my bleeding, "Oh my God, someone's bleeding here".

I looked down at my arm but suddenly noticed it wasn't only on my shoulders but stomach as well.