Aunt Pamela

Aunt Pamela

You looked at the spot where it was bleeding heavily as some flight attendant rushed in with a medicine kit box.

"We are already flying" a male flight attendant with gorgeous eyes said cleaning the wound but the blood continued pouring out

"Please is there a doctor or nurse or even any licensed medical personnel on board?" one of the flight attendant asked seeking for one

"I'm a doctor" an elder man spoke up, "I've been a doctor for thirty years"

"Well sir please do come over, it seems like she's been shot"

The gray old man walked slowly but sharply towards you.

He asked for different equipments to examine the wounds

"From my examinations and the size of the bullets, looks like our young lady here has been shot by a Glock-G19, but her vital organs were not damaged because the bullet almost destroyed her kidney, I must say the shooter knows the right aim" the doctor said applying an antiseptic on the wounds before finally bandaging it

"Immediately the plane lands, it's essentially she's taken to a hospital for better checkups" he again advised before shutting the kit box.

"Thanks doctor" you said with a warm smile

"No problem, just doing my job to save lives" he replied

"Why would guns be in an airport in the first place?" A woman who has been watching asked but no one replied because there wasn't any answer to that. Your eyes were heavy and before you knew it the world went black

"Please tighten your seat belts in place, we'll be landing in the next thirty minutes" a voice woke you up

"How are you doing?" The woman sitting next to you asked with a motherly smile

"I'm fine but as soon as the plane lands, I'll be much better thanks for the concern" you appreciated and smiled back

Before you knew it, the plane landed with paramedics rushing out from different directions, there were also ambulances and any medical assistance needed. You were transferred to a good looking hospital but didn't take long before leaving there, well such that the doctor had taken care of almost everything.

You ventured into the city starting a life you may or may not like, so far so good your father is hundred of miles away from you.


"I want every single detailed security cameras footage before my daughter Left and the blueprints of this building" your father wasn't really in a good mood at all and this was bad, "I want to know how that elevator door suddenly opened, who gave her all the doors access card, how she managed to enter a plane and also how she took one of my credit cards".




His phone rang continuously before he answered with a harsh tone


"She's in New York but I'm sure she wouldn't stay here for long" a male's voice spoke up over the phone

"Good, at least that's interesting news..... Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't leave your sight unless I'll do my worst" your father was now calm when speaking

"Okay boss, I'll follow up her entire life then she will come back to you" the male told your father before he ended the call


The world seems to be watching you from every corner. Your heart wasn't at peace with the image of your father still fresh in your head.

You could feel his anger boiling inside of you, his craving to get you back

You walked through the busy streets with heads low. The thought of maybe your father will come out from nowhere still haunts You.

With that aside for a bit of time, you needed to settle down in this city, to start afresh all over. Start a school, new friends, new life.... To put everything aside

"I need to call someone who is willing to help me, the only person who placed the life of crime aside from years" you said bringing out a phone from your pocket (this was a new phone, the old one was no more, including it's SIM)

"Hello Aunt, this is Y/N"

"Hello my beautiful niece, how are you doing today?" She asked with a happy tone

"I'm fine.... Maybe..... Can I come over to visit you?" You sounded quite sad and tired

"Of course..... Wait a minute, are you in New York? Did you leave your father.... How? Please do come over, I'll send you the address" she was curious to know about everything

Without another minute wasted, she sent you the address. It was way far from where you stood but having to go there was your only decision.

After stopping a taxi, you were very alert of your environment. And without any further hesitations the taxi zoomed away

From afar, a man stood closeby pretending to be looking at his phone, whereas he listened to the entire conversation....

"Boss will be so shocked to hear that his sister is still alive!"




The sound of you knocking the door made a woman come out.

She was in her late twenties, her black oily hair rested on her shoulders peacefully, she was the exact feature of your father. The pointed nose, thin red rose lips, beautiful eyes.... It was like your father was standing in front of you but in his female version

There was just one thing which made a great difference between her and your father, and that was she hated anything evil or crimes

"Morning aunt" you greeted her immediately she stepped out

"Oh my beautiful niece, you've grown up so quickly" she said embracing you tightly

She was literally hugging the life out of your body

"Okay Aunt.... Need to breathe!" You struggled to escape and she noticed it

"I'm sorry Y/N, where are my manners? Please do come in, you look tired and hungry" she offered you to come inside the house

It was a beautiful comfy duplex, your aunt was single because of many issues. You ate up to your full and sat down in the living room with your aunt who was ready to listen to everything which has been going on.....

"Thanks for the meal Aunt, it actually hit the spot" you thanked her with a smile

"Oh, no worries, it's my pleasure..... So please do tell me how you got here... Tell me everything from the start" she said making herself comfortable

You went ahead telling her about the very incident of trying to escape, the airport, how you gained access to the elevator and the access card....

"Whoa, that man actually helped you alot even with the consequences at hand"

"Yeah..... He did, even though he knew about the damages it will cause to help me out" you were feeling sympathetic for the man if your father ever finds out

"..... What you just did made me remember past memories" your aunt said looking towards you ready to tell a tale, well not a tale. A real life story, "The weather was quite cold as I could still remember it, those black highly expensive cars which came into the large mansion with my father coming outside....

His heartless cold eyes stared at me, more like my soul before he spoke up.....

"Pamela my dear, how are you?" He asked

"I'm doing good daddy!" I replied quickly, but It was as if he wanted me to hug him, which I did with fear, but to my horror he carried me up In those muscular hands and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Pamela my daughter, I'm your father don't be afraid" I heard him say before he came closer to my ears and whispered a word which increased my fear, "Not that I'm going to kill you my child"

Then I wanted to come down but he held me in place firm and tight, My mother was the one who saved me that day from the punishment which awaited me for trying to leave his embrace

My father was a hell of a man, he loves my mother but never shows it at all, he always preferred my brother towards me because I was someone who always wanted to leave

I can still remember the day my mother helped me escape when my father wanted to really force me into his mafia crimes, the rain dropping heavily as she carried me all the way to the train station which he would never search. I never knew that was the last day of seeing her in my life because she died two days after due to a gang fight with the CIA and FBI agents who were against Mafias.

My father searched for me for years and I knew that! I also know my brother will also....." She said all the words with grievance and pain as tears fell from her eyes slowly

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you Aunt Pamela" you sat close to her trying to ease the situation

"Thanks Y/N" your aunt immediately wiped her tears, "But from henceforth, you are my responsibility to take care, I'll try to hide you away from your father.... And also remember we will have to be moving up and down, changing different locations here and there"

"Of course I can cope with that! Thanks Aunt Pamela" You hugged her tightly as she returned the hug

At last your life will be free from your father forever....

So you thought.