Chapter 19.6

“I dunno…” Soren folded his arms. “Ascian ruins are… testy. Sometimes they’re barren and all you’re doing is finding some nerve center or other source of data if you’re lucky. But sometimes you find dangerous ones filled with ancient automechs that can put a dent into a dragon if they get loose. Even if the rules could, I’m not sure…”

“But, if we have three people it’ll be even safer than usual,” Syr’s addition got Soren to knit his brow in thought. “Yae, what kind of skills do you have as a Miko?”

“Well, I’m quite well learned in onmyo arts, and I’m no slouch with a sword either,” the fox lifted her fingers as she counted off. “But, what I’m most proficient in is seika, or holy song, as you’d call it. I’m skilled at weaving magic through my singing to produce effects, and usually I do so in order to heal others or help. Actually, back home, the kagura I’m most popular for is a healing sort. My temple specialized in it in fact.”