Gossip and An Old friend

Immediately, the classroom was filled with chatter. The main focus of discussion was Chen Yu and Wen Yue.

'These bunch of kids! Looks like they really likes to eat *Watermelons!'

Chen Yu looked around the classroom, her eyes locked in a seat on the middle row, where Wen Yue was sitting with a distinguished look.

Enemies will cross paths, even though she didn't stand out in the crowd, Chen Yu was still able to recognise her in a glance, especially her eyes that were now full of tears.

As if she was an innocent prey, looking at her vicious hunter.

'What the f*ck is wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that?'

'Hmm… Whatever, I don't want to pick on some little 'White Lotus' '

Wen Yue didn't know anything about her situation in the Wen family. She thought that her parents still adored Chen Yu in their hearts, so she felt jealous towards Chen Yu and held a grudge against her.

According to Chen Yu's memories, Chen Yu was a brilliant student. At the same time, she was famous for being a big bully in their school. Wen Yue took advantage of this after she came to this school. She acted weak and delicate in the school, and whenever they were alone with each other, she self-harmed and put the blame on Chen Yu. This thing happened in the school frequently.

Moreover, Chen Yu, as the Villainous character, loved to cling onto the Male Lead. But he always disrespected her in front of everyone, shaming her. But he chose Wen Yue over Chen Yu, this made her bully Wen Yue even more.

But the Male Lead and Antagonist both protected her from Chen Yu's non-existent bullying. Resulting her to get dropped off of the school in the early stage. After this happened, her relationship with Chen family deteriorated even more.

'Hmm… I'm not gonna fight with this chick over some little fella, I'm not a pedophile!'

So she made up her mind and walked past Wen Yue when she stood up and called her from behind.

"Sis… Sister Yu," she called her as if she was afraid of something.

'Hmm… looks I can't shake off my villain character no matter how much I try. If so… then just fight on head !'

Chen Yu slowly looked back at Wen Yue with a smile on her face, only to see Wen Yue petrified on the spot.

'Hmm… What happened? Why is everyone so silent?,' she was still smiling .

"Chen… Chen Yu, what evil are you thinking right now? If… If you are thinking about doing something bad to our Yue'er, then… then I suggest you give up!" Tang Li screamed as if she was talking with a ghost.

Chen Yu, "???"

'This pest has already paired up with her?', she thought because she knew who this girl was.

Tang Li's family was a nouveau riche in the capital, so she sucked up to Wen Yue to climb the social ladder. But Wen Yue always regarded her as a pest and a backup plan, so if she did something wrong, she could push her in front to take the blame.

But right now, she didn't have anything to do with Chen Yu, so she tried to smile more politely, "What do you mean by evil thought, I simply greeted my sister because she called me first," Chen Yu told her in a little sarcastic tone.

But this smile made the crowd more silent, Chen Yu felt somehow awkward, so she again turned to Wen Yue, "Say what you wanted to say, 'Sister' ."

Although Wen Yue was pretending to be afraid and sweating in fear, she mastered her courage and said, "Sister, after you went out of home, Mommy and Daddy were missing you so much."

'Impossible. Looks like they didn't tell her anything about our relationship, she is making it all up. It's suspicious,' Chen Yu furrowed her eyebrows.

"They wished to see you, but can't ask you to do so in case Uncle and Aunty might feel bad. So they told me to ask you if you had some spare time, can you go to have lunch at the hotel with them tomorrow?"

Now it was all clear. There is no way that old geezer will ask her for lunch. That means only one thing.

'She is plotting something,' She smirked , understanding Wen Yue's hidden intentions.

'Well, let's just go along with this for now,' Chen Yu decided to play along with her.

"Oh, then where do I have to go? Give me the address," She asked in a nonchalant voice.

'Yes, the fish is hooked'

Wen Yue smiled as she said, "It is not decided yet. I'll ask Mom, then give you the address."

"Hmm… Alright then, I'll go," Chen Yu didn't stand there anymore as she walked away and sat down on her seat.

A girl was sitting by her side as she was chewing on her chewing gum. She looked at her and said sarcastically, "Yo, what's up? Scared these children's away again ?"

Chen Yu looked at the pinked haired girl who was making bubbles on her mouth while looking at her with a mocking face.

This girl was Zhao Lan, Original Owner's best friend, so she was someone whom Chen Yu can count on. Even in the novel, although she was somehow a crazy type girl, she truly cared about Chen Yu and was a loyal friend of hers.

Chen Yu looked at her innocently and asked , "Do I really look that scary?"

Zhao Lan scoffed as she said , "You look like a completely crazy villainess when you smile like that , so creepy!"

" If you don't believe me, then go look at a mirror"

'Hmm… is that true?'

'If so , then I can easily scare away unwanted people,' she was thinking as she started to smile again, but got interrupted by Zhao Lan.

"Look, you are making that creepy face again, no one will even dare to look at you if you continue to do that."

"Hmm… then that means I'm very beautiful. Of course people couldn't bear to look at me!"

Zhao Lan, '...'

"Hmph… What a narcissist! ," Zhao Lan snorted .

"You are making that face again, stop thinking about anything!" Zhao Lan snapped at her.

She laughed, "Alright alright, I'll stop. But why didn't you go talk with Wen Yue?Everyone is talking about us, aren't you curious?"

"Haa… I'm an expert when it comes to spotting white lotus and green tea b*tches, ya know? I already have my hands full, no need for the water to flow out," She directly denied the fact with her harsh sarcasm.

Chen Yu was grateful to have such a friend. When the teacher entered the class, she finally stopped their conversation as both of them focused on the class.

But the peaceful environment did not last longer, because a certain someone came to end their peaceful day right after lunch.

*eating Watermelons - Slang used for gossip.

A/N: Happy New Year guys 🎆