Talented Chen Yu

Chen Yu was a graduate from one of the prominent universities in her own world , so she became bored listening to teachers very soon.

And the real Chen Yu was also a brilliant student in her class, she has always been one of the top five students. So, she didn't need to worry too much about her studies. She was thinking about how to make money right now.

But the math teacher saw that she was not paying any attention to the class, so he coughed a little and reminded everyone to pay attention in the class.

"Is there anyone who can solve this question?"

The geometry question was a difficult one for a junior school student like her. As the difficulty rate was more suitable for a college student. But Chen Yu already knew the answer, so she remained silent to see if anyone could do it.

Seeing that no one was willing to come forward, the Class Monitor volunteered to try the question. After a long explanation, when the board was almost full, the Class Monitor finally wrote down the answer.

The teacher looked a little dissatisfied, but still he thanked her for her hard work.

"Is there anyone else who can do it?"

"This question has a total of three types of different answers, and the most long and difficult one was done , as you can see. So, can anyone come up with a more easier solution?," He asked and the whole class dropped dead silent.

"Well, to be exact, this question is very likely to be one of the final questions, so if you guys can not even do this, then there is no hope that you can do well in the upcoming exam."

Wen Yue pretended to hesitate before she called out to the teacher, "Uh… Teacher, I can try. But it might not be right,"

"You can? Then please come forward and show us, Student Wen," the teacher called her to the board enthusiastically.

Chen Yu was only sitting there and watching the drama while beating drums on the bench with her hand. Zhao Lan furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her, but when she saw the calmness in her eyes, she looked at the board again.

Wen Yue was good at academic results, because the Chen brothers helped her with her studies, so her basic foundation was good. Even so, she never once felt gratitude for this, but she thought this was what they owed her. So she always used them and threw them in the mud after using them like a ragged cloth.

Wen Yue walked towards the chalkboard and completely erased the solution of the Class Monitor. Then she began to write her own method. It just took only half of the board to get the solution.

Chen Yu looked at Wen Yue with a little interest. She did well in this problem, but it was the second solution of the problem. So she didn't find them very interesting, especially for someone who can not live without Math and English, it was not that much interesting.

Wen Yue was very excited inside as she wrote the answer, it was not that difficult because Chen Li tutored her and helped her with studies before. Now, she can use them to her advantage… It can help her build an image in front of her new class and teachers.

After the solution was written, it came with the same result as the Class Monitor, so naturally everyone knew it was correct. They began to compliment her immediately.

"This… This is so amazing!"

"Wen Yue, How did you do it?"

"She is amazing! She can come up with a single solution like this!"

"Wen Yue, can you help me to do this?"

Everyone was complementing her, but she didn't mention for once that it was actually Chen Li who helped her with this. Chen Yu frowned as she continued to look at the students, but said nothing.

But Wen Yue pretended to be humble and lenient as she said, "No. This much is nothing. Sister Yu can do more well than me."

'Well, you want to gain praise, then you can do as much as you want. Why bother drag me into this?'

The attention immediately turned towards Chen Yu, but few of the girls in the class started to sympathize with Wen Yue as they said many things.

"Wen Yue, you are already good like this, why bother her?"

"Yes, yes. She can't do more well than this, you know ?"

"Wen Yue is too kind. There is no need to be so polite. You and she has nothing to do with each other anyway."

Chen Yu stood up, hiding her annoyed expression, and calmly asked the teacher, "Teacher, do you want me to explain the question?"

The math teacher listened to Chen Yu, but he was in a dilemma. At the same time, other students also started to join the crowd.

Seeing that he could no longer refuse, he adjusted his glasses and said with a clam voice, "Well, then please come and do the explanation."

Wen Yue scoffed at her silently. She didn't believe Chen Yu could come up with another solution so fast. What she was going to do was to shoot on her own feets!

After a while, she is going to get mocked by the whole class!

Chen Yu came up and stood in front of the board very calmly. Then started to write down her solution without waiting for anyone .

After 1 minute, she called the teacher, "It's done, teacher."

"This…", the math teacher's eyes widened as he looked at the answer written on the board.

The answer was done in five lines, which was a formula used by university students.

"Your process and answer are correct too! Where did you learn this ?," the teacher asked her with excitement.

"My brother taught me," Chen Yu picked a glance at Wen Yue, who was clenching her fist silently.

"That's very good. Well done!," the math teacher was very happy to see how attentive Chen Yu was at her studies.