
"Before that, come with me for a while. I have something personal I would like to talk with you about." Inspector Ning said as he turned around and started to walk out quietly.

This sudden short notice made both Chen Yu and Mo Ling startled all of a sudden as they exchanged glances with each other.

"Wait! Something's not right. You don't need to go there, I'll talk it out with Inspector Ning now." Mo Ling said as he was about to leave. But he stopped the moment he heard the voice from behind. 

"No need." 

He turned around, only to see the girl who kept smiling with a calm face.

"I'm sure he doesn't mean anything bad. I would like to listen to what he has to say to me too." Chen Yu said as she looked at Mo Ling with a straight look.

Mo Ling understood what she meant as he sighed a little and nodded his head, "Fine. You can go."

'I don't think I can make her change her mind, so I'll just leave it at that.'