
"Don't let him down." Inspector Ning said as he nodded his head.

"Worry not, I'll take good care of him." Chen Yu stood up as she saluted the Inspector before she walked out of the office.

Of course, I know the reason for him acting this way.

Inspector Ning was not only an Inspector in name, but he was also the maternal uncle of Mo Ling. 


Just as she went out, Chen Yu fell into a dilemma on whether she would go back to say goodbye to Mo Ling or not.

"Hmm… I saw him in a bad mood when I went out. Well, fine. I'll just go back."

Although Chen Yu pretended not to care, she actually felt a little hurt by the sudden change of Mo Ling. 

It's as if he was a stranger who never met with her, a completely hundred and eighty degree change of character. 

But Chen Yu didn't think much as she left the station with a little bitterness. 

The moment she arrived at the University, Zhao Lan almost dragged her over to see the ranking board.