Don't Mess with Her

A smile creeped up in Chen Yu's face as she looked up towards the sky.

At the same time,

Chen Yan walked out of the shower after taking a long bath, it could be said that he took long showers whenever he felt down or was angry over something, to cool himself off.

But today he took a shower since he didn't know when he could take another shower next time, there were a lot of things going on in his mind.

After taking a shower, he didn't have an appetite to eat. So he directly went to his small bed as he stared towards the ceiling blankly.

Song Ci… somehow, she was strangely familiar.

Ever since he could remember things, Chen Yan could swear that he didn't met anyone with such an odd personality before. But whenever he met that girl, his heart would always waver.

As if, he knew this girl since birth…

"No way, I don't know her. It's just a strange feeling I have because I never saw a girl with such a strange personality. That's it."