Run Away Brother

"What the hell do you mean, you rascal!" Jun Xia was fired up immediately as he wanted to beat up the guy. However, he couldn't do so in front of everyone so openly, so he could only grind his teeth and endure.

"I always mean what I say. Anyway, we should get back to the hotel, don't you think so?" ChenYan was feeling relieved after successfully turning his attention from Chen Yu.

He turned around to see the girl whispering something to Elder happily, but there was no special emotion in his heart. Only emptiness remains inside.

However, just as they were about to depart, a certain someone called them from behind, making their footsteps halt.

Elder Li pretended to cough lightly as he looked ahead, his attention seemed to be directed towards… Chen Yan?

"Hmm… you, come follow us, I have an errand for you to run." Elder Li pointed towards Chen Yan with the stick on his hand as he turned around and started to walk again.