Chapter 68


I'm happy Gabriela liked the song. Everything I said couldn't be truer, and of course everything was referring to her, it's the first time I wrote something like a song, but for her I would do whatever is necessary to make her happy, that's the only thing I could do and would always care.

As soon as I saw her crying, I approached her to make her feel better. For a moment I thought I made her sadder or that everything she had been enduring this month was too much, but when she told me what's happening to her was, she's happy with the song, I relaxed completely, and my girlfriend kissed me. In the kiss I could feel all her emotion and I didn't hesitate for a second to bring her closer to me, I wanted to feel her close to me and I had started caressing her thighs when I remembered this isn't the time to make love to her, the only thing I want is to make her feel better and try to relieve a little tension she has on him, nothing more, so I end the kiss and lean on the backrest.

"Honey, why is that face?" She asked confused for a moment. "Nothing." I responded, "Don't try to fool me, what's wrong with you?" Gabriela asked again. "I just don't want to do anything you don't want to do, that's what."

"What are you taking about?" My girlfriend questioned in a confused tone "Gabriela, I want you more than anything in the world and sometimes I feel like I can't control myself. Now you'll think I'm a pervert." I said, closing my eyes and sighing "I'm not going to think that love, I love you more than anything."

"But I don't want to pressure you with that, we'll do it when you're ready." I assured, "And who says I'm not?" Gabriela asked, raising an eyebrow and making me look at her, because right now I don't understand anything that had just happened. Was she ready?

I don't know if it's because I had heard wrong or I don't know, the only thing I'm sure of is I don't want to pressure her into doing anything she doesn't want to do, that's the only thing that worries me and nothing more. "Beautiful, really, I don't want to pressure you into doing anything, we can leave it for another day."

"Alex, it's not a joke, I want you to make love to me." Having said that, she started to kiss me and even though I tried to hold on, I ended up giving in to her charms. I had been waiting for this moment for a long time, I wanted her more than anything in the world and we could say in some way with her it would be my first time, the first time I would make love with someone, and it wouldn't just be fucking.

I began to slowly run my hands along her thighs and worked my way up until I reached her breasts. I could see a smile on her lips, and it took me a while to return that smile, even though we were basically not seeing each other right now.

She's running her hands along my back and ended up leaving one hand on her neck, deepening the kiss. We had to separate to get some air and I stared at her and her beautiful brown eyes. You could see a different shine than it always had, and I loved it, I couldn't deny it.

"Are you sure you want to?" I asked again, just to make sure "Yes, I'm so sure as I'm sure I love you." A couple of seconds later, she brought her lips closer to mine and we kissed again until I started leaving kisses along her jaw, on her neck where I spend a little more time and returned to her lips.

As we continued our kiss, she put her hands under my shirt and began a journey upwards until she reached my shoulders, I separated a little so she could take it off. Within seconds her sweater and t-shirt were off her torso, leaving her in just her bra. I stared at her and saw how she blushed. If before she didn't think I'm a pervert, now she must think so, so I approached her to start a new kiss.

I'm going crazy for her curves, and I'm more than sure it wouldn't take me too long to learn them, as for Gabriela, it's something that quickly remained in my memory. I ended up getting up from the chair and leaving her on the bed. Being careful not to leave all my weight on her body, I placed myself on top of her and the clothes on us didn't last much longer on our bodies. If I was already going crazy seeing her with her clothes, now that I had her naked in front of me, I couldn't believe I'm so lucky I could call her my girlfriend.

I continued running my hands all over her body, studying her so it would remain in my memory. I could hear her moan from time to time, which made me more excited than I already am.

Before doing anything, I walked over to the drawer and grabbed one of the condoms I had in it. I wanted to feel Gabriela in every way and the truth is, I'm a little nervous, I want everything to be perfect, and I think she noticed that I'm a little nervous because she kissed me sweetly and making those nerves disappear. were.

I couldn't stop running my hands over her body, it's like a drug for me and the only one I would try, it's more than clear to me. If for nothing in the world I would leave Gabriela, much less now, not after having the pleasure of being able to run all over her body with my hands, which wasn't the only thing I liked about her, I liked everything, but her curves in this moment are driving me crazy.

Slowly I got inside her, and I could feel her nails on my back, which made me worry and I was going to ask her if she was ok, but she brought me closer to her and continued kissing me as if nothing had happened. Her moans were another thing driving me crazy, all of her is driving me crazy.

I felt like we were getting closer to reaching climax and when we did, I lay down next to her and she put her head on my chest, automatically making me run my hand through her hair and kiss her on the forehead. It didn't take her long to fall asleep, at least she's calm and resting, it's something that mattered to me, and I couldn't deny that then I would be calm knowing that at least I was resting.

Time passed and there's a moment when I had fallen asleep, the only thing I could see was that Gabriela asleep, so I stayed looking at her. After a few minutes she started to move and it was as if she's having a hard time breathing, which made me worry, but before I got too worried, she woke up and looked around until she seemed to relax.

"Are you alright, beautiful?" I asked looking at her "Yes, don't worry." She replied, "Well, a while ago you didn't seem that way. What's the matter?" I asked a little worried "Nothing, it was just a nightmare, nothing more." My girlfriend responded, "And you don't want to tell me? Maybe I can help you."

"Thank you for offering love, but it's not something you can help me with." She assured, "It's because of the boys' father, right?" I asked even though I practically knew the answer "I just don't know, I basically forget when I wake up, it's the feeling I wake up with."

I'm not sure she's telling me the truth right now, I know she doesn't want to talk about what happened at Jack's apartment, but I don't want her to keep it to herself, especially since she has an anxiety problem, I don't think keeping it to herself is a good thing.

"Well, if at some point you remember and want to talk about it, you will have me to listen to you, no matter the time." I assured her, all I wanted to do is make sure she's ok. "I know, don't worry, you're making me feel bad for having you worrying about me."

"Ok, then tell me something so I stop worrying." I said, putting my arm around her hip. "I just don't have anything to tell you." She responded, "You must have done something in all this time."

"Nothing interesting, taking care of Ana and practicing a little with my siblings." Gabriela said, "That's all interesting, especially Ana. How is she?" I asked, "Well, it's not something a six-year-old girl should have seen. That wouldn't have happened if I left when Jack told me, it's my fault."

"No, it isn't. I don't know what happened there, I just know you're not to blame for anything that happened, you just wanted to help." I said, "That's what I wanted, but after thinking a million times what I could have done to prevent that from happening, I don't know…" she started, but I quickly denied, because nothing she's saying was true. "Well, you don't have the fault of anything that happened."

"You say that because you weren't there." My girlfriend murmured, looking away from me. "It might be I wasn't there, but I'm more than sure you're not to blame for anything that happened." I assured "I don't know Alex, honestly, I have no idea, I just don't want to talk about it, please."

"Ok, I won't talk about it anymore, but then tell me what you want to talk about." I asked, "I just don't know, ask anything." she responded, shrugging her shoulders. "What do you have planned for your future?"

"Well, I don't know, work, enjoy family and be with you." Gabriela said, a small smile forming on her face. "Just that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Basically yes, are you going to tell me what you have in mind?"

"Obviously I plan to be with you, make you happy, have a couple of children and I would like to marry you." At that moment I noticed how she became tense and stood up to see my face. I don't know what's going through her head. "What's wrong with you beautiful? Are you feeling unwell?" I asked, starting to worry. "No, I'm fine, I'm just surprised by that last bit."

"Why? It's something I would like." I said sincerely, "But I don't think getting married is necessary." She responded and it's at this moment that I turned to get a good look at her face and see if I had understood her correctly. Didn't she want to get married? Am I the one who want to marry her? Wouldn't she want to marry me because of everything that happened years ago? Those and thousands of questions began to go through my head and none of them made much sense, so I decided to ask her directly.

"Why don't you see it necessary? It's a way to show how much you love a person." I said, "I know, but it's not necessary to get married to show two people how much they love each other, and secondly, I see it as an unnecessary waste of money, really." Gabriela responded, "So it's not because of me?" I didn't want to ask that question out loud, it just came out of nowhere and she stared at me for a while.

"Do you really think I don't want to get married because it's you?" My girlfriend asked as if she didn't believe it. "If I'm honest, yes, that's what makes the most sense to me." I responded, shrugging my shoulders, "Well, it's not like that, I've been thinking like that practically all my life, in fact, you could say with you I would consider the idea of getting married, but I think it's not necessary to get married to show how much you love a person. "

"Then what would you answer if I asked you?" I asked curiously "Well I have no idea; it could be yes or no. If you ask me the question, I would be the one who would have to worry." She answered, focusing her gaze on mine. "Why?"

"Because I don't want to lose you if I say no." Gabriela said, "You wouldn't lose me, well, not now that I know the reasons, and if I didn't ask you why, we could talk about it. I love you too much to leave you Gabriela." I answered sincerely, "But in things in which the heart is too involved, it's difficult not to get carried away by it, you know it and I know it very well."

"Maybe, but this time I wouldn't make the same mistake I did years ago, this time you wouldn't forgive me, and I wouldn't forgive myself." I assured "Don't say that, because that won't happen, I'm sure that maybe it would be difficult for me to forgive you like it happened this time, but then I would forgive you and we would be the same as now."

"I'm happy with you by my side, you're the only one who makes me smile so much and feel so good." I revealed "So do you." She said with a smile on her face "Hey beautiful, don't you want to eat anything?" I asked, noting what time it is. "I'm not hungry."

"So, you won't accompany me while I go down to eat something?" I asked with the idea of convincing her to eat a little once we got to the downstairs. "I'm not hungry Alex, I can accompany you, but I'm not going to eat anything."

"How long have you gone without eating something?" I asked, "I ate a couple of hours ago, why?" She responded without further ado, "I didn't see you eat anything when you got home, and then I'm sure you didn't. I don't want you to get sick, beautiful."

"Nothing will happen to me. Also, I ate something before I got home. I don't know what they told you at my house, but I'm sure they are more than wrong about that." She assured, "Ok, well, if they are so wrong, come with me and eat something. I want to show you my culinary skills improved to the level of not burning the kitchen and being edible."

That's a lie, things remained the same. It's likely if she accepted, I would burn down the kitchen and with it the entire house, but at least I must try to get her to eat something because what both Marcos and her family said made the most sense. I know when she's nervous, stressed or worried she stops eating because she has no appetite, but I don't want her to get worse than she is, so I'm going to have to somehow get her to eat.

"Oh yeah? And at what point did you improve to that level?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, ever since my grandmother taught me some tricks to avoid burning what I cook. Come on, I'll do whatever you want. I just want to show you that you'll no longer have to cook alone, that I will be able to help you without running the risk of burning down the entire house."

"Ok, but I assure you I won't finish eating anything you make me." She said softly and with a small smile on her face. "I'll settle for you eating a little."

"Ok" With that, we kissed and got out of bed and while I was getting dressed, she decided to go take a shower, so I handed her my sweatshirt so she wouldn't get cold on the way to the bathroom, and more than anything because then her aroma stayed with her and it would become my favorite. I headed downstairs and as soon as I made sure Gabriela had turned on the water, I called my grandmother to give me some advice on how not to burn the house down, and luckily for me it didn't take her too long to answer.

"Grandma, I need a couple of tips so as not to burn down the whole house and make edible food." My grandmother laughed and gave me a couple of tips to not set the house on fire and make decent food for Gabriela. I didn't want to disappoint her now I had told her I learned to make decent food and not set the house on fire.