13. Return


Today we arrived in Austria for the grand prix. The holidays had passed quickly and for a month, both my mother and my grandmother would be with me since the first one had vacations for this time. 

Over vacation, I told Bianca the Ellie we knew was the same Ellie Cameron was talking about and she was Cameron's sister. I know it had been hard, but at least I had gotten her to not focus on it and to sort of get over it, so I was happy with that. 

The rest of the summer, I spent training together with Cameron, with whom I had spent a lot of time and we had gone on more dates, three more to be specific. I spent time with my mother, my grandmother, Bianca, Elisabeth when she arrived, but especially with Cameron's mother. 

From the little Cameron told me about when we were in UK and what I can see, the woman I knew had nothing to do what I see right now, and I could tell Cameron is calmer about it, which made me happy, because the two of them had been through for enough in their lives, they did not need to suffer anymore. 

Right now, I was in the break room and soon I would go out to meet Cameron because he wanted us to go out for a walk just the two of us, because despite the fact we spent practically all the time in summer together, it was rare we were alone, and apparently, he wanted that at the moment. 

I had a couple of pages left to finish the book I'm reading to me when someone knock, so I tell them to come in, but still focus on the book I was reading. "What are you reading?" Cameron asked once he reached me and I look up from the book and I can see him with a big smile on his face, one I like to see. 

"Purple Hearts. Tell me we're not leaving right now." I asked. If I don't like something, it's leaving a chapter halfway "I was coming for you, but if you're busy we can go out another time." he assured and I denied, because really what is busy wasn't "I'm not busy, I just want to finish reading the book. I have a couple of pages left." 

"Then I'll wait for you." he said making my smile grow bigger "Thank you, Cam. You can sit while." He sat down next to me, and I focused back on the book, which I finished five minutes later, so I closed it and put it on the other side of the sofa. 

"You finished?" He asked "Yes, where are we going to go?" I inquired trying to know where we would go "Surprise Gallego, it's a surprise." He replied, "Come on Cam, you know I'm not a big fan of surprises." 

"Deep down I know you adore them." he replied with a big smile on his face. Maybe I liked surprises, especially if they came from Cameron, but that was something he didn't have to know. 

"At least tell me if I need to change." I asked, because if there was something I don't feel like changing at the moment, "You look beautiful like that, you don't need to change unless you want to." He replied and I denied "Nah, I don't feel like it." 

"Then let's go." He got up from the sofa and stretched out his hand for me to take, which I don't hesitate to take. When we left through my team's box, the people who were around looked at us weird, and the press was already starting to create rumours we could be together since Cameron had spent practically all the vacations with me. The truth is neither of us cared too much since, if we were together or not. 

Once we left the circuit we began to walk along the road behind and where the cars were. I don't know where we were going, but I was glad I got to spend time with Cameron honestly. "How are you doing in practice?" I asked after a couple of minutes in silence "As always, but from what I could see you do the same." He responded looking at me, "Well, I'm not convinced. The car isn't working as it should." I said with a little snort at the end "What is it you don't notice well then?" he inquired, and I shrugged, because I had no idea what it could be. 

"I couldn't tell you, but something wasn't right for me. Bianca and the rest were going to check it out this afternoon." I replied, "Weird you didn't stay with them." Cameron answered and I nodded, because I knew it was "I trust them, and more now with the new directive." I sincerely said, "How about them?" asked. 

"Well, for now, they give me practically everything I want." I assured. It's something I never had "That's great." he replied with a big smile on his face "Yes, but I also know they're doing it to make me stay, so I don't know how it will be after." 

"Don't you trust your boss?" he asked, and I denied "Not that I don't trust her, but we both know how this goes. They will do whatever it takes to keep you on their team. If I accept, it's possible that for the following year they won't be as nice as they are this year." 

"I understand. Do you have offers from other teams?" he asked, and I nodded "Well yes, more than I expected." I answered sincerely "Why?" he questioned "I don't know, I just didn't expect so many, and less from some of the teams want me in their team." 

"Can I know what teams those are or are you not going to tell me?" he asked "Collen, but I'm not surprised about them, yours too and Heygen to begin with, but I'm more than clear I'm not even going dead for the last one." 

"I assumed so but did Herlitz seriously offer you a contract?" he asked surprised, making it more than clear it wasn't because of him "I thought the same thing. Is Coleman retiring or something? I inquired "I didn't hear anything, but I really wouldn't mind having you on the team." 

"I wouldn't have a problem either, but I really like the team I'm in. The ones I work with every day are great." I answered honestly "Wouldn't you like to be on the same team as me?" he asked, and I could almost hear a trace of pain in his voice. 

"Don't get me wrong, because I would like to, but I think I prefer you as a rival to a teammate." I assured him, giving his hand a little squeeze. "What if I asked you to be my girlfriend?" he asked "I would think the same and with more reason." 

"For what would they say?" he asked, and I denied "I don't give a shit what they say, but since we've known each other, we've had this rivalry on the track, and I'd like to keep it. There are no team orders in the middle saying what we can do and what not. I like the competition between us, especially this year." 

"And if either of us, however unintentional, screwed up the other's career, would something happen?" he inquired, and I couldn't help but frown. "In what case?" I asked, "Now or when I ask you to be my girlfriend." 

"It wouldn't happen… Wait, when will you ask me to be your girlfriend? What are you talking about?" I asked confused "From everything I said is what you decide to hear?" she answered laughing "Cameron, that's the voice you use when you're talking about something serious, and I can tell you're nervous. Can you explain to me what you want to talk about?" 

"Okay... I had it planned for later... but it will have to be now..." he started, and I gave him a little push with a smile on my face, because now more than before, I could tell he's nervous "Come on Cam, what is it? What's happening?" 

"We met four months ago and during the last one we have gone on several dates… this is more complicated than I thought…" he said, "Go on, I like where this is going." I assured him "Okay... I like you Lara... and I'm attracted to you... a lot... I think it's better that I say it once and for all... do you want to be my girlfriend?" 

I was amused when Cameron was nervous about saying something to me, he's always shy and it was a totally different image from the one he had on the grid and with the press, but I liked this man for how he really was and not for the image he had, what's more, you could say I love him. 

"Mmm, well I don't know honestly." I joke "You don't have to answer me now... just... I'm just asking you to think about it... just that..." Cameron started walking again, but I grabbed his arm, which makes him turn around, and before I can tell give him time to ask, I joined our lips. I could see how at first, I took him by surprise, but the kiss soon followed, and the truth is one of the best I had ever had in my life, and in those best ones, all the kisses were from him. 

At the moment we practically run out of air in our lungs, a small smile forms on his face. "What does this mean?" he asked, confusion evident in his eyes "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend. Did you doubt it? 

"I don't know...it's hard to read your expressions." He replied, "Well, I would never hesitate to be. I like you Cam, and more this shy man's version than the one you have out there." I said gesturing to the track. "Usually, I'm not. It only happens to me when I'm around you." 

"So much better, we don't want others to know this side of you, right?" I said laughing "I don't care as long as I'm with you." he assured "Me too, seriously. Now you can tell me where we're going?" I asked again "Sometimes I think you are too impatient Gallego, seriously." 

"But it's something you like about me, so you can tell me." I insisted "Know it's the last time I tell you what we will do." he assured me, and I laughed, because I know it wouldn't be like that "It seems perfect to me, now tell me." 

I took his hand again and we started going wherever we were going. At this moment I was the happiest girl in the world and few things really mattered to me, just being with him, my family being well and continuing to compete in F1. 

"We're going to go to the karting next to the circuit." he said and my eyes grew enormously "Really? Then why don't we go across the track." I asked "Walking is something that doesn't bother me, especially if it's with you by my side. Besides, that way I could spend more time with you." 

"The idea seems perfect to me." I said with a big smile on my face "Okay, we can make a bet." He said "I like where this is going." I answered with a smile on my face "Well, I hope you like to lose, because I assure you I will win it." 

"We'll see." I replied "That's what I tell you." He stated "What is the bet?" I inquired, because I knew I wouldn't normally lose, but even less so if there was a bet involved. "We will go around the circuit ten times, the one who arrives first can ask the other for anything." 

"Okay, I'm in." I declared "Perfect, I just hope you're ready to lose." He replied, convinced he would be the one who would win. "I think I'll enjoy when I'm done with you, Edwards." 

With that, one of the guys in charge of supervising the small circuit let us choose the kart. It's not that choosing one or the other was better because, after all, they all had the same power. The good thing about go-karting was you depended on your skill. 

We put on our overalls, helmets and positioned ourselves on the grid, doing three rounds of rock-paper-scissors to see who would go out first, which Cameron had won, so we both took our places on the grid. When the guy gave us the exit, we both quickly got out. Cameron kept the lead but I wasn't too many laps behind him so I had chances and man did I have them but I decided to play a bit more so it wasn't until the last lap I overtake him. 

Once finished, I got up from the kart, took off my helmet, and waited for Cam to do the same. When he took it out, I could see he had a smile that almost covered his entire face and he put the helmet on the seat of the kart. 

"You're slippery. Why did you pass me on the last lap?" he asked confused, and my smile widened "Because that's when I got the chance." I said, when I could tell we both knew better, "You had the chance all along, why did you do it?" 

"Okay, okay, you're right, but I wanted to let you dream of a little bit, so I passed you on the last lap." I said laughing "You're cruel." he replied with a pout "Just a little bit." I replied "What do I have to do for you now?" 

"Mm, I was thinking of us racing the circuit." I said after a while in silence "You mean the real circuit?" He said the last thing pointing to the circuit behind us, and yes, I'm referring to that circuit. I don't know if karts were ever raced there, but it wasn't bad to try it. 

"To that very one." I answered nodding "And do you think it will be possible?" he asked, and I shrugged, because I had no idea, "Why not? They are karts and there are no cars on the track until this afternoon. 

"Okay, whatever you want." With that, we put our helmets back on and took the karts out onto the track. This time we decided I would be the one who would go out first since I had won the one before. Once in position, I could see a couple of mechanics lean over the wall to see what was going on, but they couldn't recognize us at the time, so it would be even funnier. 

When we were both in position, I lifted three fingers up and started to lower them until I had none. We both accelerated and in the first corner we were even, but I gained a bit of advantage before reaching the third corner, which is where you must brake the most on the whole circuit. 

After that corner we were paired again and spent the rest of the circuit, so we're not clear who won this race, and the mechanics who were on the wall didn't seem to be clear with who had won. The moment we take off our helmets, the mechanics stare at us, but that's not what we care about. Cameron walks over to me and gives me a kiss I accept more than delighted. 

"May every day be like today." he said with a big smile on his face "With you going after my ass?" I asked, even though I know that wasn't exactly what he meant. "Best position anyone can have." 

"So, I'm going to have you behind me all the time to see my butt?" I asked ironically, but it wasn't really what mattered to me the most "Mm, I would love to, but I also wish I could see that pretty face of yours." he said, approaching me "I thought I would have to walk backwards from now on, because I know for sure I don't want to lose that pretty face of yours." 

We laugh and break apart when we hear a whistle, I'm almost sure was my sister, and when I turn to face the wall, I see her with a big smile. "Sorry to interrupt guys, but Lara I need to talk to you." She said, "The car?" I asked and she nodded "I'll go now, give me a minute." 

"Don't get distracted." she responded with a smile that said everything. I shook my head and Bianca went to the box and I turned to see Cameron who had a big smile on his face, but not as much as the one he had a couple of minutes ago. 

"I have to go." I said "I know. Do you think we can eat later?" he asked, and I nodded "You can join us later. Mom and grandma want to take me and Bianca to eat at a restaurant they discovered while taking a walk with your mother." 

"Can I bring my mother?" he asked, and I nodded "You don't have to ask, what's more, I was completely sure that you would end up there, those three don't separate." I assured "I'm glad they get along so well, now a question." 

"What?" I asked "What will we do when the press asks us if there is something between us?" he inquired "What do you want to do? Would you mind if someone knows?" I asked "No, I wouldn't mind at all, but I just wanted to make sure you don't mind or something." 

"Of course not. It doesn't bother me. I only will be the biggest enemy for many girls." I assured and this time he's the one who frowned. "Why?" he asked "Any girl would like to have a relationship with you, but I'm the winner, so they'll have to fuck off and find another man." 

"I never thought you were so foul-mouthed." he replied laughing "You still don't know how much, I'm completely sure in other circumstances you will like it." I assured "It's a promise?" He asked and I nodded "It is, now seriously, I'm leaving, I don't want Bianca to end up killing me." I answered separating myself a little from him "Okay, see you later. Shall I come for you to the box?" he asked, and I nodded "Come by in case I forget, or if mom and grandma don't show up." 

"I will do that." We had a little kiss, and went to the wall to see what Bianca needed. Once I entered the garage, I saw Bianca talking to a couple of mechanics, so I start to look at the car, until I feel a hand on my shoulder. 

"Did you find anything weird?" I asked, rolling up my sleeves. "A couple of sensors, but we didn't find anything else. Can't you be more specific about what's wrong with it?" My sister asked and I denied "In the third corner it's not fluent as it is in the rest of the track." I said what I had told her before "Does it do it in the rest?" I denied again. 

"Well, let's hope it's the sensors we found." she replied with a small sigh at the end "I hope so." I answered and started walking towards the exit of the box "Now, better why don't you tell me what happens between you and Cameron huh?" 

"What has to happen?" I asked as if I didn't know what she wants to know exactly "Come on Lara, I saw you very close." she said with a snort. "Maybe he asked me to be his girlfriend." I said with a smile on my face. 

"What? No… you're teasing me… it must be that." I denied, because I didn't know why I would be telling my sister something that wasn't true. "Do I have the face of hesitating you?" I asked "It's true... what?... I mean, I'm happy for you." 

"Take a few seconds to absorb it." I knew this wasn't going to be her normal reaction. Bianca tends to be exaggerated in these things, and it's confirmed after a few minutes when she starts to jump and make little squeals that, if it weren't for the fact I'm used to it, would go deaf. 

"Can you turn down your voice?" I asked "Shit, are you going to say it?" She said in a whisper. "If they ask us, we won't deny it." I assured her, "So we can tell Mom and Grandma?" 

"Mom and Grandma would know by now." I responded with a shrug. " Ooohh, I'm happy for you, Lara." she said giving me a hug "I am too." I replied laughing "And you love him?" my sister asked once we broke the hug "I like him, but I'm on my way to it." 

"Uh, I can't with so much happiness right now." she said laughing "I know, but I'd better help you finish assembling the car so it's ready in the afternoon." I answered after taking the papers Rebe had left me "Do we need mechanics?" 

"You will tell me." I replied "Nah, I guess we don't need them. We have an hour and a half for lunch, let's hope to finish by then." I nodded "We can." 

With that, I rolled up my sleeves and we started to assemble the car between the two of us, until a couple of mechanics came to help us. Time flew by and after what seemed like minutes, I heard the voices of my mother and my grandmother, so soon we would have to go eat and soon Cameron would also arrive. 

"Hello girls, how was your morning?" I heard Cameron's voice ask mom and grandma, "Great, and you?" Grandma asked "Great too, and Lara?" he asked and it's at that moment I notice how someone like someone gives me a small kick in the foot, which makes me come out from under the car with a threatening look at that person, and when I see Bianca, it doesn't take long for her to raise her arms up in the air and nod at Cameron. 

"Before you kill me, I just wanted to tell you that your boyfriend is here." she said and I rolled my eyes, because as far as I knew I'm not deaf "I heard that, thanks for the heads up." I replied "Wait…did she say boyfriend?" 

Cameron came over to me and helped me up off the ground. Not that I needed it, and he knew it, but I wasn't going to turn it down either. "Yes, you heard right mom." I said with a big smile on my face "Oh you don't know how happy I'm for both of you, guys." 

"Lariña, canto levades? (Lariña, how much time you two are a couple?)" grandma asked "Non levamos tanto. Pideumo esta fai un par de horas. (Not much. He asked me a couple hours ago)" I assured her "Estou contenta por ti (I'm happy for you)" she said with a big smile on her face "E eu . (Me too)" I assured her. 

"You were already taking a long time to be my daughter-in-law, I thought I would have to pull my son's ears for not making it happen." Isabelle said giving me a hug. " Mom." Cam protested, which made me laugh. "It's true honey, you know I like Lara for you, someone who will keep you grounded." 

"Maybe she's the one who needs it." He replied rolling his eyes "Well look, great for both of you." His mother responded enthusiastically "Well, are we going to eat or what?" grandma asked "Let's go." Mom said, but I stopped, because I wasn't going to go as I was now "Wait, I have to change." 

"We'll wait for you here, don't be long," grandma replied with a big smile. "Tell that to Bianca, she's the one who always takes time to change." I answered laughing, "Bianca will hurry up if she doesn't want to go without food." 

With that, Bianca ran to my break room to change, and it didn't take long for me to follow her, but calmer, because I know they wouldn't leave without either of us, it's not the first time they've said that. 

After a quarter of an hour, we went down to the box where everyone could be heard laughing, even some of the mechanics, and after a couple of minutes, we went to the restaurant my mother had told us about. 

During the meal everything was laughing, and it was at times like these I wondered what it would be like if Dad was alive. I know for sure he would be out there cheering me on and would be my number one fan, he already was when I was little, but I would like him to be here watching how I made our dream come true... as both Bianca and I did. 

"Hey, hey, what are those tears for?" As soon as Cameron says those words, it doesn't take long for the rest of the table to turn their full attention to me. "Are you ok?" Mom asked with concern invading her "Yes... don't worry." I assured them. 

"Then why are you crying, Lariña?" Grandma asked. "I was just wondering what it would be like if dad was here." It didn't take long for Cameron to hug me and put his hand on my arm, which calmed me down a bit. Bianca did the same but passing her hand over my back. 

"Lara, teu pai estaría máis que orgulloso de todo o que estás conseguindo (Lara, your father would be more than proud of what you achieved)" grandma said "I know, but that wouldn't imply I liked he was here... with us..." 

"Sabes que sea onde sea que este papá, é o teu fan número un. E como a abuela dixo, estaría orgulloso de tiu… (You know that wherever dad is, he's your number one fan. And as grandma says, he would be proud of you…)" assured Bianca "He would be proud of you too." 

"I know, but stop crying, you look ugly." With those beautiful words from my sister (irony) she manages to make me smile and both my mother and grandmother relax a bit and focus their conversation with Isa again. After a few minutes, Bianca joins their conversation, but not Cameron, who continues to run his hand up my arm. 

"Are you sure you are alright?" he asked, and I nodded "Yes, I'm just moved by the atmosphere at the table right now, nothing more." I assured him "If you want to talk, we can do it later." 

"I know, but I'm fine, really." I replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek "Okay." He kissed me on the temple and ended up taking my hand making small circles with his thumb. I rested my head on his shoulder while the food didn't come, and when this was served, he kissed my hand and we began to eat. Grandma was right, Cameron was the best boy I could have with me, and that was more than clear to me. I'm completely sure if he continued like this it wouldn't take long for me to fall in love with him.