Sparky always was a good friend. A great winner with great sense of smell and a naturally friendly nature, who couldn't love him?.I loved Sparky.He was the best.Best at snuggles, best at playing catch and really really good at making me feel better.Once I caught a cold and had to miss a baseball game. Unfortunately that simple game I missed determined the while season and my team lost.I knew it wasn't my fault but it somehow felt like it was.Do you know what Sparky did? He just came up to my bed and gave me a big hug.Isnt he such a good friend?
But it all changed the moment I met Helen.
Helen was a nice redhaired girl with a great sense of humour and actually horrible taste but it didn't matter especially to me.Sure the teachers called her temperamental and pig headed (whatever that meant ) I knew they were just jealous and she was the best friend I ever could hope to meet.She had lots of freckles on her face and Biggie MC Muffin tried to mock her for it.He was all like
"Helen McDonough more like MC Dumdum!Her rosy cheeks puffed out .Her eyes turned really red.In that moment she mellowed down , walked straight up to the huge monster and kicked him in the nads, the guts, the you know ...
It was epic.but now I'm careful with her. don't want to be kicked in nads, if you know what I mean..heh heh.
Anyways , when I brought Helen back home and up the stairs,Sparky went crazy mad.He started shouting like crazy and barking-i didn't know he could bark like that.Helen as always felt threatened and soon acted like Sparky, barking and it was soon like a showdown Suddenly , The two best friends of mine stopped and stared at me like "Who is your best friend?" Of course both of them were and I had not the slightest on what to do so I did what any eight year old would do in my shoes.
Yeah, you probably guessed correctly.
I ran.
Like crazy.
Yeah, you probably guessed wrong.
I know,I know, don't mock me or judge me . I know.
Ok, maybe I don't really know what I did wrong but my mum yelled like crazy so I guess it was wrong? I don't know.i'm a kid. Shouldn't really bother myself on matters like that.All I know,in the weeks to follow,it became worse their feud and it ended tragically with Sparky flying up to heaven to be with Angels with his wagging tail.At least that was what my parents told me.
A few years later, when I was a lot older , I finally understood it all.I wasn't giving Sparky enough bro love and he thought I was abandoning him for Helen How wish I could tell him that there was enough love for both of them.