Life was hard.We have all heard that one before.Life is unfair.Just a normal cliche right? No,it's not and if you were actually thinking that you have never experienced really struggles especially one on education.
Think again.
In fact waking up is a struggle to some people as many people ordeal differ from place to place and time to time.but mine is kinda unique.
Hi there , I'm Sarah and you're reading struggles in school.My struggles.Btw, it's not financial problems as most of you might have guessed .
You all guessed wrong.
Social problems?
Ding Ding, we've got a winner!
I know it may not seem like a problem to geniuses or other people but like I said challenges differ.I was never an A student , heck I want even a D student.I know it is kinda really sad right? I didn't sweat it much.I didn't see myself as dumb .In fact I was really smart at least to me.But there was one little problem.
Everyone else didn't think so.
And that was my problem
The end.
Just kidding, let me shed more light on that.
Let's face it , I've never actually was a genius genius especially when my big sis was around.She was always bossing me and proving that she was better and smarter than me which makes me sad
because it was totally true.
My parents are well are parents...
My school is the worst! I can just see Mrs Campbell dissapproving look after each test.My grade has never been higher than a C so that's that And there is those snobby obnoxious, snobnoxious ?boys.
Yeah, I made a new word.
I know you were expecting girls right? To be honest, girls are really cool in my school but the boys, no the particular boy which one name I can never forget Max or as like to call him Maximum dufus.Get it?. I don't get it either but it was my best friend that named him that and she's really good at nicknames.
Those are my struggles- grades.Thats it and maybe the occasional whistling while I shave my ... you know what that's not really important.
Now I know why I'm not good at , it s time to give up ...I mean find a solution.
Do homework.
Ask for help from the class genius,Max the dufus.
Read all the time.
Seriously, who do you think I am.
Well I know my problems might seem insignificant and a little bit crazy and maybe it is.But still, it's my problem not yours.
But if you so have any plausible solution, give me a call.
What do you think?