2: On Aisle Mountain II: Ruthless

"Help! Someone help me!"

Startled, The Male servant had quickly turned to run out of the store room.

But the shabby looking man instantly stretched out his hands towards him and clenched his fist against the air.

The servant had abruptly stopped with both hands against his neck which was being gripped by, by an unseen force!

He was chocking as his feet left the ground. "Someone..Save me.. Save .."

He was beginning to loose his breathe from the chocking..But before he completely lost it, The shabby man threw him off through the air.

He fell to the floor, struggling to catch his breathe.. While the shabby looking man had Looked to his right.

His red eyes met the metal tray which was used to serve him. He slightly scoffed.

Without saying anything, he stretched out his hands towards the tray and he used telekinesis to pick it up.

With the tray flying in the air per his command, The servant had gradually staggered up to his feet while catching his breathe.

He had slowly looked to the direction of the shabby man. Slightly panting, his eyes then met the object which this man was playing with!

He was confused, His eyes glaring at the object while he struggled to comprehend what he was gonna do it.

But it all happened so fast..

The Shabby man had gotten control over the metal tray. And without thinking twice, he casted the tray towards the servant.. And the tray had moved with unthinkable speed.

It flew with the same speed with which it equally used it slashing through his right eyes.


A loud scream came from the room as the servant who lay on the floor placed both hands against his right eyes which were bleeding!

Blood was rampantly gushing out around him as he cried out loud over his destroyed eyes.

The Shabby man stood there staring at him with a broad smile. "Does it hurt?"

He asked, his voice cold, dark and yet playful!

"You crazy psycho! what did you do?! Ahh..Jeez! my eyes! It hurts like hell!" The servant cried rolling around the floor.

The man burst out into laugher with his red eyes glittering in the slightly dark room.

"Really? Am I?" He laughed as he sighed " Then I guess you are indeed in pain.. Maybe I should just end it for you..."

His smile broadened into a scarier one " I should be kind enough to bring your pain to an end!"

"You! Stay away from me!" The servant held onto his bleeding eyes as he got up and turned to leave again.

But this time, The Shabby man raised his hands..His fingers were out and sharp like the beast he acted like!

And as he looked towards the man who had managed to creep out of the door on that cold night, He quickly flew towards him outside.

His hands which housed his ruthless nails stabbed through the servants back and penetrated through it.

The servant's eyes widened in shock as he paused there, gasping as blood flooded through his mouth.

His hands slowly let go of his eyes which were hideously bleeding and damaged.

The Shabby looking man pulled his hands out of his back. Blood covering up his hands completely as he looked at the man before him.

Without any hope of living, The servant fell down to the floor bleeding endlessly.

With a Smirk, The shabby man stared at his back which was penetrated open.

"You shouldn't have come. Too bad you were a victim of Fate. My fate" He Smiled as he Causally looked around.

It was an empty area. Certainly the back side of the mansion where the young lady he killed was.

And the so-called house to this " blind beggar "

"Pathetic" The man mumbled as he thought for awhile. He had then heard a sound which obviously wasn't audible to all.

It was like a loud beep sound which caught his ears. And slowly he looked towards a direction.

His eyes were lost into the distance as he slowly gasped " I'm home"

Without hesitation, This man placed both hands behind him as he walked off towards that direction where he sensed the beep from.

And as he walked for a while, he had suddenly disappeared into thin air with red and black energy lingering around where he disappeared from.


A heavy lightening strike had descended upon the Aisle Mountain like it did every few minutes. And this time it was louder and more destructive

The lightening strike had clashed against the mountains and fell off into the forest which sat besides the mountain.

The shabby man had then appeared at this Mountain.

Dressed in his black shabby looking rag, he had both hands behind him as he stood before the entrance to a caved looking Entrance.

The area was completely covered in rocks and mystical flowers which grew on it. This was an Immortal mountain, A sacred place to the Ghost sect which was one of the prominent Immortal sects In the world.

So it was expected for it to not be normal..The presence of the mystical objects there justified it's worth

But this man didn't seem to care, he basically had his eyes on the Cave's entrance.

"I should as well take what's mine then"

He hesitated before he slowly approached to the Cave's entrance. And then getting to it, he stretched out his hands towards it's entrance.

Then followed by his frown "What's this? Why isn't it here? Where's it?"

He seemed shocked staring at the cave "I can't feel it anymore!"

"Hey! Freeze!"

Just then, He heard footsteps and voices from behind.