3: On Aisle Mountain III: Die!

"Hey! Freeze!"

The shabby man's face tightened in annoyance as he heard the sounds from behind him.

He was furious that he didn't see what he came to take.. Something that belonged to him! And now some annoying brats were after him!

"You have no right to step out from that cave!" Another voice said from behind as The shabby man Simply scoffed.

"How dare you talk to me like that? Do you even know who I am?" He smirked "I'm your worse nightmares, do you really wanna try?"

He stood there as his ears twitched, He had heard something coming his way. It was an arrow shot by one of those behind him.

"Pathetic " He mumbled to himself as his red eyes glowed.. Instantly the arrow stopped behind him.

The army behind gasped.

The shabby man stretched out his hands as then snapped his fingers. Setting red dust through his snap, The arrow was set on fire as it turned and attacked the armies

It had taken three down by piercing Through them.. Those killed off had turned into black dust and puffed off.

The rest gasped as they looked at him.

"It really is you! you ruthless monster has managed to escape!" One of them pointed out as The man smiled.

"Ruthless monster? really? I remember telling you guys that I don't like that name. It's Demon Patriarch, And if you want to say it. Say it right!"

He slowly clenched his fist as he angrily turned to look at them "Now you've succeeded in pissing me off"

The man casually stared at these soldiers.They were dressed in black uniforms with further detail labels which He was familiar with.

These were disciples of the Ghost sect. Also adding up to their equipment was their sword which was uniquely styled to them. Every sect had their unique sword.

"Who cares what your name is! It's obvious that You're a monster who deserved death a million times! And today we'll give you that!"

The man burst out into laugher "You? Kill me?! in what dream did you hear that from?!".

He had spent his time laughing as he stared at them with a cold stare now. The duality he possessed could sent chills down one's spine.

"I'll give you all a final chance. If you want to live, escape now that you have the chance. Because if I begin, there's no going back" He warned with a cold smirk.

"The audacity! Get him and send him to the Ghost Lord Valley!"

All of them instantly attacked with their swords ahead of them.

The man smiled staring at them "Pathetic"

He simply stepped back and closed his eyes. As they approached closer he simply Snapped his fingers.

The atmosphere was immediately covered up with red dust.

The whole army went blind from the blurry scene as they stopped looking around.

"What's this? What's this? I can't see anything!"

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!"


" What's that?!"

"Ah! My eyes!"

They saw swords flying through the air as it simply and brutally killed most of them.

It kept on killing and killing until one of the disciples had decided to do something. He placed both hands together and casted a spell.

The red fog automatically disappeared.

The leader there who had made the fog disappear looked around. Almost all of them were killed!

Only four were still alive but they were equally injured by the attack.

The leader had rushed to help one to his feet "Are you Okey?"

"I'm fine.. It's just my feet was crushed" He expressed in pain.

"I warned you all didn't I?"

The remaining disciples looked up to see the man floating in the sky. He had both hands behind him as usual.. With his red eyes and dark crack lines on his face.

"You.. You're so Evil! And All Evil will suffer a terrible end!" One of the hurt disciples snapped.

"Really? I think I've heard that preaching a little too much.. now it's boring" He signed as he abruptly threw a glowing red pin at the disciple who had spoken.

The pin hit at his chest and he instantly choked and fell to his death with his eyes going plain black.

"And you got boring too" The man smiled, proudly.

" You're so ruthless! You should die!" the leader angrily threw his sword at him.

His sword flew towards the shabby man..The sword which was glowing with black was flying to attack him.

But he simply caught the sword effortlessly with his hands.

He looked down at them "When will you all understand. That you're all just too weak!"

He instantly flew towards them in a flash. He was as fast as the wind that they didn't see him fly pass.

But as he passed, The rest of the injured disciples fell down to the floor, dead.

The leader was left as he looked around, shocked "No...no!"

The shabby man who was standing in the air with his sword threw it down to him " I left you alive so you could go and spread the good news. That their one and Only Demon Patriarch is back!"

"You .." Their leader was already boiling with fury" I'll kill you here and make sure I take your head with me!!"

The man had smiled at his words but suddenly he felt a sudden pinch of pain on his chest. His eyes which were red had become normal..