34: Mission at the Lord's Mansion IV

"So why have you called on me. What's the major issue you wish to solve?" Young Master Myles inquired.

"Well, It happened a few nights ago. I don't know what exactly happened because no one was there..All who went there, died. But that night, something mysterious and evil happened! I don't know who's behind it but my daughter was ruthlessly murdered and then, they made away with our son-in-law "

Lord Ang expressed "I don't know what's this evil person's aim for killing off my daughter and taking away our son-in-law, But I believe this person has something against us. so I'm afraid he might even come back"

"So..." Myles thought it through for awhile "You want me to help track down who it was and find your son-in-law for you?"

"Yes yes. That's exactly what I want. I'm afraid this person will be back soon to kill someone else, so I want him caught. And most importantly, our son-in-law. He's a very important figure in our family..We need him so we can't loose him or let Anything happen to him"

Lord Ang had expressed, looking desperate.

Young Master Myles seemed laid back as he stared at The Lord's expression. He could tell how desperate he seemed. And it was rather satisfactory.

"Oh.I see your blind and almost crippled Son-in-law is very important to you. How touching " He stared at Lord Ang carefully.

"Oh yes. Although he's blind and recently almost went crippled, we still care for him. And we're so worried about him, so we have to find him fast" Lord Ang expressed, still desperate.

"But..how can you be sure he was taken away. And even if he was taken away, How can you be so sure he hasn't been killed off?" Young Master Myles asked him.

"Well.. I know he's almost crippled, so he can't walk out can he? And I don't think there'd be a need for someone who took him away just to Kill him! He could have done it there but took him off. So I don't think he's dead. It's just my speculation, Plus I've sent my men around to find him but no news, so basically nothing happened to him yet" He expressed.

Young Master Myles Simply nodded as he enjoyed another sip of drink. "I see. Makes sense..So don't worry..You just have to provide me with the basic requirements necessary and I'll see what I can do as soon as possible " He smiled.

"But...one last question though..." He paused as he looked at Lord Ang.

Lord Ang raised an eyebrow in curiosity" Huh? what's it?"

"This all happened.. at the same night... right?" He questioned as Lord Ang nodded. He continued" And it all happened..on that same night when..the rumour about the Demon Patriarch was broken out?"

"Oh yeah! I did!" Lord Ang said " And this coincidence got me worried! I'm worried that what if those rumours are true! What if the Demon Patriarch is the culprit!"

Young Master Myles could see the fear and panic in his eyes. But Myles simply smiled it off.

"You don't have to worry about that! I doubt it's the Rumored Demon Patriarch, so don't worry" Young Master Myles assured "So sit back and relax while I go and get it done for you"

"Oh then.. Thanks a lot, I'll be looking forward to your good news then!" Lord Ang expressed as Young Master Myles got up to his feet.

"If you excuse me then, I'll be taking a quick tour at the scene "He didn't spend much time with him but turned and walked out.

As soon as Young Master Myles strolled out of the building, His guard quickly approached him

"So? Did you get any news on what you're to do? Or do you already know?" He asked.

"I already knew the mission even before coming" Young Master Myles expressed with a smile " Otherwise why would I bother making up such an existence and faking an identity" He sighed as he strolled along.

He continued" What they want is simple, Find the culprit who killed their Daugher and find their son-in-law from this culprit"

"Then do you have any clue to how to go about it both?" He expressed.

"It's simply a matter of finding the culprit, Then both goals will be achieved " Myles Stated.

"So you're going to help them like that? Do you know anything about the family or you're just doing It for fun since you're bored?"

Myles smiled at His guards question" Is it me or do you know me a bit too well..I guess you already know that I know something about them.."

Myles smiled slowly faded as he stared into thin air "The Ang Household. A household looked up to and respected for being rich and known in the business world, But mere mortals failed to see the behind the scenes.."

Young Master Myles smiled as he slowly walked ahead "No one knew how that fame is achieved..and no one will easily know why they desperately need their son-in-law back.. Because these two points are connected"