102: Under the Patriarch's Influence II

"You had Planned on taking Young Master Myles away from The Male lead and making them not to meet.. but with what you've done..how Sure are you that Myles won't head to the scene of the Crime?"

Sona Continued " I mean to say .. He's the male lead after all, and he's on a mission to find the demon. So wherever such thing appeared, he'll head off there... Don't you think so?"

Ares thought about it "Oh dear...I think I messed that up..I was mainly focused of spoiling the plot by now letting her die.. that I didn't think through that.."

Ares hesitated for awhile " But still, it's not a complete loss" He said looking at his right palm which was glowing with red power light.

"At least I enhanced my strength with someone's evil thoughts... that should help my power"