103: Under the Patriarch's Influence III

Myles had a close look at Young Master Ryu who sat there..He had hesitated a while before he brought himself to ask the questions which he was hesitant on asking.

"What happened to you?"

The question was Simply and short, yet it Seemed that Young Master Ryu understood it's context. It was pretty much Obvious that he understood what he wanted to know.

With a sigh, He ran hand through his head while trying to remember it all in details.

"Is that too hard of a question for you?" Young Master Myles had asked. "Should I ask something..."

Before he had finished his sentence, Young Master Ryu who was in thought had slightly answered the question. 

"I didn't know what was happening to me..." He had began in a uncertain tone while staring into thin air "For a moment there, I didn't know what I was doing or who I even was... it was like I was a different person who couldn't even tell who I was anymore..it was..."