Samurai Academy

After summer vacation, Nemuigawa Sai has enrolled himself in the nearest samurai academy. and the day of acceptance has arrived, Nemuigawa's first day of school there begins.

"Introducing my name is Nemuigawa Sai, I have a big dream to become the greatest Samurai in this era, so because of that, please cooperate" Nemuigawa introduced himself

The sharp glances from several students made Nemuigawa think…..

"What? was there something wrong when I introduced you earlier?"

The introductions continued until the last student introduced himself

"Introduce my name is Richitobe Izumi, I don't have big dreams yet, but I will become the greatest samurai too, I will not lose to the others"

"Richitobe huh........maybe I can get to know him"

after everyone got acquainted, the class was noisy for a while, they asked each other about their personal things like....

"Where is your house?...."

"Can we know each other?...."

"You come from a family of imperial descent? That's great!!"

"That's normal, after all there's nothing great about it" replied the boy with a smile

The bell rang, our teacher entered the class and introduced himself....

"My name is Yoshitake Manabu, starting today I am your teacher, please cooperate"

"Okay, sir," answered all the students in unison

class lasted until the sun is directly above the sky

the bell rang, and all the students left their desks and came out of their respective classes.