Fun Exercise

the sound of wooden katanas clashing was heard throughout the samurai training camp area, that's right. all the students were practicing samurai sword techniques and were guided by Mr. Yoshitake. each student must be paired with someone to practice.

"Who can I get to practice?" Nemuigawa said confused

Nemuigawa suddenly remembered something...

"what about that kid named Richitobe."

Nemuigawa looked for Richitobe everywhere until he finally found him, Richitobe was practicing alone with full observation from Mr. Yoshitake.

"Richitobe is that right? Would you like to pair up with me to practice" Nemuigawa asked

"who are you?" Richitobe was confused

"He doesn't remember me at all, not even his own classmates" thought Nemuigawa

"You don't know me yet? Alright, I'll introduce myself, my name is Nemuigawa Sai, the person who will become the greatest Samurai in this generation, please look forward to my accomplishments, hahahhaha" Nemuigawa introduced himself arrogantly.

"Oh, Nemuigawa huh, to become the greatest Samurai? My dream is the same as yours. Well, if you want to partner with me, I won't hold back" said Richitobe excitedly

Nemuigawa is happy to have made his first friend on the training camp line

"Okay, that's my intention, I won't hold back"

Their training begins, each of them performing techniques passed down from their own families..... Until in the end, Richitobe wins, Nemuigawa's wooden katana is blown away.

Nemuigawa was surprised, his hands were trembling so hard that Richitobe made Nemuigawa silent for a thousand languages, Nemuigawa's eyes looked amazed to see Richitobe who made Nemuigawa's katana flung far away.

"one more time! Richitobe!!" while picking up a new wooden katana and Nemuigawa asked excitedly

Richitobe was confused and shocked

"fine if that's what you want"

Nemuigawa has fallen again...

"Ahh, what kind of katana is this, a lot of katanas have been thrown and scattered because of my defeat" Nemuigawa thought.

"Nemuigawa, let's take a short break, you look exhausted don't you?"

"Yes, let's rest"

Nemuigawa and Richitobe drank a cup of water and looked satisfied, sweat dripping from all over their bodies, of course they were very tired. Richitobe, who coached Nemuigawa many times, and Nemuigawa, who kept asking Richitobe to train again, made the day very enjoyable for both of them.