Leon's POV
I was now heading to my meeting with Michael and my angel was also coming with me. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. "Um sir you forgot this" she said handing me my phone.
As I reached out to take it from her my hands made contact with the softest skin ever. Gosh she's like wonderland. She's full of beautiful surprises and I think I'm really in love with her or it could be a sexual attraction. Why can't can't get this straight. I'm not denying that she's like gold but it really can't be love , right? It's just too soon.
Just as we got out of the building I was attacked by a group of journalists.
"Mr Knight is it true that you have a son?"
"Is it true that the mother of your child dumped the baby on you?"
"Is the child born out of wedlock?"
"Is your illegitimate child going to.take over your business some day? Won't that ruin your image?""
I looked at the group of reporters. How could they say that. How low were they willing to talk about my son. Before I could even say anything I felt I hand on my shoulder.
"Sir its not right to urge with them now. Let the rumours settle first then I'll be sure to arrange a press conference for you to talk to them about the matter" said Amelia. I looked at her and she just smiled. I nodded and motioned for the guards to lead all the journalists out of my company.
After both Amelia and I had safely made it into the car , my convoy drove off with me thinking about one thing.
Did she just calm me down?
Amelia's POV
So first day of work. I was wearing a nude pencil skirt a black long sleeves shirt and black heels with my hair tied to a ponytail with my make up minimum just they way I liked it.
Walking into Knight Inc , all my words literally left my mouth. This place was beautifully done. Hats off to the architect.
"Hie you must be Mr Knight's new receptionist. I'm Bryden your personal guide for the day." He said handing me a cup off coffee.
And that's how I got to meet Bryden. Who told me everything down to the slightest detail about Mr Knight as well as the the rest of the company's employees.
And now here I am sitting in Mr Knight's car going to Mr South's office for a meeting there. "I'm sorry about the first day bad impressions Amelia" said a voice from behind me and the driver coughed a little. I looked at him before turning to look at Mr Knight.
"It's alright Mr Knight. Don't worry about it" I said he just looked at me and nodded. Just then my phone vibrated. It was a message from Lillian.
Lillian: You didn't tell me that you're working at Knight Inc.
Amy: How's that's important? And how did you know that thou?
Lillian: Girl the news. And how best can I explain this to you.
Amy: try me then.
Lillian: open your Google and search Nicole and Berret Knight.
I opened my Google account and my eyes literally popped out of their sockets.
Amy: Lillian , you're young Ms Knight the fashion designer.
Lillian: yes and the person you're working for is my little brother. Say hie to him will you. Xoxo
Wait if Lillian is Mr Knight's big sister that means. All that shopping we did for a baby was the same baby those journalists were talking about. Mr Knights baby. Oh my goodness. How do I do this.
I looked at the last text before turning to look at Mr Knight.
"Whats wrong Amelia?" He asked looking at me curiously. "Oh no nothings wrong" I said how do I tell him this.
"Just tell me" he said and I mistakenly made eye contact with him. Those eyes are so blue. More like ocean deep blue. You could get lost in them and never want to be found.
After I snapped out of my trace I finally said it. "Lillian says hie" I said. "W-what?" He said he also seemed to be lost. "I said your sister Lillian says hie" he looked at me for a while " how do you guys know each other?" He asked.
I told about how we met at the grocery store and how I helped her with her groceries as well as at the time at the baby shop and our lunch together.
At the end of it Mr Knight had a small smile plastered on his face.
"You know she only told me that she met a new friend who helped her with everything. " He said. "I never imagined who it could've been. So thank you for helping her" he said and I just nodded.
"Mr Knight the South Empire" said the driver as he cane to a stop. I opened my door and got out while the Driver opened Mr Knights door.
"Shall we ?" He asked looking at me and I gave him a simple nod.
Then we walked into the building. With his demeanour and posture you'd think he's the owner of the company. I just kept a straight face not threatening not welcoming either and sadly this time I didn't have time to look around but some of the sights I saw were just as beautiful as Knight Inc.
Getting to the conference room there was a man looking out of the window. "Again you made it your office." He said. "As if you've never done it a thousand times at mine" replied Mr Knight. "Because I always to get back at what you do." He replied.
"Well I'm sorry but this ain't gonna stop." Said Mr Knight before he made himself comfortable at the other end of the table. "Okay then we might as well start" said the other guy.
"Hie I'm Tyrin , Mr South's secretary" he said. "I love your shoes by the way totally works with the out fit." I smiled. "Thanks I'm Amelia." I said. "Amy it is." He said and opened his note pad.
"These guys are bestfriends. ½ of the meeting is going to be nothing but jokes and dices every now and then but please keep an out for special points." He said.
And he was right you could tell that these people were bestfriends from childhood. But in their talks and laughs they made sure to talk business and Tyrin was right. They do talk special point in between. After an hour and a half they had wrapped up everything and we were getting ready to leave.
"Call me sometime , we should really hang out." Said Tyrin. "You amaze me" he added and closed he's note pad. I just shook off whatever he said and noticed how Mr South also had the same height as Mr Knight their hair cuts and beards were exactly the same you might think that these guys are fraternal twins.
"Amelia what's next?" Asked Mr Knights. "You've emails of the international imvestors to reply to then lunch and another meeting with the HODs of every department at 3 then you'll be done with all the pending errands for today." I replied and he smiled and nodded. He looked at Mr South and the gave each other a weird but oddly nice handshake and Mr Knight walked out.
"Barrington , take the longer way to office. Amelia my laptop please , I'd like to work on those emails now" he said. I nodded and took the laptop from the laptop bag and gave it to him.
"Okay then , Amelia call the office and tell them to ready my lunch." I nodded and took out my work phone.
Oh did I mention everyone in Knight Inc had two phones including me. This phone has everyone's numbers in it. Incase like this one you use your work phone to call the cafeteria and get things done. And also this phone is strictly business.
After making all the arrangements for Mr Knight's lunch I decided to get lost preparing this week's schedule for Mr Knight after all. Everything I did was entirely for him.