Leon's POV
Getting home that day. I found Catherine preparing Milans bottles. "Good evening Leon. Milan will be waking up soon. Why don't you freshen up till then" I nodded.
"Uh one more thing. I'm having 4 more guests this evening and 1 two year old over for dinner. Could you inform the chef about the same?" She nodded and went to find the chef.
I got into my room and went to take a shower. It's much needed after everything that's happened today. The meetings and the journalists.
How exactly am I going to get past those journalists. After my shower I put on some comfortable clothes then I went downstairs.
My niece saw me.coming downstairs and she ran as fast as her baby legs could.carry her to me. "There's my baby" I said picking her up and kissing her cheeks. "You've grown so big" I said tickling her tummy and she began laughing. I had seen her 2weeks ago but I couldn't help missing her.
Gracialla was perfect for Lillian and Adam. She was like the missing piece in their life. Today she was dress up in a light blue dress with a white collar and a light blue bow. She also had white tights and black little pumps. She looked extremely cute.
"Hie Leon" said Adam as came to me. "Hie bro how you doing?" I asked. "Been alright. So where is the man of the hour" he asked.
"Right here" replied Lillian who came in holding Milan who was now wide awake. Gracialla made some noises in my arms and everyone looked at her. She had a cute frown on her face. Probably because this was the first time she saw her mother holding someone that is not her.
"My baby girl. Meet your new baby brother" said Lillian. "Say hello to Milan" she said to Gracialla. Gracialla looked at Milan before she smiled. "Hie Mimi" she said. My heart literally melted. What's going on with me. At first I thought it was just Gracialla who was melting me now its Milan and now its the both of them. God help me.
"Hie guys" said Michael who had came in hand in hand with his girlfriend Sofia. "Sorry we're late got held up a bit in traffic." He said and he greeted Adam before hugging Lillian and looking at Milan who was in her hands.
"Dang this little guy is you" he said I looked at him and smiled. "Aww someone's a dad. That's awesome" said Sofia who.was now playing with his little hands.
"Dinner is ready , everyone to the dining table. Ms Gracialla your seat is also at the dining table as well" said my butler. Everyone went to the dining table and Milan was taken by Catherine. But I still wonder why he addresses Gracialla like a fully grown woman.
"So what about the media?" Asked Lillian. "I honestly don't know. I mean I really don't know how to handle this type of paparazzi. Amelia said we have to wait a bit before we can put out an announcement which I think it's a great idea." I said.
"Yeah that's a great idea. Now let the rumours spread and we obviously have to endure them for a while then later on you'll talk to them and introduce little Milan to the big world" said Michael.
"But the worst part is that they are going to ask about the mom." I said. "That shouldn't be of concern because she literally dumped the baby on you so she shouldn't be in the picture" said Adam. "Yeah , you could just say she isn't in the picture or she wasn't ready for parenting" said Sofia. "Yeah Sof I could but I can't." I said.
"Why's that?" Asked Lillian. "That's because they already know that it's a model named Sheila so far. And if I say she isn't in the picture they may conduct an interview with her to find her point of view." I said
"Well then when they pop up about the mom tell them that it's not any of their concern then" said Adam before I could oppose Lillian spoke up "and if they try to say something along the line of you not knowing the actual.mother of your child , then give them her name and leave it like that" she said.
"Exactly" everyone said startling Gracialla causing her to drop her juice bottle. "Sorry baby" said Lillian picking up the bottle and handing it to Gracialla again.
"Okay then now since that matter has been settled. Why don't you tell everyone here about Amelia" said Michael looking at me with an evil smirk plastered on his stupid face. "Amy ? What about her" Asked Lillian looking at the both of us confused.
"Who is Amelia?" Asked Sofia. "She's Leon's Secretary a.k.a his secret crush" replied Leon. Everyone on the table was now smiling while looking at me. "Talk to us" said Lillian putting her elbows on the table and leaning forward a bit.
"Guys this is unnecessary " I complained. "Sorry but we're interested talk to us " said Sofia. What have I gotten myself into. I signed and looked at the curious faces looking at me.
Amelia's POV
I got home and found a lady standing by my door step holding a box not knowing the contents inside. She must around 50 or late 50s judging by her Grey hair and posture.
"Good evening ma'am. Can I help you?" I said. "Oh hello dear. I'm Miss Evergreen I live in the next apartment. My granddaughter Willow told me that you've moved in so I thought of bringing you a welcome present. Freshly baked muffins" she said holding up the muffins.
"Oh my goodness thank you so much. But it'll be wrong of me to take these from you. You must've been looking forward to having them yourself" I said feeling bad for the lady. "Don't worry dear. I'm a Baker I can have muffins any hour I want just take these and when ever you feel like you need a muffin I'm always next door or right across the street in my bakery" she said handing me the parcel.
"Enjoy the muffins dear." She said. "Thank you so much " I said and made sure she got into her house before I got into mine.
Her muffins smelled so great that I was tempted to take a bite. Just after taking one bite of the delicious thing I was drawn back home. They tasted exactly like my mom's.
A lone tear escaped from my eyes. It's pointless crying over someone who I know doesn't even miss me. She was the one who literally drag me out of the house. I took a deep breathe before I felt Duke rubbing himself against my legs.
I lifted him up and kissed the top of his head. "It's okay Duke. Whatever happened was bound to happen , we can't change that. Let's just try to move forward." I said.
I put some food in his bowl and some water in another before I decided on taking a shower.
For dinner I prepared mac and cheese and collapsed on my couch and decided to watch Mordern Family.
After my dinner I decided just to get a close in on the news just incase Mr Knight would ask about it. Bryden did say he has a habit of wanting to know about the news. And this time I was positive it was going to be about him.
Switching to the news channel there he was at the time we were going for a meeting a South Empire.
Wait , I didn't realise he'd put his hand on my back while leading me through the crowd. When did that even happen.
I guess I didn't even notice it.