How ironic a mall is our home base [Edit]

After I had opened the door and entered the room the others came into, after the woman I closed the door.

As Arisu, Karube,and Chota are celebrating,I look at the 2 doors and the way they are positioned.

Just when I turned to face them, Arisu saw my expression and said "Yeah,I agree something is weird" did we miss something, as we started to slowly worry and he said let's look at the drawing again.

This time Arisu goes over the rooms we have been in through.

I say there's no way I was wrong about where we came in or where we were located.

Arisu says I don't know either everything is correct but when he stopped we looked at each as we had the same idea.

Saying Chota, at the same time causing him to had jumped back from the surprise of us both saying his name at the same time.

I say the video, let us see as smoke starts to come from the floor, the women say we have no time for that.

I say we missed something, as Arisu is playing the video.

I fast-forwarded it and after a little Arisu paused it and zoomed in we saw as the high school girl opened the door and walked through.

Just before she fell we could see the wall, it didn't have a door.

The woman asks, what does that mean as the system starts to count down.

I say that means there's another room behind the Alive door and we run to the door kickin' it open.

The system gets to one, the room is set on fire as Chota barely gets out but his lower leg is on fire me, Karube uses his button up shirt to put it out.

I say we need to move it's not safe here as it's counting down again.

I tell them to come on, as we pick up Chota and run to the Dead door, as Arisu tells the woman that the Alive door is a trap, she runs to us going through the door.

The hall is now on fire as we run down the back stairs wells but being as careful as we can be with Chota going down them.

We make it to the ground, putting Chota on some boxes to sit on as the rest of us collapse on the ground saying ahhh fresh air.

I look around and say, I guess we're in an alley way with trash all over.

I see a small round table with something on it, I get up and walk towards it as the others look at me and get up, Karube helps Chota get up and follows after us.

We get to the table and see a game card on, it with the 3 of clubs our phones chimes as it lights up notifying us to look at them.

[System female voice: Congratulations you have cleared the game within it's stimulated time limit you will now be issued a visa. the days you get for your visa will be the same as the difficulty of the game so all players get 3 days]

We look at our phones and the stars light up, when the woman says you get days on your visa by playing the games and clearing them.

So if you wanna live, you have to play the games.

Just then we hear someone walking towards us and we look up to see a man in dirty clothes and is in despair.

He says, as he's looking at us I want to drop out of the games no matter how many face up cards games you clear, you will never be able to clear them all my visa ends today I wish to play no longer after a few seconds a lazer comes from the sky and goes straight through his head and his body just falls lifelessly to the ground as we all stare at his dead body.

A couple hours later..... I had decided to stick around with them for now just until I decide what to do next.

After we left the alley way we ended up at a mall and made it as our home base for the time being.

Chota had asked us to bring some electronics to him awhile ago and we did.

(Present time)

Saory, Karube went to get some food and utensils as me and Arisu stayed with Chota.

As he was looking over the electronics, I said hey Chota have you noticed what I have noticed that all these devices that work and don't.

Arisu looks at us and says what is it, Chota says Janar are you also an I.T technician.

I say, I guess you can say that and he nods his saying Arisu what Janar was saying that the things that have icu chips don't work like tv's, cars, and etc but old things like this radio that relays on batteries still work because they don't have icu chips in them.

Arisu says so why do these still work showing his phone as it turns off.

Chota says I don't know what about you Janar I say well and I flash back to when I was at the mall hearing people say that there were fireworks going.

I come back to reality and say well it could be an electro magnetic impulse attack, when sent in the air well technically the atmosphere it's capable of destroying all the electronics.

They look at me with nervous faces a few hours later... its night and we're sitting at the table listening to music, drinking, eating and Saory asks what we were doing before everyone disappeared.

Arisu says bathroom and Chota adds we were in the same stall.

Saory asks why were you all in the same stall?

Karube says what about you as a flashback happens.

She is on a bed laying on her stomach as a man is groping her boobs and f*cking her from behind calling her name.

She snaps out of it and says I was at work... work doing some paperwork when everyone disappeared. (author: yea definitely at work if you know what I mean)

What about you Janar, I say I was at a mall when everyone had disappeared.

After we were done eating the 3 of us went to a hallway me, Karube, and Arisu we stopped in front of a hardware store, leaned against the railing.

Karube what did you want to talk about I asked? He said Arisu, Janar we should go and join a game tonight.

Arisu says why, we still have 3 days left on our visa we don't have to take such a risk with our lives for now.