Let's play tag with added incentives [Edit]

I say I know where you're going with this, Karube as they look at me.

I say Arisu, what Karube is saying that we should get familiar with playing the games, so that we can know how they work and figure out what are the conditions for being that we collect cards, that mean each suite represents different attributes.

Like how we found out clubs are team based games right Karube?

He says yea, and even though we don't know what suit or its difficulty until we register we can still get used to the games and possibly find a doctor for Chota.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saory and Chota

Saory sits next to Chota, with bandages and says hey Chota do you think that they are trying to leave us behind being that they went to play another game.

Chota says no way they're just trying to help us get more info and find out how these games work.

So when all do another one together to renew mine and your visa they'll be able to guide us.

Plus if they join another game they could possibly find someone that can help treat my leg.

Saory says Chota I believe you're a good guy but think about it, in 3 days our visa will need to be renewed and say if they don't find someone to help us treat your leg, what do think will happen when we join a game.

Chota that won't happen were a team, and if they are right we will do a team card game.

Saory I just think that you have just been through a life where people just walked over you or used you, that why you have no trust.

Saory moves closer and says you're right, Chota I have but I can trust you right as she moves closer to him, to where he laying on his back as she gets on top of him and starts kissing him on the neck.

She sits up and unbuttoned her shirt, she grabs Chota hand and guides it to her boob letting him feel it as she starts kissing again.

As his hand is still on her breast, she starts to unbuttone his shirt.

After she sits back up and slowly guides his hand down towards her pussy raising her skirt with her other hand.

When his hand reaches her pussy she leans down to his ear and says now move them gently, then puts his fingers in.

He does what she says, she starts to moan...moaning as she kisses him as she takes her panties off and puts is hand back towards her pussy, he continues as her pussy gets wet, she moans more an even louder.

She starts to pull down his pants with his underwear she gets back on top of him.


Back to Janar, Karube, and Arisu

We enter the building as, Karube says this is good their a lot of people here maybe one of them is a doctor.

Arisu says, yea your right as we walk to the table grabbing a phone from, the table and going stand by the elevator.

our phones light up, and we hear a ding from our phones I look around and see a mixer of young and older participants, of both male and female.

I see a guy with a hood with part of his hair showing the color of it.

It looks silver with a mix of gray and he's charging an portable music recorder.

I continue looking, around when my eyes land on a girl with a turquoise color sport jacket with a pink sport bra and sport sweat pants stretching.

My heart feels as it flutters, as we make eyes contact she looks away when blush appears on her face.

I think she looks so adorable, when Arisu taps me bringing me out of my thoughts and says the system is about to tell us about the game.

[system in a female voice: We have 14 participants and the game starts in 20 seconds the name of the game is Tag difficulty 5 of spade avoided the tager also you have to find the symbol that his hidden in one room within 30minutes or the building will blow up]

I look around, again seeing 2 men one with a stern face and the other with a confident one, the man that has the stern face is wearing a black-t with military pants making me think he is a veteran.

Karube and Arisu say so what does the 5 of spade suite mean, I say we were right about the suites representing attributes meaning, if the clubs game we played was team based all, club games are team based.

Sense this game is a physical one, it's difficult is 5 of spade all of the spade games are physical based games.

Arisu says that right, so that means that if we were able to clear this game and make back it to Chota and Saory we can tell them about the info we have and make sure we can avoid spade games.

But then Karube joins in saying but the part where I said we will only find out the difficulty and suite after we register is true too.

So trying to avoid games that are spades will be hard and once we register we can't leave the game arena.

We go quiet as a man with a black hat, black and red pattern shirt walks up to us and says you're right.

You two know your now stuff have you played a lot of games.

He says oh, right I haven't introduced myself after seeing how Karube looked at him.

He stretches out his hand at an angle to shake one of ours and says his name is Miyabi.

Karube just looks at him and Arisu goes to speak I put my hand on his shoulder shaking my head signaling to let me ask being, that I knew what he was going to ask.

I say my name is Janar an shake his hand and say so Miyabi do you know what the other suits are and how many games you played.

He says, well I can tell you that the heart games are meant for you to betrayal or to deceive the other participants of the game as for how many games I played, our phones ding signaling for us to start looking for the symbol as the timer starts, he says I can answer the rest as we look around.

As I nod at him, I see the girl in the sport outfit look at me as her eyes sparkle, as Arisu says let go and we start walking up the stairs.