The Game has started [Edit]

As we are going up the stairs Karube asks Miyabi why he was following us.

I say Karube, he has info that can help us with the games let him finish what he was saying earlier.

Karube tiss and I say so you were saying what each suite represents.

He says right, as he gives a smug smile to Karube, I said we know the hearts suit is meant for deception/ betrayal, spades is for physical right.

Then we have the clubs suites, which is team based leaving, the diamonds which is based on being able to be lucky and your accessibility.

I say, so all the games and suits seem to test your humanity and perception of it, as we are leaving the 5th floor to go to the 6th floor we jump backwards from a sound.

That came from the 6th floor, we looked at each other and went up the first set of stairs, as we reached the top to turn the corner to next the set of steps to be on the 6 floor, a person tumbles down the stairs.

We moved back down a few steps from the surprise of the body, going back up a little to see he was shot multiple times in the mid section, we moved back again after realizing he was dead.

I go back up, to peak around the corner of the wall that separated us from the next set of stairs as Arisu, Karube does the same as Miyabi leans against the wall the railing is on.

At first we didn't see anything, the 3 of us looked at each other and then back up the stairs to see someone appearing at the top of them, with a green jacket, black shirt, camouflage jeans, a horse mask, and a machine gun turning towards us and pointing it at us.

They fire at us making me, Arisu, and Karube jump back bumping into Miyabi.

We look at each other again, Miyabi pushes us away from him and we turn to run down the stairs.

We ran down a few stair wells as Miyabi tried to push past us, as we were about to turn to go down the next flight, he pushed past us and ran down them.

When Karube and Arisu were about to follow him, I said no as I grabbed them from behind, and had them follow me, we ran down the corridor hall a little as Karube asked what are we doing.

I stopped in front of 2 gaps, that were separated by a wall and pushed Arisu and Karube, in one as I had gotten in the other one after, a few minutes the tager comes down.

He looks down the hall, before continuing down the next flight to chase after Miyabi.


A few moments later, a guy with glasses dressed in a blue button up and tan pants tries to open a door on the 1st floor, which is locked moving to the next door which is locked.

He hears yelling, and looks up to see Miyabi running towards him screaming, as he was waving is arms in the air.

The tager turns the corner after getting off the last step and shoots him.

After looking at Miyabi's body, on the ground the guys freak out, saying I can't do this I can't do this and runs to stairs leading outside of the apartment building, he passes the laser grid and is shot by a laser from the sky and falls down the stairs.


A few minutes after Miyabi, died in 3 person view

you see the floors of the Apartment building, you can see 2 guys checking doors that are 2-3 floors above me, Arisu, and Karube.

Me and Arisu are running as we check the doors on the 3rd floor, as Karube is a head of us as, you can see 2 girls running on the 2nd floor, as we hear yelling coming from it.

Come on, the girl says to the one that's trailing behind her.

(Back to first person)

Come on, Mai as the tager turns the corn as they speed walk after them.

Mai falls, and the girl that's in front of her turns around and says"what are you doing" as she gets shot blood splatters on Mai.

Mia shouts, Aya and looks back at the tagger as she's trying to crawl away, she grabs one of hers heels and throws it at the tagger as she says "get away from me, I'll kill you" turning back on to her stomach, to crawl away as the tagger, gets closer to her they reloads and shoots her in the back.


Back to Janar, Arisu, and Karube

Me, Arisu, and Karube were hiding behind a low cut wall, as we had watched the 2 girls had been killed.

I hear Karube say, Arisu if you have a plan you should say it or if not come up, with one as we were peaking over the wall.

Arisu said, why do you think I have a plan to deal with that as they were arguing as they were whispering, Arisu says why can't you come up with one.

We duck, as the tager turns in our direction thinking he saw us and is going to shoot at us.

After a few seconds, I realized he didn't see us being that the bullets never came, we peaked over the wall again to see the tagger was walking back down the hall towards the stairs.

I say, to them that he didn't see us that's his weakness, because of his mask he couldn't see us and I say guys follow me as we run I shout, hey guys if you hear me the tagger can't see well because of his mask, that's his weakness he on the 2 floor.

If anyone is around that floor you should go to the next one, also if you see him yell out letting us know where he is.

Let's work together, together to find the symbol as I was yelling this out, Karube and Arisu were panicking as they were trying to get me to stop.


(the guy in the grey outfit on the highest floor)

The guy that has on a grey shirt, , black pants, and a grey jacket with a hood says ''good plan but no one wants to help" as he leans on the low cut wall with one arm.

The girl with the turquoise jacket, pink sport bra, and black sport pant tries to open a door as she looks and runs to the low cut wall, to see the floor below and ducks saying he's on the 4th level hallway in the central building, if anyone's there get out of there.

The guy changed positions, on the wall now leaning on it with both arms and say (oh).

(Back to the girl)

She runs around the corner, to see an older woman as she stops in front of her, and motions for the lady to run away saying, get out of here as the older lady says what.

She says turns around to see the tagger turning, the corner right behind her and in front of the older women, as she says sorry.

She jumps over the low cut wall and dangles from it, as the older woman gets shot, she lets go to grab the low cut wall below her.

She grabs it, as she climbs over it, the tagger leans over the wall to shoot at her.

The guy that's on the highest floor, has watched the whole thing and says oh a climber and she's good.

(Author: gets guys please do comment in my story to let me know what you guys think and where I can improve. I'm also will start working on story that evolve Futa also so I hope you guys look forward to it)