Timer reaches 00:01[Edit]

We are running and checking doors with no luck until we hear gun shots, we duck behind the low cut wall.

The shots are being fired at us,from above our floor to around the corner, I move to the corner and Karube says Janar what are you doing.

We need to get away from here, I peak around the corner and see a guy with a black cap, blue stripe button up, grey t-shirt, and grey mechanic pants ducking be the wall in a curled up ball position.

I shout to him it's dangerous there and that he should come over to us, not getting a response.

i say hey...hey...hey but, he just keeps his curled up position as he cowers behind the wall as a rain of bullets are fired at him.

I decided to scurry against the wall, to go get him as Arisu yells to me what am I doing as I reach him I pull him with me to safety, as we reach the corner and push him around it as we start running, Karube and Arisu follow behind us running to the stairs well.

As we get to them, Karube pulls out a knife and says this guys going down.

Arisu says are you nuts, he has a machine gun and you have, what a butter knife (butter fly pocket knife) as Karube is leaning on the wall for cover.

The guy with the black t-shirt and military pants appears with his hands in his packets, and says so what the tagger is only human, he weighs around 65k and is right handed with an he's a good shot.

He's maybe exmilitary, as a guy appears behind with a fire extinguisher and says here Agony, as he takes it he hands it to Karube.

Saying let's take that guy down, looking at him with an expecting look, as he is still holding on to the fire extinguisher as Karube is holding it.

I say, these guys are somewhat reliable being that they must come from the same place since they have matching tags on, their wrist as Agony looks at his wrist then me.

Karube says why should we listen to you, I am only doing this if Arisu and Janar are in including if Arisu or especially if Janar is in, even though Arisu comes up with good ideas, Janar helps complete it and when she comes up the plan it always succeeded and makes sure it thorough.

Arisu says, he's right my ideas and plans always fall short compared to hers, and they have the highest probability to have the least amount of risk to it.

I say ok I do have a plan, as the girl in the sport outfit appears on the banister part of the low cut wall, and says so let's hear it.

Nodding I say, so here's the plan we lore the tagger to one of the higher floors and we ambush him in the hallway it's narrow and it may limit our movement but also his, and how many can go at him but it will stall him.

Plus there might also be a catch, to the symbol as one of us enters the room plus there might be another tagger.

So I want the guy with Agony to lore him to the 6th floor when he gets in the middle of the hallway I want Agony,Karube,and me to attack him as I want Arisu, and the girl to search the floors.

They knod at me, and the girl says I haven't checked the 4th and 7th.

As Arisu says we haven't checked 1st-3rd, as they were about to go off I say I'm not done with the explanation yet, and they turn around as a ding comes from our phones.

(System female voice: says 7 are dead and there's 7 minutes left).


7th floor

the guys on the 7th floor in the grey jacket, grey shirt, and black jeans plus his hood down and says well I should get going now as he walks towards the stairwell.


I say I want Agony, Karube to attack him with Agony holding his low body, as Karube tries to take the gun for him and I attack from behind, slicing his throat with the knife Karube has.

He looks at me and hands me his knife, as we split off to put my plan into action.

Arisu checks the doors on the 3rd floor, as he hears the guy that was with Agony loring him to the 6th floor.

He hides in one of the gaps on the 3rd floor, as the guy runs up the next set to the next floor.

Arisu says, where is that damn signal as he's still hiding and a flash back happens, it's of the guy getting shot at on the 5th floor, and says why would he risk shooting from so far away.

As it clicks, as he goes to the 5th floor.

The guy and the tagger finally make it to the 6th floor hallway, as the guy looks towards where Agony is hiding Agony peaks out to see them as he go back to hiding, Agony has a sad expression as he does.

The guy looks at where Agony is hiding with a realization expression as the tagger shoots him.

Agony then runs out screaming, as the tagger is reloading and turns towards Agony tackling his abdominal area, and Karube runs out towards them as he tries to take the tagger gun.

As they are wrestling, the guy elbows Agony with his left arm and then kicks Agony away.

Karube manages to get the gun from the tagger, he pulls out a machete and thrusts at Karube as dodges the first one, backing into the wall and the tagger stabbed him the second time on his side as Karube hold his arm.

Arisu heads to the door, as the guy in grey and black out is also walking towards it and says "so you realize it too uh".

Arisu says yea, this apartment has the symbol in it as Arisu opens the door slowly and they look into a dark room that is completely empty they walk in with the door closing behind them.

The guy in the grey and black outfit looks around curiously as, Arisu goes to the next door to open it.

{Author: Hey guys, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and being that I have gotten so many views of it already. I have been working on it at my main story for right now, so I hope you guys will show your support by giving some power stones and letting me know what l think of the story so far.}