Explaining the Cards suite Attributes [Edit]

After we head back to, Karube and Arisu I introduce Usagi to them and we head back to the mall so she could meet Saory and Chota.

I tell Chota and Saory about the game, what happened and how Karube has the flesh worn and that we couldn't find a doctor, but we learned what each suite attributes are and on the way here we passed an pharmacy that had Info for treating you.

So I can do it, but before I do I introduce Usagi to them as she bow to them.

Saory sitting down with Chota, gives a small smile and bow, I say as I treat your leg I will explain what the cards suit attributes are as Arisu,Karube,and Usagi grab a chair an we gather around the bed so I can treat Chota.

As I'm taking the bandages off Chota, says Janar what did you really do before you came here I ask why? he says because you know a lot and the things you do know shows, as it makes it obvious that your more then just a I.T worker.

I sigh asking, have you heard of the Multi-field leading talent agency? Arisu cuts in and says yea it's the business that leads in all aspects of the business field.

From eSports, all the way to military grade weapons and it's owned by a genius that doesn't really like to be in the press.

As he stops, he says no way as he stands up surprising everyone but me.

As I just sit there treating Chota, as a flashback of a blurry picture comes to his mind, he says it's you isn't Janar Nobunaga.

Chota asks why do you think that Arisu?

He says do you remember, that one blurry picture that took the news media by storm the one that had a female picture.

That was supposed, to be a picture of the CEO of the Multi-field leading talent agency.

He says yea in a questionable tone, as Saory cuts in and says yea everyone had thought that the person in the picture was the CEO of the business.

You only could make her eyes color, as she says it she says it is you.

Karube says how do you guys know that, that picture was blurry as fuck to make anything out.

Chota says yea, Karube is right.

Usagi says, no you are wrong you could see the color of her eyes and hair plain as day, it was black with the inside of hair dyed purple and her eyes were blue.

I sigh and say I knew, I shouldn't have let them take that picture of me but being that rumors started to go around that the owner of the business didn't exist.

It started to have hungry predators, try to run it I had to let that picture slip out.

Arisu says, so you admit that it was you and that you're the genius behind that company, leading in all fields and entertainment.

Rumors went around, saying that the owner was in there 20s to mid 40s buts it was all just guess that never stuck.

It was weird, that all of a sudden that the news of the CEO showing up, at the company was going around so you planed that event.

I say yes, you guys are right it's me I had my sister manage everything for me from the board meeting to the press without being seen.

That's why people thought it had no owner an opened opportunities for the greedy to enter.

Arisu says, know it all makes sense how you solved the games and immediately knew how to treat Chota.

Chota asks, what do you mean he says we did pass by an pharmacy but it didn't have any books about treating 3 degree burns but it had the medicine and other things we needed.

Chota asked, is he telling the truth I said yes but how did you know Arisu?

You didn't go inside with me, he says I went in after you to see if you needed help and to see if I could do something for Chota, I say I see I should of been more careful.

I say, Arisu I know what you wanna ask but I can answer that another day I need to treat Chota and explain what we learned.

About the cards, as everyone sits back down I take out the ointment and other things I will need and say I don't have everything to completely treat it but it will be enough for your everyday and the games.

He says, that will be good enough as I am grabbing the tools to remove the burnt skin, I explain what we learn about the games and the suites.

So the spades suite is meant to be for physical games being that it takes a toll on our bodies and as the clubs suites are for team base games.

We know these already right as they knod at me.

I say, since we played those games we have experienced what risk comes with them and that spades evolved going against the game master in a contest of life or death of where you find the objective or kill the game master.

As for clubs, you are meant to work as a team to clear a game within a set time if you don't, the traps in the game will kill you if you don't complete the objective within the time limit.

Thanks to Miyabi, we learned what the other suite attributes are and Saory asks who's Miyabi and Chota look as if he wants to know.

I got up, after I have removed all the dead skin and tissue from his leg and moved a pole close enough to the bed to hang the D-2 fluids.

Karube says, this guy that played the game with us and tried to push us down the stairs well as the tagger was shooting at us as he was chasing us.

Arisu says, come on now Karube it was a scary situation and switched we would have done the same as he goes quiet.

Arisu says, he died during the game and Chota ask none of you got shot right as I take out the neddle from the bag.

I say, no where all safe besides Karube getting a flesh wound and I say I will treat you after Karube, as he says ok.

I asked Chota to let me see his arm, he stretches his arm out to me, I say I'm going to give ivy fluids to help with your treatment.

After I put the needle in, he says ok.

I reached back to the bag but it was a little out of my reach, as Usagi gets up and asks what do you need I'll help you.

I say thanks I need the alcohol wipes, she says ok and grabs them for me and hands them to me as our fingers brush against each other she blushes and let's go as she looks away.

She sits next to me and I turn back to Chota to clean the area where I will put the needle in at.