Explaining the Card suites part 1 [Edit]

After I finished cleaning the area, I put the needle in as I drew back to make sure I hit the vein and I was in when I saw the blood return.

I said Usagi, can you take the iv flush and tape out and give me 2 strips, she says ok and I say where was I.

Arisu says, you just got done with explaining the clubs suites, I say right.

So that leaves the hearts and diamonds, the hearts suite means that you will have to betray and take advantage of others.

Meaning it survival to the fittest.

But what we don't know is, if it's only one person can survive or if it's team base one like clubs or spades.

It could be both, it might depend on the game.

They nod at me, Usagi has taken out the flush and ripped two strips of tape for me.

Asking me which, one I want first.

I say the tape, as I take the needle out leaving the tube and take the two strips of tape from her and say can you take the cap off the IV flush, she says ok.

After I tape it down, I continue as I take the flush from Usagi and push a little out.

So the diamonds suite is meant to test your luck and your intelligence.

I connect the flush and push it in, I asked Chota did he feel any discomfort when I pushed the flush in?

He says no it's fine, I smile and say good that means I'm in the vein.

I turn to Usagi and say can you takeout then Iv line for me, and hand it to me after she nods I turn back to Chota and take the syringe off.

Chota says, so we just have to make sure we avoid the hearts game and join the other games.

Karube says we can't do that, Chota says why not we get to pick which game arena we want to go to.

Arisu says, that may be true but we won't know the suite until we have joined the game meaning register for it.

Saory says, so that means we can't just go and join a game hoping it's a diamond, clubs, or spades game.

Usagi says, right and even if we get a diamond game that isn't necessarily good either as she handed Janar the Ive lining.

I Say right, because we don't know if that suite is a team base one or if it's a only one person survivor type game, as i connect the front part of the lining to the iv and connect it to the D-2.

Chota says, so no matter what we do where taking a gamble with the hope that we don't get the hearts gaming arena and if we do were screwed as the reality of the situation sinks in.

Saory says, sorry to add more bad news but mine and Chota visa expires in 3 days.

Chota says, that's right so what are we going to do and asks me will my leg be healed by then? I say yes but you will still need the crushes.

To help you move around, to remove the stress you would be putting on it by at least 5 days.

Usagi says, in the next game you will be a liability as I sit down, I look at her with a stern look and glare as if saying did you really just say that about our friend.

She puts her hand on my leg, and says sorry I didn't mean it like that, as a tingle sensation passes through us and she removes her hand with a slight blush.

I say so, this is the plan as I take the top off the ointments and ask Usagi to take out the antibiotics.

I say on the last day, of your visa we will enter and if we get hearts we protect Chota I think I have a way to deal with the harts suites.

When I put the ointment on my hands, Saory says how? I say the hearts may be of deceit and betrayal but it always comes with objectives.

As long as it's not, a single player survival game we can do it.

Arisu says, that's right just because it's a game meant to tear people apart doesn't mean we can't work together.

Karube says, yea that's right as long as we have each other our trust is unbreakable, but then his eyes land on Usagi as the others follow suit.

I have finished putting the ointment, on and taking the antibiotics from her as she looks at the others.

She says, if Janar thinks it will succeed I will go along with her as she sighs.

I smile giving her a kiss on the cheek as I go to administer the antibiotics.

Saying ok, guys that's enough for tonight let's go to bed it's been a long day.

I say that, after finishing up the treatment for Chota as Usagi gets up and goes to the hallway.

As everyone else says good night, to each other and they go to their sleeping spots.

To my surprise, Chota and Saory slept together after I finished.

I go to Usagi, as she's leaning against the wall next to the store I sleep in.

Noticing my presence she looks up, as I am smiling at her she says can we talk in a shy way.

Saying sure i lean against the wall with her waiting for her to say what's on her mind.

When she finally says, what do you think about girls like liking other girls? I raised an eyebrow and say it fine to me every should have their rights to love who they love.

She lifts her head, quickly and says so what do you think of me with a nervous or worried expression.

I look at her shocked, she says I don't know what it is but ever since we met at the tag game.

I have had this weird feeling, and I can't help but be drawn to you.

When I look at you my heart skips a beat, I can't deny it anymore I am in love with you.

Don't you feel that weird sensation pass through you every time we make physical contact.

I say yes I do, she says so what do you think of me do you feel the same?

{beging of R18}

As I look at her, I can still see her nervousness or her worried expression.

I lean in giving her a passionate kiss on the lips, after breaking away I see the shock expression on her face as I say.

Does that answer you, instead of answering she wraps her arms around me pulling me in for another kiss but this time she slides her tongue past my lips. Intertwining it with mines, as I wrap my hands are her wast.

I start, guiding her into the, store I'm sleeping in as we are still kissing with her walking backwards.