Hope or despair part 2 [Edit]

Usagi says, yes babe we do we turn around to see her leaning on a wall with her arms crossed as her head is down.

I say, babe I thought you went out for a jog as she pushes off the wall.

She walks to me giving me a kiss.

She sits, next to me and says so what are your replies to both of the questions Arisu asked you.

I sigh, and say I guess there's no way out of this but, remember you guys wanted this ok.

I look around to see them all in agreement.

Sighing again, I say for your first question the reason I stayed away from the public eye as the CEO as much as possible.

Is because if people knew, who I was they would try to manipulate me to do what they wanted.

Or if they couldn't get to me they would, go after my family because how I was able to take over all forms of business leading into the entertainment industry and stayed at the top.

Never being overthrown or taken and led by a land slide for more than 5 years without showing my face or have to move a finger.

That's why, when it came to doing things where I would have to show who I am, I had one of my family members do it behind the scenes without showing their faces either.

Arisu says, so that's why you finally revealed yourself when those rumors surfaced.

Because if you continued to do it that way, one of those greedy predators like you said would have been able to buy it.

As a ruse to draw you out, or they would of found your family that's been doing everything in your stead.

I nod my head, so that's why I took that gamble and took that crappy picture.

As I am about to continue, Saory cuts in and says otherwise they could have taken over with the excuse of your company not having a ceo or someone to run it.

Leading to them finding out who you are, and your family are.

I say yea, so I was able to stop the hungry predators for a moment with that stunt but now with me being here puts, my family and employees in danger of them.

As they see tears, forming in my eyes they lower their heads with sadden expressions.

Usagi hugs me, and says it will be ok we will get out of here back to our world so you can protect what's important to you.

I look at her, as I put one hand on her arm and say we will, I don't want to be without you when we get back as she smiles at me and says to me too.

Karube coughs and says so what about the other question, Arisu asked you making Usagi blush and release her hug out of embarrassment.

I smile at her, with turning serious and gloom sensing the energy I give off.

They prepare themselves for what I think.

I say, Arisu if we played heart's game and only one person survived and it was you but at the cost of us dying.

Then playing a club game, would you still be able to believe in humanity? enough to rely on those people on your team? even with all the things you experienced.

Arisu says, of course I could why would you... trialing off he puts his head down and stops talking.

Chota asks what is wrong Arisu? why did you just stop halfway through your answer.

Seeing Arisu, non-responsive and sensing the tension around the table he looked around and asked what's wrong with everyone.

Karube says, Chota do you really not get what Janar statement meant when she asked Arisu that question.

Chota says, come on what do you mean I don't understand it of course we would trust the people we have to work with to survive.

Usagi cuts, in and says Chota think about it could you work with other people even though you know we were killed by other people.

Chota says, what does that have to do with believing in humanity? those are two different things, Arisu says no there not it may seem so on the surface but deep down there not.

Chota asked what do you mean by that as he starts to get worried and scared.

Saory says, Chota you're obviously starting to put it together why won't you just accept it, you know what Janar meant by what she asked Arisu we all do.

And Chota says what does that mean exactly huh, what is there to accept there is nothing to understand or accept.

Saory says Chota stop being stupid, accept it you know what her question means and Chota says what did it mean Huh!

Usagi says, how can you still believe in humanity when you can't even believe in the people working with you to survive.

Her answer just lingers, as they take in what that means until, Arisu says can I answer you at another date? I say sure.

An ask do you guys want me to continue, it's quiet for a few moments until Karube says yea but, I also want to know what you think of the games to.

Nodding I continue, being that we are in a world where there are no rules or orders you're allowed to do whatever you want.

When you want, to whomever this world shows the worst and the good of us.

This world is like the Pandora box, but how many are able to be that light of hope and that's what I think of this world.

Seeing that they, are starting to see how this world is through how I see it, they grasp what this world brings out of us.

Those who want to accept, and stay in this world as those who want to return home.

Seeing that, they're somewhat ready to hear what I think of the games I move on.

Now for the games, I said part of this before but being that we weren't altogether I'll say it again.

I think the games are meant to be tests, of who we are as human beings.

Begin that they test our physical,mental,trust, and intelligence they are meant to show our true nature's as a person and people, making us take off our fake facados we show everyone.

{Author: hey guys I hope you are enjoying my story and are looking forward to the other chapters please put your comment on the paragraph or sentence let me know what you think and also leave you reviews}