[Edit] Executing the plan to help Saory and Chota/Starting our own refuge

I say let's, move on from this I have a plan to help both Chota and Saory they looked at me shocked but full of expectations.

I asked Chota how his leg, Chota said better but I wish I had something for the pain.

I facepalm and say sorry Chota, I forgot to give the pain medicine after I gave you the antibiotics I get up and go to the bag next to the bed grabbing, 3 bottles one is ibuprofen and the other 2 are opium base medicine.

I walk back to Chota, to take out one pill of each opium based medicine and 2 ibuprofen.

And say I took those amount out being that I didn't know, if you ever taken any opioid medicine before as I grabbed the lowest mg of both of them which is 5mg.

So you might get a little drowsiness, afterwards as I grabbed him a bottle of water after giving him the medicine to him.

He put the medicine, in his mouth and took a drink of water.

I say I should go over the plan, before the medicine kicks in going back to sit next to Usagi.

After I sit, I say guys we are going to play a game tonight and we will get Saory and Chota more days on their visa.

But I think we should go, during the midday or at night because with less people out and about I think the games will be easier, and plus with so few of people registering the games shouldn't be too hard making them be an clubs or spade suit game.

Arisu says, there is some logic to that, Karube says what do you mean how does that have any kind of logic in it.

Arisu says, think about from the first game we played till the 2 one, we played and the times we played them.

The first game we played was at night closer to midnight.

The only reason, we were there was because we were put there all of a sudden as being in a new environment no more like being new to this world.

We went along with the instructions we got from screens and went to the gaming arena.

He looks at Janar, and says I'm guessing it was the same for you too right.

She nods at him with a look that she was hiding something, but they didn't pick up on that well she hoped for that anyways as he continues.

He goes to Saory, next saying you were there to get more days on your visa because it was close to expiring, she also nods as he moves on with a little sadness in his voice.

I'm guessing that was the same, for the highschooler was there for the same reason the 4 of us where.

So putting that into account, with the Dead or Alive game.

Depending on the time of the day, the games will vary because of the lack of participants to take part.

He says Karube, do you remember the time we went to that tag game.

I join in and say we left just as the sun set, so more or less at the begin of the night time.

Karube says oh, I see what you're getting at and why you guys applied this logic being, that it was nearing the time that people usually stay at home or arrive at home they made the game to where it could thin out the amount of the other people here just like us.

Arisu nodes saying, so Janar plan can work we could get the spades which is meant for physical.

So it might be a little hard with Chota, but if we work together we can keep him safe and clear the game.

I say but there is also the chance of getting the clubs, where we can just work as a team and pull through together.

If we do I'm not saying, it won't be risky but it will be close to none begin that it's a clubs game and it depends on the time we go.

Usagi says yes, you two are right but there still is the chance of us getting the hearts or diamonds we want to avoid these if possible.

And we want the lowest chance, to get them being that we don't know the concept behind them.

Besides knowing what the attribute is for diamonds we don't know the concept of it and that hearts is a game of deceiving and betraying.

We all remain quiet and absorb what she just said as a real possible.

Saory breaks the quiet, and says but if what Janar and Arisu said is true we may have a low possibility to get them and leave together.

Chota says yea, but if Janar and Arisu think that the game revolves around this kind of mechanism it can't hurt to try when he leans his head into his hand.

Saory wraps her arms, around him and asks are you ok.

He says yea, but Janar was right those meds really do make you drowsy.

I say let's get some rest, and Chota I will change your D-2 and give you some antibiotics.

So when we plan to leave you will be ready as

Karube helps him by supporting him with Saory pulling the pole.

Before I get up Arisu says, Janar do you think Chota will really be able to play the games right now.

I say I have to examine him, more but from what I did yesterday and how he looks now yes.

He can but even without the crutches his mobility is limited.

So we have to avoid any physical based games, like the spades or risk making him worse but for him to fully recover we don't have the time for it.

Arisu says, so this is the only choice we have looking down with fear in his eyes.

I say listen we can, keep him safe plus with what we just planned with what we had realized about the games.

Even if they are not 100% accurate, we still have more than a chance to avoid the hearts and diamonds.

As I walked over to him, as he was still sitting I put my hand on his shoulder and said it's a 50-50 of us getting either the spades or the clubs.

If we went between mid-afternoon and night time the scale could swing anyway after those times.

So all we have to do is keep ourselves safe inorder to help keep Chota safe.

I pat his shoulder as he nods, to me and I walk away as Usagi is getting up to follow me.

(Meanwhile Saory was hiding behind, one of the shelves and left when she noticed we were heading in here direction.)

When me and Usagi reach Chota, Saory is already back with them and sitting beside him as he's laying down and Karube is making sure to keep his leg warm.

I walk to the bag by the bed where, Karube is and I grab the D-2 and hand it to Usagi saying can you connect this to Chota's Iv line, you remember how I did it last night right.

She nods and takes the bag of fluids, and goes to the pole to do it.

Karube makes room for me, as I was moving towards Chota's arm that had the Iv in it to administer the antibiotics.

But this time I was doing it manually because I wanted to talk, as I was near Chota arm with the Iv.

I uncapped the antibiotics and pushed out some air in it to connect it to one of the lines connected.

I say Saory, you and Chota have been like two peas and pod since the 4 of us got back from our little tag game.

Trying to make sure the mood stays, light as Usagi sits next to me begin that she finished hooking up the fluids and her and Karube looks at them.

She says, Chota we have some very good friends that are willing to risk their lives for us.

Usagi goes to react, I put my free hand on top of hers and she looks at me seeing the gaze in my eyes, she lets it go.

I say hey Chota, with a smile as I push a little more of the antibiotic in.

Have you ever seen a friend, that is jealous and has self esteem problems so they follow their boyfriend when she sees him.

Saory says, as she knows where I'm going with this. Well it's better to be a cautious kitty that's a step head of the game rather than a lionesses without her claws.

Smiling at each other, that seems innocent at first glance but you see hint of malice and tension growing between us.