Joker part 1[Edit]

A guy walks up to us, and says you know your stuff about 70s and 80s transportation.

We turned to see, the person that had made the comment.

He says my name is Takashi, and I couldn't help but over here you little comment and that you're having a friend stay behind.

He tilts his over enough to see Chota's leg, and say so you have an injured friend too.

As some eles get off the bus, he says this is Seizan and we have an injured man too, his name is Takuma.

I say so, I guess you 3 are a team because there is no way an injured person would come to a game by themselves.

(Flash back happens)

As I was looking around, then I did see a man in the back of the bus with them that had wrapping on his ankle.

(Flash back ends)

Seizan says yea we cleared, 4 games together so since then we just stayed together.

Takashi says well if.... I say my name is Janar, he says right.

Janar has a pretty interesting idea that this bus might actually be the goal.

Seizan says Oh? really now that does sound interesting mind on deliberating more on why you think that.

As I go to open, my mouth Karube grabs my shoulder and whispers so only our group can hear.

If you're right about this begin the goal, and being connected to the objective do you really think that it's a good idea to tell them.

Chishiya says, he right do you really want to trust them.

Usagi says whatever you think is best, we'll go with as the others beside Agony nod at me.

I say yea either way it goes we don't know what it is the true goal.

As I turn back towards them I ask why should I tell you though? as say it not that I wouldn't tell you but I want to know why you think I would have. He says the reason I think this has potential is because 0 can be seen as a double edge sword.

I say so if you think that why would you think I would tell you what you already know.

Takashi says your really interesting, you really don't trust us do you?

I don't answer and say the more people the better the odds even if you do betray us we out number you.

So we can work together, letting Arisu speak knowing he was going to add something.

Arisu says That's Right! 0 can be marked as the beginning or the end of anything.

I say right now it's too, risky to rule out this possibility and that's why I want Chota to stay behind.


[system female voice: you have 01:50:00 seconds remaining.]

I say Chota, we don't have much time we need your decision now.

As the rest turn to him, waiting for his reply that can otherwise save or doom us.

Thinking about it, he says I will trust your decision and head onto the bus.

I say thanks, Chota and head off with the others behind me.

(At 01:01:20)

I see a rest area, ahead also I see a few people lingering.

Seizan says, it looks like they prepare drinks for us as we go to the table with water bottles.

When we reach the table, with water bottles someone among the people, that were there before us takes a drink.

As they do, I go and grab a bottle but before I do Usagi grabs my hand.

I look towards Usagi, seeing a terrified expression on her face.

I looked to see, where she was looking where she was my face went pale.

I saw that the people, that were drinking from the water bottles before us on the ground with blood coming out of their ears,nose, eyes, and mouth.

As their body violently shakes, to see a group of people get shot down by lasers as we hear Ding!

[System female voice: Tampering with games mechanics and what is provided by the game shall end in immediately death.

Here are new beverages, as the old table is moved out the way by the sliding floor.

A new one replaces it, due to interference you now have lost 10minutes time is now 0:51:20]

I say guys, this is bad with the other participants noticing too.

They abandoned the idea of stopping to get a drink and keep running.

We don't have time to argue, if you're going to grab a water bottle grab it otherwise let's go.

I go off first, with Usagi right behind me as the other grabs a water bottle and follows after us.

As we were running, I looked at our distance 6000 and the time is 00:40:00.

I noticed it's getting dark, and I stopped between some cars.

The others run past me, but Usagi stops when she notices that I wasn't running anymore making the others do the same.

Seizan says what's wrong, why did you stop running we don't have time.

I say there is something here, I don't know what it is but I feel a lot of blood lust.

Seizan says I don't see anything, as he was moving towards a gap between cars we see him get snatched away with a blink of an eye.

Then screams follow, AHHH AHHHHH HELP ME HELP AHHH.

Usagi had gone to see, what it was and froze when she saw what it was.

I ran to her, and grab her seeing a panther pulling him away.

I say run everyone now! snapping out of their trance and running.

We hear screams all around us, we see people hiding under cars some in them.

As I'm running with Usagi, behind me a panther shows up in front of me.

I say Usagi we have a problem, as she says what she turns to look past me and stopped moving.

As it moves toward us slowly, me and Usagi move back slowly.

I feel a car door handle, and I say when I count down from 3 run the other way she says ok.

I start counting down 3...2... as I'm at two, Usagi is ready to run just as I say 1.... the panther launches at us, hitting the car door.

Usagi is now behind a truck, as the panther jumps up on top of the neighboring car roof forcing me into the car that I had opened the door from.

I try to close the door, but it has its head between the door and the car as I'm trying to pull it closed.

As the panther is trying to force it's way in.

Usagi opens the drive side door, and says my Janar!

She looks in the car for anything that can help me, finding a flare in front of the passenger seat.

She lights it as she puts it in the panther face.

Giving me the time to close the door, to get out on the other side for us to get away.

(After the panther incident)

After getting away from the panther, we stopped by a white truck.

I ask if everyone is ok? as I look to see that we have everyone except for Seizan.

I say I'm sorry Takashi, that we couldn't save Seizan in time.

He says you warned us, it's not your fault that he didn't listen to you as he leans on the hood of the truck and bangs on it.

Dammit Seizan why, didn't you just listen.

I take out my phone, and look at the time and distances we have.

I say guys come have a look, they come over to me and see the distance is 8000 and time is 00:32:00.

Arisu says well your theory, might be right Janar as I nod.

I look around seeing the motorcycle on the trunk of the truck.

I say guys this might be, the objective for this stage because motorcycles like these that are made like these ones have V8 engines.

Looking at the body of it, it seems like one that was made in the 70s.

Takash gets on the truck, and looks at the motorcycle.

He says you right as he shakes it and it has gas in it motorcycles like these made back then only took diesel.

Agony says so what, we don't have time to get back to the bus.

I say I'll go back, and I'll be able to pick up Chota and Takuma and meet you guys.

Usagi says it's dangerous, to go on your own as she intertwines her hands with mines.

I give her a quick kiss, on the lips and say we can't risk losing to many of us.

I was the one that asked him to stay behind.

If I don't go back, to get him what kind of a person would I be.