Joker part 2 [Edit]

Usagi looks at me worriedly, but knows that she can't stop me so she gives me a kiss.

And says if you don't make it back in time you won't be the only one who doesn't.

Before I can say anything, she runs off with the others behind her but they look at me one more time before they also leave, well everyone else does but Agony.

I got the motorcycle off, the trunk of the truck and start pushing it back to Chota and Takuma.

(A Few moments later)

I reached the area, where we were attacked by the panthers.

As I pass through, I see multiple disfigured bodies on the ground along with 2 panthers bodies.

As I reach the end I see Seizan body.

With the panther that killed him, I stared at them for awhile thinking about somethings before moving on. As I was i also checked the time, it was now 00:22:25 and the distances was 6000.

Don't worry Chota, I'm coming to get you and Takuma so just hang on for a little longer ok.

(Usagi and the others)

Arisu says, Karube do you think Usagi is ok? ever since we separated from Janar she hadn't said a word.

Do you think she'll make it, back to Chota and Takuma.

I mean I know we planned, that we would do the objective even though it was optional.

Because Janar, thought the bus could be the real goal.

Karube says you idiot, look at the time and distances even if we did make the plan do you think it matters now.

Chishiya says he's right, we made that plan under the assumption thinking that we would have more time to do both.

But we didn't expect us, to have our time reduced because of idiots wanting to eliminate the competition, making us have to take the penalty for their actions.

Karube says, so with only 00:22:25 as our time and with us running over 8500 distances.

Do you think that Janar, will have time to catch up with us even with the bus.

So do you think that Usagi, is ok even after knowing what the chances are of Janar coming back to us.

The best bet, is that we pray that she was right about the bus and we were wrong.

Because otherwise, Janar has just killed herself because of her decision to have Chota stay behind and no one knows that better than Usagi.

(Chota and Takuma)

Chota says there is only, 00:16:00 left I hope the others made it to the goal.

Why do you think that they lose time like that, that has never happened in any other game right? Takuma.

Takuma says right, this is the first time I've ever seen that happen or heard of it.

The game did say something, about other players interfering with the game or something like that. you think, that some people tried to do something to other participants or something happened that frightened the other participants.

Into trying to do something that wasn't allowed within the game.

Chota says I hope everyone is ok, if that's the case Takuma says I'm sure, they are Takashi and Seizan will make sure they're safe.

Chota...Chota, Takuma says did you hear someone call your name.

Chota says no I didn't hear anything, why did you?

Chota...Chota, Takuma says see there it is again.

As they move to a window to see, who's calling Chota name as they see a figure in the distance.

When Chota can make out who it is calling him, him and Takuma get off the bus.


I can finally see the bus, in the distance as I get closer I start to yell out Chota name.

Chota...Chota I guess, I'm still a little too far away for him to hear me.

I ran a little closer, with the motorcycle and I wobbled a little as I do.

Because I hurt my leg, and I think I might have dislocated my left arm.

Trying to get away, from that panther that attacked me by surprise.

Closer to the bus, I call out to Chota again Chota Chota!

I see him and one other, get off the bus and I guess that is Takuma.

Once I see them, I collapse to the ground with the motorcycle as they run up to me.

Chota tries to run to me, the best he can once they reach me he lifts me up in his arms.

As he looks at me worriedly, he asks what happened to you Janar? are you ok with tears in his eyes.

Takuma says she's severely injured, if she doesn't get treated soon she'll.

I say we have no time for that, listen the motorcycle has gas in it.

Take the gas from the motorcycle and put it in the bus saying it weakly.

So we can meet the others, before it's too late Usagi has probably noticed the hints I left her.

We only have 00:12:00, Takuma says ok as he takes me on the bus and Chota puts the gas in the bus.

(Back to Usagi and the others)

Arisu sits next to Karube, and says I guess they won't make it in time.

He looks over to Usagi, with her head down and has her hands clasped together supporting her forehead.

Karube says, you don't know that she probably made it back to them and she is on her way back.

Chishiya says with 6 minutes left that's asking a lot of your friend, I don't how she managed to get you guys this far.

Saory cuts in and says what do you know, about Janar huh? if she says she's going to do something she does it and nothing stops her.

She goes to Usagi, and says it's going to be ok think about it would Janar do anything without a chance of it having a chance to succeed.

Usagi looks at her, and says your right with how smart she is there is no way.....

Saory says Usagi what is it, what did you realize that's when Usagi shot up.

Usagi says guys we need to, get away from here now it's not safe.

As the other 5 participants come over, to see what all the commotion is about.

Usagi says guys, if you wanna live trust me we need to get away from here.

As Usagi is about to turn, Saory grabs her making her face her along with Karube, Arisu and the others.

She says you realized, something just a little awhile ago what was it tell us.

Otherwise we won't know, why we need to leave it's safe here this is the goal.

Usagi says fine if you guys wanna, stay here and die with the other 5 participants.

Go ahead I don't have time, to explain it to you as she slaps Saory hands away and turns away saying so the others can hear her.

But not the other participants, if you trust Janar then follow me before Saory could ask anything she left. Saory says knowing Usagi and Janar, Usagi probably caught a clue that Janar left for her.

Saory says guys let's go, if she says we need to go we need to go.

Arisu says yea based, on her behavior she noticed something and it could be important.

Karube says then what are we waiting for, let's get going as he leaves first with the rest following him.

Chishiya while lagging behind with Agony, he asked him so what do you think of them.

Agony gives him the side eye, but answers it's obvious that Janar is the one that leads them and has the most potential.

If possible we should, try and get her to the beach.

With or without her friends, we should try to keep her alive.

Chishiya says wow, it seems like you don't care if her friends die your cruel Agony.

In Chishiya thoughts he says, if we do bring her back to the beach the power will shift.

If I want her, on my side keeping her friends alive would be the way to do it.

Chishiya sees that, the others had stopped making him and Agony join them.

Saory says Usagi, why did you come back to the truck why did you stop here?

What did you realize, back at the end of the tunnel.

Usagi pulls out her phone and sees the time, it says 00:3:50.

She says if Janar, really made it to Chota and Takuma.

And was able to put, the gas in the truck at the time she left and how long it would take her without any disturbances.

With the bus, the furthest she would get before the time ran out is here.

You guys remember, how she kept on talking about the 70s and V8 engines.

Takashi says yea what about it, why should that stand out? that she kept talking about them we already knew that only V8 engines and anything without Icu chips work.

Arisu says the gas only works with the, 70 transportation that takes diesel and there couldn't have been too much gas in that motorcycle.

{Author: Hey guys like I said in the first chapter, I don't know much about cars so idk if only 70s and 80s transportation take diesel.}

Usagi says right, so she will only be able to make it back to here by the bus.

She says, Arisu you remember when you said she was right about the 0 thing begin a double edge thing.

The realization starts to show, on Arisu's face as he catches on to what she means.

He says you mean, that Janar completely believed that the bus was the goal the whole time.

But couldn't risk it, if she was wrong and if she was it would put the rest of us in danger.

Saory falls to her knees, saying Janar why...why couldn't you just tell us? you didn't know if you were wrong or not.

Karube kicks the truck, putting a dent in it saying Damnit Janar Damnit!

You idiot, you could have talked to us about it you didn't have to take this risk alone.

After he's done beating up, the innocent truck he goes to Usagi and asks do you think this was her plan all along.

Usagi says I can only guess, with how determined she got after we made it to this truck.

I guess it only strengthened her assumption but she, that's when Takashi cuts in leaning, against the truck with a picture saying.

If she was wrong, we would all be doomed or that it wouldn't be enough time for all of us to make it back so she went with the ladder.

Of the two and told us to go ahead.

You guys really do have a good friend/leader, I don't know if I could have made that decision.

As Takashi was finishing, we heard screams and saw the other 5 participants running towards us.

Karube asks what's going on? why are they running from where the tunnel is sealed.

Chishiya says shh, you hear that at first it's quiet until they hear a sound of something roaring coming towards them.

Chishiya says that's not good, we need to run as he was walking away backwards.

Usagi says we know why, it was sealed off as they turn to run.

Karube says nooo Shit, as a massive amount of water crashed against the tunnel wall chasing them.