Joker part 3 [Edit]

(Janar, Chota,and Takuma)

Janar is laying down, in the front row of seats on the bus She asks guys if they hear screaming.

Chota who stands next to Takuma, says yea I hear it too.

Takuma says well were almost at the distance, you told us that the others will be waiting at so we'll see soon enough if people are screaming.

Just as he turned, the corner he slammed on the brakes.

I almost rolled out, the seats and heard people banging on the door.

Takuma opens the door, and people rush on to the bus and he asks one of the people getting on.

He says what is going on, and why is everyone running away from the goal.

The person says, that wasn't the goal there's a massive wave heading in our direction.

Seeing he was the last person, he closes the door and as he was about to back up, Chota grabs his hand and says what are you doing.

He says you heard them, a massive wave of water is coming in our direction we need to get away from here.

As they were arguing they heard someone say to open the doors, hurry as Chota and Takuma looked up to see the others.

He opens the doors, to the bus and lets them on as Usagi rushes on to the bus.

He closes the door again and back up heading back towards the way we came.

Usagi looks around, when she doesn't see me she says where is Janar.

Chota says Janar, is in the front row laying on the front row chairs.

She turns around, and when she sees me laying down with my eyes closed, holding my arm and seeing my leg injured she runs to me, and falls to her knees.

She says Janar, Janar what's wrong with you why are you not answering me.

She shakes me with tears, in her eyes and says Janar, Janar you can't be.

Chishiya comes over, and says let me have a look at her.

He checks my arm, and my leg as he says that her arm is dislocated, and the claw mark has hit a vein.

If we don't treat her soon she will bleed out.

Usagi looks as if all the color, has been drained from her body and she says how? how did this happen.

Karube says Takuma drive faster, we need to get to a pharmacy.

So we can get what we need to treat her.

When Takuma is about to answer, he sees the massive wave coming into view.

Karube says GO! Takuma as he steps on the gas, and makes the bus accelerate having the bus jerk do to the sudden acceleration.

Karube says Takuma, can't you go faster it's going to catch up to us.

Takuma says where almost there, were almost there just a little further.

Karube says what are you talking about, where nowhere near the entrance.

Takuma says I'm not talking about the entrance, on the way to meet you guys me and Chota notice one of the side tunnels was opened.

Chota says that's right, if we make it there we will be safe.

Karube says so what are you waiting for, then go faster or it's going to catch us.

Janar needs to be treated, if we don't get her help she will.

Takuma says I'm going as fast as I can, this bus can only go so fast.

Chishiya says does anyone have Ibuprofen, she's developing a fever.

Chota limps over to Chishiya, and says here she made me bring some with me.

As Usagi hurriedly, took out her water bottle from her pouch and gave it to Chishiya.

Usagi gently opens, Janar's mouth as he puts the medicine in her mouth and pours the water into her mouth.

Just as the wave was, about to swallow us he made a sharp turn.

Usagi and Chishiya held down, Janar so she wouldn't roll out the seats.

The tunnel seals itself, stopping the wave from following them that's when a Ding is heard.

( system female voice: You have cleared the first stage of the game and that the next stage of the game has been prepared. There will be a simple first aid kits and other things there that they would need and all participants must take part or their Life will be forfeit and the game will continue.)

Usagi says there's no way, that Janar will be able to take part in the next stage in this state.

Arisu says it's like the system is saying, in order for us to live we have to sacrifice Janar.

There may be simple first aid treatment at the last stage but.

Before he continues, Usagi goes up to him and grabs him by his shirt.

And says you want to abandon, Janar when she was the reason that we breathe right now.

You could see the rage in her eyes as she was looking at him you could, also see them say.

We are not sacrificing, her that's not even an option don't you dare bring that up again.

Karube gently put his hand, on her arm gesturing her to release him.

She lets go, and walks back to Janar as you see the tenderness in her eyes.

Karube says Usagi, Arisu isn't saying that we are going to but without us knowing, what the next stage is.

It will be very hard to know what to expect going forward.

Agony says we'll see, what is in store for us at the last stage.

(30 minutes later)

Takuma pulls up to a dome-like building, with a lot of nature in it.

When he opens the doors, Usagi rushes to the building to get the first aid kit.

Being that Janar's condition, had gotten worse she was faring the worst that Janar would die before the stage started.

Chishiya carries, Janar inside the building as everyone else slowly starts to go in.

After he's in the building, he lays her down in front of the table and Usagi brings the first kit.

Chishiya opens the first aid kit, and says we are going to focus on stopping the bleeding first, that in her leg and then fix her dislocated arm.

He puts on some gloves, and takes out the scissors and cuts the part of her pants around the claw mark.

He cleans the area around it, and then stitches the inside moving onto stitching the surface.

He takes the gloves off, and says Usagi hold Janar so I can relocate her arm and make sure you hold her securely but gently.

Usagi picks her up, her upper half holding her gently and positions her to where she is able to hold her securely yet gently making sure she's comfortable as she is holding her.

Chishiya says I'm sorry Janar, I am doing this without giving you any pain meds first but after I will.

He gets himself close and positioned as he grabs her arm saying Usagi you're ready.

Usagi nods and says I got her, just do it don't worry about her ok.

He just looks at her, and positioning himself one more time and says Janar this might hurt.

Once he relocated her shoulder, you hear a loud crack sound followed by a loud scream.

AHHH AHH! As Janar starts to breathe rapidly Usagi lays her back down and Chishiya grabs, the pain medicine taking out two pills.

Usagi hands him, her water bottle again and he gives the medicine to Janar.

followed by the water after they see her pain lessen they go to the others.

Chota asks how Janar is? will she be ok?

Chishiya says she's ok, for now she's stable and that all she needs is rest.

Chota says that's good to hear, at least she is no longer in danger.

Arisu says but where not out of the woods yet, that's when the system can be heard.

(System female voice: Part 2 of the joker stage and the final stage game name Werewolf.

There are 17 participants, there are 2 werewolves and the rest of the participants are sheep's.

The goal is to avoid the werewolves and if there are more werewolf's compared to sheep's the werewolf's wins.

But if there were more sheeps to werewolf's they would win.

There are different kinds, of weapons and you have your vr helmets.

That comes with screens inside and shows the info of the person you look at.

Look to the screen for examples of how it work.

They look at the screen and it shows a werewolf and a sheep.

It shows that, when you look at a werewolf you are turned to their side.

But also you can kill the werewolf, when it comes after you but the werewolf can do the same and the screen goes white with a time saying the game starts in 30 seconds.)